Popular in english


pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

popular = folkloristic ; popular ; demotic ; folksy ; homespun ; folkloric ; grassroots [grass-roots] ; high selling. 

Example: The cult of information forms the catalyst for a discussion of the ways in which information has acquired folkloristic status as the major way in which people look at the world.Example: Although the fifteenth edition met with some success, it was not generally popular = Although the fifteenth edition met with some success, it was not generally popular.Example: Without language, the basic and demotic tool, no one would have a chance.Example: The best path, the film implies, is a middle way, combining worldliness with a folksy morality, one that respects family and individual alike.Example: The author chronicles the exuberant stories, hyperbole, homespun speech and demigod characteristics of American 'tall tales'.Example: Such recordings often originate in field work and are ethnomusicological, ethnolinguistic or folkloric in content.Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.Example: Many high selling products eventually see a drop in sales and eventual discontinuation, usually after being superseded by a superior product.


» acción popularclass actionclass action suit [Denuncia judicial que se lleva a cabo por parte de todo un colectivo] .

Example: The misuse of class actions poses a significant threat in today's business world.

Example: Until this library patron brought a successful taxpayers' class-action suit against the local government it had been giving its library about half the amount later received.

» aceptación popularvogue .

Example: Although presently seen as an exclusive possession of white tradition, square dancing has also had its vogue among blacks.

» al contrario de l creencia popularcontrary to popular belief .

Example: Contrary to popular belief still held by some, no accompanying service support was provided by Carnegie for the institution behind these monumental facades.

» a petición popularby popular demand .

Example: The usual tactic of marketing departments is to insist that a show has come 'back by popular demand'.

» arte popularfolk artpopular art .

Example: The author discusses the abstract style and patterns of Norwegian folk art, especially weaving, embroidery, and wood carving.

Example: Thus, bric-a-brac is of interest to those concerned with popular art and material culture (presumably it will be of interest to archaeologists in the future).

» biblioteca popularpopular library .

Example: By the end of the 70s, the concept of the popular library, providing services geared to the real needs of the community, began to emerge as an alternative to the public library.

» canción popularpopular song .

Example: Barnes uses a combination of spirituals, popular and protest songs that were adapted to introduce, review, or heighten students' interest in the 1950s and 1960s.

» captar la imaginación popularcatch + the popular imagination .

Example: In addition, no other scientist has caught the popular imagination like the tousle-haired Einstein.

» capturar la imaginación popularcatch + the popular imagination .

Example: In addition, no other scientist has caught the popular imagination like the tousle-haired Einstein.

» costumbre popularfolkway .

Example: Breaking or questioning a folkway does not cause severe punishment, but may cause the person to be laughed at, frowned upon, or scolded.

» creencia popularurban legendpopular belief .

Example: Every day, Internet users are pelted with spam, hoaxes, urban legends, and scams - in other words, untrustworthy data.

Example: In popular belief the human being who went to live with a mermaid or a merman lost his or her soul and became as one of these.

» cultura popularpublic culturepop culturepopular culture .

Example: Libraries as vital institutions of public culture are currently facing a crisis cum challenge.

Example: Some pop culture may be creative enough to warrant serious consideration on quality grounds.

Example: Their work constitutes a new art movement, drawing on, and straddling divisions between, pop art, performing arts, popular culture, and fashion.

» de acuerdo con la sabiduría popularaccording to folklore .

Example: According to folklore, natural aphrodisiacs may help to raise libido and increase desire = De acuerdo con la sabiduría popular, los afrodisíacos naturales pueden ayudar a aumentar la libido y el deseo.

» de base populargrassroots [grass-roots] .

Example: For a year or two, any wholesome grass-roots group, aiming at anything from wholemeal bread to revolution, would tap one public agency or another.

» dejar de ser popularoutlive + Posesivo + popularityfade from + popularity .

Example: Library materials may be discarded when they are in poor physical condition, beyond repair and unfit for binding, or when the text is out-of-date or superseded by a new edition, or when they have outlived their popularity.

Example: Variety shows began to fade from popularity in the early 1970s, when research began to show that variety shows appealed to an older audience that was less appealing to advertisers.

» demanda popularpublic demand .

Example: Baby boomers are desperately trying to hold onto their salad days -- plastic surgery, vitamins and drugs like Viagra have spiked in public demand.

» democracia popularpopular democracy .

Example: It is also commonly believed that the origins of the public library movement testify to the power of popular democracy in this country.

» dicho popularsayingfamiliar sayingsawold sayingwise sayingpopular saying .

Example: 'Practice makes perfect' is a saying that can be applied to reading = "La práctica hace al maestro" es un refrán que se puede aplicar a la lectura.

Example: As the familiar saying goes, 'From the sublime to the ridiculous is but a step'.

Example: And his life confirms the famous old saw: No man is a prophet in his own land.

Example: Chapters include drinking and moonshine, courting, old cures and remedies, fishing and hunting, plus a chapter of pithy quotes and old sayings.

Example: Stories range from one-sentence statements we call jokes and wise sayings, through gossip to the most profound and complicated structures we call novels and poems and plays.

Example: The popular saying 'Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves' is as true of personal habits as of money .

» hacer popularpopularise [popularize, -USA] .

Example: The information explosion has created a demand for analysing, organising and disseminating information and has popularised the subject approach to information.

» hacerse popularcatch onbecome + popular .

Example: These new technologies are advancing rapidly in Japan and are likely to catch on quickly in other countries.

Example: As soon as Tintin started to become popular, after the war, the idea of taking his adventures to the big screen came up.

» impopularunpopular .

Example: The Research Library Council must be prepared to make unpopular recommendations.

» la sabiduría popular dice que...Folk wisdom has it that... .

Example: Folk wisdom has it that everyone has a doppelganger; somewhere out there there's a perfect duplicate of you, with your mother's eyes, your father's nose and that annoying mole you've always meant to have removed.

» lista de más populareschart .

Example: Radio Mirchi continues to top the daily listenership charts in Delhi, and is also ahead of the pack in Kolkata, the company said in a statement.

» literatura popularpopular literature .

Example: The history and proper study of popular literature generally dates only from the middle of the nineteenth century and the founding father of the discipline was Charles Nisard.

» marca más populartop brand .

Example: The world's top brands were started by normal people with extraordinary determination.

» masa popularmass audience .

Example: Wilensky has argued that 'the good, the mediocre and the trashy are becoming fused in one massive middle mush' and that 'intellectuals are increasingly tempted to play to mass audiences'.

» mito popularpopular mythurban legendfolk myth .

Example: It became a popular myth because people love to hear about experts being confounded by simple common sense.

Example: Every day, Internet users are pelted with spam, hoaxes, urban legends, and scams - in other words, untrustworthy data.

Example: To determine whether 'folk myths' regarding the relationships of penile size to body height and foot size have any basis, 63 virile men were studied.

» mundo de la música popular, elTin Pan Alley .

Example: The 1920s and 1930s have come to stand out as the golden age of the Tin Pan Alley song.

» música popularpopular music .

Example: A survey of music librarians was carried out to investigate the role of the Institute of popular music, UK, as a source of information on popular music.

» muy popularwidely-readhighly popular .

Example: This on-line full text data base covers widely-read magazines and periodicals in the field of computers, electronics and telecommunications.

Example: Romantic novelists have a quality of imagination which is creative in this extraordinarily limited yet highly popular field.

» narración popularfolk story .

Example: The whole question of the language used in folk stories and the qualities to look for is studied at length by Elizabeth Cook.

» organismo de base populargrassroots organisation .

Example: The most significant response has been the growth in every town of a widening range of citizen action groups -- consumer groups, parent-teacher associations and branches of CASE, Shelter groups, Civic Trust groups, tenants' and residents' associations and many other kinds of 'grass roots' organisation.

» protesta popularstreet protest .

Example: The Chinese seem to have gone off their rocker with the recent street protests against revisions of Japanese schoolbooks.

» remedio popularfolk remedy .

Example: Indeed, for many centuries, liniments have been the cornerstone of folk remedies.

» República Popular ChinaChinese People's Republic .

Example: This article reviews some of the current developments in copyright law in the European Communities, Spain, Singapore, Korea, Chinese People's Republic, Taiwan, Australia and Canada.

» República Popular China, LaPeople's Republic of China, The .

Example: The People's Republic of China has taken a giant leap toward modernisation of its medical ibraries and information centres.

» República Popular Democrática de Corea, laPeople's Democratic Republic of Korea, the .

Example: This international centre pools together efforts of Bulgaria, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, the People's Democratic Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Rumania, the USSR and Vietnam in developing national information industries.

» sabiduría popular, lafolk wisdom .

Example: Since time immemorial folk wisdom has been an integral part of Indian culture.

» según la sabiduría popular...Folk wisdom has it that... .

Example: Folk wisdom has it that everyone has a doppelganger; somewhere out there there's a perfect duplicate of you, with your mother's eyes, your father's nose and that annoying mole you've always meant to have removed.

» ser muy popularhave + mass appeal .

Example: The romantic novel or the thriller have mass appeal.

» ser popularfind + favourbe popular in appealattain + appealbe popular .

Example: Thus Dewey' policy of integrity of numbers has found great favour.

Example: Ticknor's belief in the library's potential as one means of inhibiting the chances of unscrupulous politicians who would lead the ignorant astray explains his insistence that the public library be as popular in appeal as possible.

Example: The good novelist is therefore an author with a wide appeal but this wide appeal is not attained, or even sought, through a dilution of quality; it is simply that this type of writer has a different sort of skill.

Example: The arrangement of two rotors side by side was never very popular.

» ser popular entrebe popular with .

Example: Adventure is the most popular genre with primary school boys.

» voto popular, elpopular vote, the .

Example: Let's not squabble about the fact that Bush actually eked out a razor-thin victory in the popular vote.

Popular synonyms

general in spanish: general, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun pop in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑp part of speech: noun, verb, adjective common in spanish: común, pronunciation: kɑmən part of speech: adjective hot in spanish: caliente, pronunciation: hɑt part of speech: adjective plain in spanish: llanura, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun favorite in spanish: favorito, pronunciation: feɪvɜrɪt part of speech: adjective, noun favourite in spanish: favorito, pronunciation: feɪvɜrɪt part of speech: adjective, noun fashionable in spanish: de moda, pronunciation: fæʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective democratic in spanish: democrático, pronunciation: deməkrætɪk part of speech: adjective touristy in spanish: turístico, pronunciation: tʊrɪsti part of speech: adjective touristed in spanish: turista, pronunciation: tʊrɪstɪd part of speech: adjective nonclassical in spanish: no clasico, pronunciation: nɑnklæsɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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