Pompa in english


pronunciation: pɑmp part of speech: noun
In gestures

pompa1 = bubble. 

Example: A bubble is a minute cylindrical magnetic domain, (basically a small magnet) held in a thin film of magnetic material.


» hacer una pompablow + a bubble .

Example: An example of a bald man joke would be: Are you really that bald or is your neck just blowing a bubble?.

pompa2 = pomp ; glitz ; dazz ; pomposity ; ostentation. 

Example: However, the pomp and ostentation of the annual meeting, first called Council, then General Conference (alias Congress), which attracts growing numbers of professionals, leads to IFLA taking on a mythical or ritualistic aspect where appearances replace content.Example: The author suggests that 'unmasking' technology - looking beyond its glitz and power - should begin with an honest assessment of 3 essential components: librarians' attitudes, users' attitudes, and librarians' values.Example: The article 'Glitz, biz, and dazz' encourages closer cooperation within the library profession and linkage to allied fields in business, industry and politics.Example: In summary, when we get beyond all the pomposity and techno-babble that dominates discourse on our topic, we can see real problems and real issues.Example: However, the pomp and ostentation of the annual meeting, first called Council, then General Conference (alias Congress), which attracts growing numbers of professionals, leads to IFLA taking on a mythical or ritualistic aspect where appearances replace content.


» con mucha pompaceremoniously .

Example: He was ceremoniously sworn in as Secretary of State at the White House, with his wife.

» director de pompas fúnebresundertaker  ; funeral directormortician  .

Example: Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.

Example: Families need compassionate counseling and practical advice during times of grief, and funeral directors provide these services.

Example: The need to replace morticians who retire or leave the occupation will account for even more job openings than employment growth.

» pompa ceremoniosaceremonial pomp .

Example: It's its decrepitude as much as its ceremonial pomp that makes this cemetery interesting to me.

» pompas fúnebresfuneral service .

Example: Funeral services always raise profound questions about the meaning of life and death.

Pompa synonyms

eclat in spanish: brillo, pronunciation: eklət part of speech: noun
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