Ponente in english


pronunciation: spikɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

ponente = speaker ; presenter. 

Example: The audience interaction with the speakers at all three meetings has been painstakingly transcribed and edited.Example: The problem of inadequate citation of conference papers can usually be traced back to authors of papers or books who cite conference papers they have heard or read by somewhat laconic statements of the name of the author/presenter of the paper.


» debate entre ponentespanel discussionpanel debate .

Example: The workshop consisted of an inaugural function, a series of lectures, a panel discussion and a valedictory function.

Example: The confeence offers a variety of activities, such as workshops, tutorials, panel debates etc.

» ponente invitadoinvited speaker .

Example: Most events are 1 day seminars following a standard format of formal presentations from a number of invited speakers.

Ponente synonyms

talker in spanish: hablador, pronunciation: tɔkɜr part of speech: noun loudspeaker in spanish: altoparlante, pronunciation: laʊdspikɜr part of speech: noun speaker unit in spanish: unidad de altavoz, pronunciation: spikɜrjunət part of speech: noun speaker system in spanish: sistema de altavoces, pronunciation: spikɜrsɪstəm part of speech: noun loudspeaker system in spanish: sistema de altavoces, pronunciation: laʊdspikɜrsɪstəm part of speech: noun
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