Pomposidad in english


pronunciation: pɑmpɑsɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

pomposidad = pomposity ; bombast. 

Example: In summary, when we get beyond all the pomposity and techno-babble that dominates discourse on our topic, we can see real problems and real issues.Example: He is a man of few words being always difficult to get anything out of him at all and when he does speak it is with a total lack of bombast.

Pomposidad synonyms

ostentation in spanish: ostentación, pronunciation: ɔstenteɪʃən part of speech: noun pretentiousness in spanish: pretensión, pronunciation: pritenʃiəs part of speech: noun splashiness in spanish: salpicadura, pronunciation: splæʃinəs part of speech: noun pompousness in spanish: pompa, pronunciation: pɑmpəsnəs part of speech: noun ostentatiousness in spanish: ostentación, pronunciation: ɑstənteɪʃəsnəs part of speech: noun
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