Pólvora in english


pronunciation: gʌnpaʊdɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pólvora = gunpowder ; powder. 

Example: Cai's works, many of which prominently feature gunpowder, emphasize the cosmic laws of opposition between creation and destruction, yin and yang.Example: If Anderson was short of food, he was also short of powder and fuses.


» barril de pólvoratinder box [Sentido figurado]powder keg .

Example: The nineteenth century was, quite rightly, fearful of any system of spreading knowledge which might spark the tinder box of unrest.

Example: Nietzsche is shown as a degenerative matchstick instead of the explosive powder keg he fancied himself to be.

» como la pólvoralike wildfire .

Example: Distance learning is sweeping through higher education like wildfire, and it is simultaneously capturing the interests of libraries and librarians.

» como un reguero de pólvoralike wildfire .

Example: Distance learning is sweeping through higher education like wildfire, and it is simultaneously capturing the interests of libraries and librarians.

» con la pólvora mojadabe out of luck .

Example: But in a lot of Seattle neighborhoods, a kid looking for a wading pool to cool off in is out of luck.

» descubrir la pólvorareinvent + the wheel .

Example: This article calls for all concerned to stop reinventing the wheel of automation and to work together to improve it.

» extenderse como un reguero de pólvoraspread like + wildfire .

Example: The story has spread like wildfire across the blogosphere.

» inventar la pólvorareinvent + the wheel .

Example: This article calls for all concerned to stop reinventing the wheel of automation and to work together to improve it.

» pólvora negrablack powder .

Example: A single dose of black powder is enough to power a single shot from most one-handed and two-handed firearms, while 10 doses are required to fire a cannon.

» propagarse como un reguero de pólvoraspread like + wildfire .

Example: The story has spread like wildfire across the blogosphere.

Pólvora synonyms

powder in spanish: polvo, pronunciation: paʊdɜr part of speech: noun
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