Político in english


pronunciation: pɑlətɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

político1 = politician ; public official ; elected official ; policy maker [policy-maker/policymaker] ; pol. 

Example: Ticknor's belief in the library's potential as one means of inhibiting the chances of unscrupulous politicians who would lead the ignorant astray explains his insistence that the public library be as popular in appeal as possible.Example: Some public officials treat public documents as personal property.Example: The author argues that the elected officials should allocate adequate funding for the educative process.Example: The library can offer well-informed service to policy-makers, analysts, students, the media and political groups.Example: Too many pols would rather perpetuate the bank insurance fraud then do the hard work of ending the scam with real leadership.


» político de la oposiciónopposition politician .

Example: Hold-ups and thefts in the sector are on the rise, according to interviews with around 40 people, including oil workers, opposition politicians, and people who live near oil installation.

» político sin escrúpulosshyster  .

Example: When loss of physical and mental rigor is accompanied by financial problems, the retiree may reject himself and fall victim to the con man and shyster.

político2 = political. 

Example: The majority of the CC Space isolate schedules consist of political divisions of the world.


» actividad políticapolitical activity .

Example: What American libraries mean by advocacy is a far less 'political' activity than its British counterpart.

» acumen políticopolitical acumen .

Example: Political will and political acumen can also make a difference in what legislators and governors accomplish in the contest between the two contending branches.

» agenda políticapolitical agenda .

Example: It has become far too easy for charlatans and bigots to harness religion to their own political agenda.

» agitación políticapolitical upheavalpolitical turmoil .

Example: These voluntary groups attempt to influence decision makers and are an outgrowth of the political and social upheaval of the 1960s.

Example: During the political turmoil of this century Hungarians have not had the conditions for economic success.

» agitador políticopolitical agitator .

Example: After reading the report you could easily imagine that every single resident in this community is either a gangster, whore, drug-peddler, millionaire, or political agitator, and possibly all these things at once.

» agudeza políticapolitical acumen .

Example: Political will and political acumen can also make a difference in what legislators and governors accomplish in the contest between the two contending branches.

» ambición políticapolitical ambition .

Example: Weaving together the stories of three generations of women this novel is a patchwork of love, jealousy and human frailty set against a backdrop of war and political ambition.

» analista políticopolitical commentatorpolitical analyst .

Example: Political commentators should stop baying for Blair's blood and take an honest look at the good he has achieved in office.

Example: To me, there seems to be two different kinds of political analysts -- the ones who work for political parties and those who are also journalists.

» aparato políticomachine politics .

Example: Until Groome appeared, city officials were chosen not so much for their ability to administer the affairs of their offices as for who they knew; hence, old-style machine politics with its accompanying corruption found a congenial atmosphere in which to operate.

» ardid políticopolitical stunt .

Example: The Pakistan government's decision last week to block pornographic web sites is more a political stunt than an effort to purify society.

» arenga políticarabble-rousing speech .

Example: An increasingly embattled Moamer Kadhafi has tried to rally his supporters with a rabble-rousing speech in which he called for them to fight on.

» asesinato políticopolitical killing .

Example: The author explains the devastation that affected libraries and archives during the war, genocide and political killings that befell Rwanda 1990-94.

» asesor políticopolitical adviser .

Example: At first he was a close political advisor to Charles II, although he later fell out of favour and was forced into exile.

» asilo políticopolitical asylum .

Example: Argentina has granted political asylum to a former Chilean guerrilla fighter charged in his country with assassinating a senator.

» asociación políticapolitical body .

Example: Through collective barganining, political bodies can influence the appointments of individuals or the disbursal of funds within the library.

» brazo políticopolitical arm .

Example: This allowed the political arm to take on the sacral aura of the religious.

» campaña políticapolitical campaign .

Example: Events such as the bloody confrontation in Tiananmen Square, political campaigns, military conflicts and other such events are becoming everyday occurrences that hourly revise global affairs and exert their influence on local circumstances.

» caricaturista políticopolitical cartoonist .

Example: Low was possibly the most celebrated political cartoonist of the 20th century, best remembered for the way he mercilessly ridiculed Hitler and Mussolini in a humorous vein.

» carrera políticapolitical career .

Example: The library was greatly expanded in the late 1650s to accommodate the needs of the scholars and men of letters attached to Fouquet and to add lustre to his political career.

» caza de brujas políticapolitical witch-hunt .

Example: Where practically everyone is, or has, been on the take, the prosecution of some and not others can always be viewed as a political witch-hunt.

» ciencias políticaspolitical science .

Example: Yet, in these tables there is no way of knowing what financial turnover political science and economy achieved.

» cientista políticopolitical scientist .

Example: The result is that many political scientists have lost heart.

» círculo políticopolitical coterie .

Example: Power will, therefore, continue to be controlled by political coteries.

» clase políticapolitical class .

Example: Our political class yaps and squeals but is incapable of rational thought.

» clima políticopolitical climate .

Example: The author explains why the destabilizing process of marketing is so crucial for libraries in the present political climate of the USA.

» coalición políticacoalition politicspolitical coalition .

Example: The sharing of spoils of office has become one of the mainstays of coalition politics.

Example: Political scientists have long been interested in the formation and the maintenance of political coalitions.

» comentarista políticopolitical commentator .

Example: Political commentators should stop baying for Blair's blood and take an honest look at the good he has achieved in office.

» cometer un suicidio políticocommit + political suicide .

Example: It needs a politician to start the ball rolling, and none of them will commit political suicide by doing it.

» comisario políticocommissar .

Example: The article is entitled 'Soviet information science: the medium, the message, and the commissar= El artículo se titula "La documentación soviética: el medio, el mensaje y el comisario político'.

» conflicto políticopolitical conflict .

Example: The author describes the use made of interlending services in Yugoslavia, a country with a high level of political conflict and national diversity.

» consejero políticopolitical adviser .

Example: At first he was a close political advisor to Charles II, although he later fell out of favour and was forced into exile.

» contexto políticopolitical context .

Example: The author explores the cultural and political contexts of efforts to reform Australian libraries in the wake of the Munn-Pitt report of 1935.

» controversia políticapolitical controversy .

Example: The article 'Running a massage parlor: a librarian's memoir about censorship' examines with humour and pathos the fight of librarians against censors over obscenities, sexual freedom and political controversies.

» conveniencia políticapolitical expediency .

Example: Somehow the separation of church and state that was one of the founding principles of this country was chucked for the sake of political expediency.

» convicción políticapolitical persuasion .

Example: Often the majority group in these councils is of the left, but the approach to obtaining finance has been bi-partisan and pragmatic, with groups of every political persuasion avidly pursuing Community money.

» corrección políticapolitical correctness .

Example: It is political incorrectness, not political correctness, that has brought harm to this nation.

» corresponsal políticopolitical reporterpolitical correspondent .

Example: No sooner had he announced his retirement than political reporters began bandying names of 'viable' Democratic candidates .

Example: But the basic idea is clear: To have a political correspondent whose first priority is the Web.

» crisis políticapolitical crisis .

Example: Following the failure of David Cameron's flying visit to Belfast last week, Northern Ireland is once again looking into the abyss of a political crisis.

» cuerpo político, elbody politic, the .

Example: He calls for librarians to call for a dialogue with the body politic to discuss their concerns about the impact of the Act on libraries.

» cuestión políticapolitical issue .

Example: In this highly politicized environment the problem appears to be primarily a legal and political issue.

» debate políticopolitical discussionpolitical debate .

Example: The national ethos is much more egalitarian than it was and more and more appeals can successfully be made to the argument of equality in political discussion.

Example: This new new report will re-ignite political debate over whether governments should do more to encourage family values.

» de dos partidos políticosbipartisan [bi-partisan] .

Example: Often the majority group in these councils is of the left, but the approach to obtaining finance has been bi-partisan and pragmatic, with groups of every political persuasion avidly pursuing Community money.

» derechos políticospolitical rights .

Example: Access to information is a fundamental right of citizenship, in fact, the fourth right, following in the footsteps of civil rights, political rights and social rights.

» descontento políticopolitical unrest .

Example: The rigours of the climate and the effects of war and political unrest have ravaged the cultural heritage..

» desde el punto de vista políticopolitically .

Example: But the building plans were nearly jeopardised several times in a politically charged atmosphere that led to a tax-payer revolt in California.

» deseo políticopolitical will .

Example: Political will and political acumen can also make a difference in what legislators and governors accomplish in the contest between the two contending branches.

» dinastía políticapolitical dynasty .

Example: Although the Kennedys were the most famous Western political dynasty, the Bush election is the second instance in American history of a father-son presidency.

» discurso políticopolitical discoursepolitical speechspin .

Example: His use of religious and political discourse during the presidential campaign reaffirmed people's faith in America and served as a source of identification with evangelicals and religionists.

Example: Whilst political speech enjoys the highest possible protection under the First Amendment to the US Constitution, 'speech' concerning child pornography and obscenity is allowed none.

Example: The spin sold to the world by the Arabs is that they were one nation in their homeland 'from time immemorial'.

» disentir políticopolitical dissent .

Example: The title of the work is slightly misleading: the focus of its key chapters is more on labor policy than on industrial unrest and political dissent.

» disidente políticopolitical dissident .

Example: There is no proper mechanism for complaining about abuses, and there may be inadequate protection for political dissidents.

» disturbios políticospolitical unrest .

Example: The rigours of the climate and the effects of war and political unrest have ravaged the cultural heritage..

» división políticapolitical division .

Example: Sectarian clashes arise from political divisions.

» elección políticapolitical election .

Example: The article 'Political elections: the library role' argues that librarians have a responsibility to collect and make known political information = El artículo "Las elecciones políticas: el papel de la biblioteca" propone que los bibliotecarios tienen la responsabilidad de recoger y hacer pública información política.

» élite política, lapolitical elite, the .

Example: A recent study of the political elite in Iran reveals that the upper circles have very little in common with the masses, in terms of family background, life-style, language, educational experience, & cultural values.

» escándalo políticopolitical scandal .

Example: This is political intrigue and scandal to rival the Fall of the Roman Empire.

» espectro político, elpolitical spectrum, the .

Example: If the truth be told, both sides of the political spectrum suffer from those who operate on emotions rather than logic.

» estabilidad políticapolitical stability .

Example: Political stability can be defined as the state of peace that is experienced in a country, thanks to the activities of the government.

» experiencia políticapolitical experience .

Example: She hates being described as a war-horse next to Kelly the filly, but she has had 20 more years of political experience.

» factores políticospolitical forces .

Example: The author describes and analyses the political forces surrounding public library legislation in England and Wales.

» figura políticapolitical figure .

Example: Material has also been received from Congressman Madden (the central political figure in the area).

» filiación políticapolitical allegiancepolitical affiliation .

Example: Results suggest that party political allegiance does produce some differences of opinion.

Example: Libraries have the responsibility to serve all of the members of their communities, regardless of age, race, nationality, religion, culture, political affiliation, physical or other disabilities, gender or sexual orientation, or any other status.

» filosofía políticapolitical philosophy .

Example: Political philosophy is the study of how we can and how we ought to live together.

» fuerza políticapolitical force .

Example: And also until Groome appeared, newcomers were a nullity as an active political force, exerting little influence in city affairs.

» grupo políticopolitical group .

Example: The library can offer well-informed service to policy-makers, analysts, students, the media and political groups.

» ideología políticapolitical ideologypolitical belief .

Example: Thoroughly revised and updated, this third edition provides a comprehensive account of the major political ideologies of the past two centuries.

Example: In Western democracies, the free expression and exchange of ideas and information is a cornerstone of political belief.

» impacto políticopolitical impact .

Example: This volume comprises a cosily iconoclastic set of essays about the death of Diana, the princess of Wales; her funeral; and its political impact.

» imparcialidad políticapolitical impartiality .

Example: Political impartiality enables successive governments to have confidence in the public sector.

» incorrección políticapolitical incorrectness .

Example: It is political incorrectness, not political correctness, that has brought harm to this nation.

» inestabilidad políticapolitical instability .

Example: The ending of the war did not, in the circumstances of political instability, end the need for secrecy and security in the transfer of information.

» influencia políticapolitical influencepolitical clout .

Example: Librarians need to exert more political influence.

Example: Even sympathetic librarians may not have the political clout to force their local government to mandate minority business set-asides.

» injerencia políticapolitical meddling .

Example: Political meddling is a real threat to free speech.

» insurrección políticapolitical uprising .

Example: Since the political uprising, the East Jerusalem Public Library has been fulfilling a triple mission as a public library, a school library and a a college library.

» intriga políticapolitical intrigue .

Example: This is political intrigue and scandal to rival the Fall of the Roman Empire .

» líder políticopolitical leader .

Example: This article urges librarians to fight to eradicate the negative image they have in the eyes of the public, municipal officials and political leaders.

» malestar políticopolitical unrest .

Example: The rigours of the climate and the effects of war and political unrest have ravaged the cultural heritage..

» manifiesto políticopolitical manifesto .

Example: After two weeks of negotiations, the new, incoming coalition government presented its political manifesto Monday evening.

» maniobra políticapolitical move .

Example: In ancient Rome the position of soothsayer was well respected, and, like the augur, he was usually consulted by the emperor before any major political or military move was made.

» maraña políticapolitical thicket .

Example: Obama, who tries to steer clear of the political thicket of race and politics, accepted the apology and said he wanted to close the book on the episode.

» militante políticopolitically activepolitical activist .

Example: Web surfers are more politically active than the general population.

Example: This is the best way for intellectuals and political activists to connect with the aspirations of the masses.

» mitin políticopolitical rally .

Example: Zimbabwean police banned all political rallies Friday as the nation's political crisis deepened.

» movimiento políticopolitical movement .

Example: The political movements of the 19th century that used public libraries and reading rooms as camouflage are described.

» partición políticapolitical partition .

Example: The book 'Warpaths' seeks to show that most twentieth-century political partitions could have been avoided.

» partido políticopolitical party .

Example: This article gives details of the archive collections of a political party library including deposits and bequests, the picture archive, the collection of banners, the film and video archive, and sound recordings = Este artículo da detalles de las archivos de una biblioteca de un partido político incluyendo depósitos y legados, el archivo fotográfico, la colección de pancartas, la filmoteca y las grabaciones sonoras.

» personaje políticopolitical figure .

Example: Material has also been received from Congressman Madden (the central political figure in the area).

» perspicacia políticapolitical acumen .

Example: Political will and political acumen can also make a difference in what legislators and governors accomplish in the contest between the two contending branches.

» pluralismo políticopolitical pluralism .

Example: This article explores the factors contributing to the emergence of political pluralism and the status of press freedom in Taiwan.

» político-económicopolitico-economic .

Example: This article discusses the consequences of politico-economic change during the last decade and the impact of new technology on the library.

» político-históricopolitico-historical .

Example: The article 'Beginnings of information service activities in Finland and their politico-historical background' describes the birth of documentation or information services for Finnish science, technology and industry in the 30s and 40s.

» presión políticapolitical pressure .

Example: These types of newspapers are more critical because they are more likely to be insulated from local political pressures.

» preso políticopolitical prisoner .

Example: Data was gathered from recollections of political prisoners published in the West.

» primo políticocousin by marriagePosesivo + wife's cousinPosesivo + husband's cousin .

Example: If you had a super hot cousin by marriage, would you bone her?.

Example: My wife's cousin used to visit us every summer for about a month.

Example: You are fully responsible for starting the affair with your husband's cousin.

» prisionero políticopolitical prisoner .

Example: Data was gathered from recollections of political prisoners published in the West.

» propaganda políticapolitical propagandapropaganda .

Example: The Wolfsonian contains the country's largest collection of twentieth-century German, Italian, and United States political propaganda.

Example: Propaganda ensured that the people only got to know what their governments wanted them to know.

» rectitud políticapolitical correctness .

Example: It is political incorrectness, not political correctness, that has brought harm to this nation.

» reforma políticapolitical reform .

Example: The political reforms set in motion after the lifting of the 38 year long martial law in 1987 in Taiwan have breathed a new life into the island's press.

» refugiado políticopolitical refugeeasylum seeker .

Example: The man principally responsible for that volume was the Italian radical and political refugee Antonio Panizzi, later Sir Anthony Panizzi.

Example: The Red Cross then established and ran a library for the about 500 asylum seekers who were interned on the ship awaiting police interviewing.

» régimen políticopolitical regime .

Example: But liberal political regimes and democracies, ceteris paribus, have on average 30% lower infant mortality than the least free regimes.

» reo políticopolitical prisoner .

Example: Data was gathered from recollections of political prisoners published in the West.

» reportero políticopolitical reporterpolitical correspondent .

Example: No sooner had he announced his retirement than political reporters began bandying names of 'viable' Democratic candidates .

Example: But the basic idea is clear: To have a political correspondent whose first priority is the Web.

» retórica políticapolitical rhetoric .

Example: His political rhetoric on religion, finance, and peace allowed working men to be brought within the pale of the constitution.

» revolución políticapolitical revolution .

Example: Godwin argues that insincerity is the most stubborn obstacle to social reform and political revolution in the widest sense.

» riesgo políticopolitical risk .

Example: The article is entitled 'Political risk: sources that assess or advise on risks in foreign country business or investment'.

» rollo políticospin .

Example: The spin sold to the world by the Arabs is that they were one nation in their homeland 'from time immemorial'.

» sátira políticapolitical satire .

Example: The author uses animal characters to portray political and social satire.

» signo políticopolitical persuasion .

Example: Often the majority group in these councils is of the left, but the approach to obtaining finance has been bi-partisan and pragmatic, with groups of every political persuasion avidly pursuing Community money.

» sistema políticopolitical system .

Example: Access to information is also an important element in the working of social and political systems = El acceso a la información es también un elemento importante del funcionamiento de los sistemas sociales y políticos.

» situación políticapolitical scene .

Example: A great number of these publications were significantly influenced by the political scene in their respective homelands.

» sobrina políticaniece by marriagePosesivo + wife's niecePosesivo + husband's niece .

Example: The two victims involved in the case are Hogan's own daughter and his niece by marriage.

Example: My wonderful wife's niece, Amber, has been missing since Friday.

Example: We just found out my husband's niece and her husband are expecting a baby.

» sobrino políticoPosesivo + wife's nephewPosesivo + husband's nephewnephew by marriage .

Example: My wife's nephew popped by yesterday and drank us out of apple juice.

Example: All of sudden, the door opened and my husband's nephew who is 19 ran out of the door really upset.

Example: Charles Shloss, a nephew by marriage of Daniel Guggenheim, committed suicide here yesterday afternoon by drinking carbolic acid.

» solución políticapolitical solution .

Example: He praised highly the attempts of the Yugoslav leadership to find a political solution to the conflict.

» status quo políticopolitical status-quo .

Example: This interpretation turns Dewey's social critique on its head by re-enforcing the political status-quo.

» subversión políticasubversive actionpolitically subversive action .

Example: Subversive action is a fact of life for all political organisations.

Example: The growth of the Internet in China from the mid 1990s onwards has been accompanied by the assumption that a large proportion of Chinese Internet users are interested in politically subversive action.

» suicidio políticopolitical suicide .

Example: He divides suicides into those motivated by philosophic attitudes toward continuing an existence that is painful, political suicides, and sentimental or romantic suicides.

» tecnológicopolíticotechno-political .

Example: The author briefly discusses the loaded techno-political issue of micro-informatics technology transfer, and how an international effort could assist in this respect.

» tecnopolíticotechno-political .

Example: The author briefly discusses the loaded techno-political issue of micro-informatics technology transfer, and how an international effort could assist in this respect.

» tema de aprovechamiento políticopolitical football .

Example: The issue of elderly care is in danger of becoming a political football as parties are now openly battling it out to prove they have the most effective solution to the problem.

» tensión políticapolitical tension .

Example: The continuing political tension in Pakistan undermines the government's ability to tackle the country's multiple crises.

» tía políticaPosesivo + wife's auntPosesivo + husband's auntaunt by marriage .

Example: For the past 4 months my wife's aunt has been fighting a malignant tumor in her brain.

Example: My late husband's aunt died and left a will with him named as one of 5 people to inherit her assets.

Example: My mother inherited some money from her recently deceased aunt by marriage.

» tío políticoPosesivo + wife's uncleuncle by marriage .

Example: My wife's uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this year.

Example: Police believe she ran away with her uncle by marriage.

» tomar las decisiones políticasset + the political agenda .

Example: In America, grey power is setting the political agenda.

» transición políticapolitical transition .

Example: With the current political transitions in Europe, the relocation of national, regional, and ethnic archives is once again a timely issue.

» unión políticapolitical union .

Example: By the time the first Italian parliament was formed in 1861, Italy was more than ready for political union.

» valor políticopolitical value .

Example: Librarians must resist attempts to impose social and political values on libraries and uphold the idea of intellectual freedom.

» ventaja políticapolitical advantage .

Example: This article explores the social and political advantages of a good public library = Este artículo explora las ventajas políticas y sociales de una buena biblioteca pública.

» violencia políticapolitical violence .

Example: Particularly useful for nerve-frayed residents of a country where manic partying often overlaps with political violence.

» voluntad políticapolitical will .

Example: Political will and political acumen can also make a difference in what legislators and governors accomplish in the contest between the two contending branches.

Político synonyms

pol in spanish: pol, pronunciation: pɔl part of speech: noun politico in spanish: politico, pronunciation: pəlɪtɪkoʊ part of speech: noun political leader in spanish: líder político, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəllidɜr part of speech: noun
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