Ponencia in english


pronunciation: prezənteɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

ponencia = communication ; conference paper ; contribution ; paper. 

Example: Notes, short communications, an article giving a popular treatment and editorials are less likely to carry an abstract.Example: The bibliographic data bases allow the searcher to retrieve references to work that has appeared in documents such as journal articles, conference papers, books, dissertations, patents and technical reports.Example: This is a contribution to a thematic issue on microcomputers in UK government libraries.Example: In particular, a data base may be concerned to list separately individual periodical articles and single papers in conference proceedings.


» convocatoria de presentación de ponenciascall for papers .

Example: Its 2 objectives are described: the creation and distribution of a newsletter of upcoming meetings and calls for papers; and the organisation of a workshop on writing articles for publication.

» leer una ponenciaread + a paper .

Example: Authors of scientific articles often read a paper that fails to cite their prior work when they feel that it should have done so.

» ponencia dada por invitado especialkey paper .

Example: Here is a key paper by a non librarian which opens up a new and constructive approach to library purpose.

» ponencia de la sesión plenariaplenary paper .

Example: I am aware as I begin this plenary paper that members of the library profession that are drawn to this presentation are most likely interested in the issues for managing indigenous information.

» ponencia invitadainvited talk .

Example: There will be three invited talks, to be given by leading scientists who will present work and thoughts on different aspects of natural language.

» ponencia principalkeynote paperkeynote presentation .

Example: This article is based on a keynote paper presented at seminar on information policy, planning and research.

Example: Where available keynote presentations and abstracts are available in PDF format.

» presentar una ponenciagive + a paperread + a paper .

Example: One of the first major papers was probably that by M. Beckman entitled 'Library Buildings' which she gave to the 1982 IFLA Conference in Montreal.

Example: Authors of scientific articles often read a paper that fails to cite their prior work when they feel that it should have done so.

Ponencia synonyms

display in spanish: monitor, pronunciation: dɪspleɪ part of speech: noun, verb introduction in spanish: Introducción, pronunciation: ɪntrədʌkʃən part of speech: noun demonstration in spanish: demostración, pronunciation: demənstreɪʃən part of speech: noun intro in spanish: introducción, pronunciation: ɪntroʊ part of speech: noun presentment in spanish: presentación, pronunciation: prizentmənt part of speech: noun
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