Pomposo in english


pronunciation: pɑmpəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pomposo = pompous ; hyfoluted ; ostentatious ; portentous. 

Example: She wanted to say: 'You are a conceited, obstinate, inflexible, manipulative, pompous, close-minded, insensitive, abrasive, opinionated, platitudinous oaf!'.Example: I can believe that changing the logo broke some hyfoluted view ofthe library.Example: Then came the time when ostentatious opulence was replaced with a subtler, but no less striking design style.Example: He is described in the play as a "rather portentous man in his middle fifties but rather provincial in his speech'.

Pomposo synonyms

pretentious in spanish: pretencioso, pronunciation: pritenʃəs part of speech: adjective portentous in spanish: portentoso, pronunciation: pɔrtentəs part of speech: adjective grandiloquent in spanish: grandilocuente, pronunciation: grændɪləkwənt part of speech: adjective overblown in spanish: marchito, pronunciation: oʊvɜrbloʊn part of speech: adjective pontifical in spanish: pontifical, pronunciation: pɑntɪfəkəl part of speech: adjective
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