Polvo in english


pronunciation: paʊdɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

polvo1 = dust. 

Example: Dust is an enemy of microcomputers as it is with any piece of electrical apparatus, and a dust cover costing a few pounds is a worthwhile purchase.


» acumular polvogather + dustcollect + dust .

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

Example: So why pay good money just to own the things and have them collecting dust around the house?.

» aquellos polvos traen estos lodosif you dance, you must pay the piperyou've made your bed, now you must lie in it!the chickens come home to roost [Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost"]what goes around comes around .

Example: And as the old saying goes: 'If you dance, you must pay the piper' .

Example: After all, "you've made your bed, now you must lie in it," so there's no sense complaining.

Example: These particular chickens do come home to roost = Derivado de la expresión original "Curses, like chickens, come home to roost".

Example: If there's one place where what goes around comes around, it's the United States Senate.

» caer hecho polvoflake out [Coloquial] .

Example: After dancing his heart out for an hour or two, and drinking more beers than he should, he flaked out earlier than most.

» con olor a polvodust smelling .

Example: As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore ... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.

» convertirse en polvoturn to + dust .

Example: Of the volumes in US research libraries it is estimated that 25% are brittle and turning to dust because of the alum sizing introduced into the paper-making process around 1850.

» dejar hecho polvoscrew + Nombre + upknock + the stuffing out of .

Example: Her past relationship screwed her up mentally, physically and emotionally.

Example: Tonight, we conceded the first goal which was offside and that can knock the stuffing out of you.

» estar hecho polvobe dead beatbe bushedbe flat outbe down/out for the count .

Example: I was dead beat after dinner and so went back to the hotel, showered, and passed out.

Example: I can't vouch for the others, but I was bushed after hauling my boat up the bank and through the tangled brush and over the slippery rocks.

Example: I was flat out after my lobectomy and it took me 3 months to get my energy back and then after my chemo it took me three months again to get my energy back.

Example: I was down for the count after just two nights out on the town.

» hacer polvotear + Nombre + apartbreak + Nombre + apart .

Example: He is a stickler for detail and can tear apart a budget or a balance sheet faster than anyone.

Example: It was the size of a truck and was breaking apart as it crashed down, throwing out little bits of hot shrapnel that zinged past me.

» hecho polvowreckeddog-tiredcream crackered [Palabra que rima con knackered y usada en su lugar]knackeredbone-tiredbustedpooped .

Example: The movie novel is about a trio of small-town guys who come across a wrecked plane containing a bag full of what they presume to be 'dirty money' and decide to hold onto it, with predictably hellish consequences.

Example: After all, who has not felt dog-tired and drained, sometimes for long stretches, at one time or another?.

Example: I am relieved that the week-end is approaching because I am beginning to feel quite cream crackered, and so are you, by the sound of it.

Example: I did the Plymouth half marathon too, which was two weeks later, I was absolutely knackered after that, but had a great time doing both.

Example: This is a very comfortable way to end the day after a walkabout, when you are bone-tired.

Example: He was travelling in his beloved Paris, when he suffered a fall that left him with a busted ankle.

Example: At the end of a workshop, I'm often pooped and the very best thing to do, after a nice cuppa tea, is to go out into the fresh air.

» libre de polvodust-free  .

Example: The premises of the library must be kept well-aired, dust-free and properly cleaned.

» limpiar el polvodust .

Example: 550 books a day were dusted and the cleaning of 13500 volumes was completed in 5 weeks.

» limpieza del polvodusting .

Example: Curiously, though, in writing about what they thought bookselling actually entailed the task most mentioned was dusting and tidying, followed by helping people and then knowing the stock.

» lluvia con polvo del desiertoblood rain [En el Reino Unido, lluvia que deja tras sí una capa fina de polvo rojo procedente del norte de Africa] .

Example: Weather gets even weirder as sun, snow and 'blood rain' predicted for the next few weeks.

» morder el polvobite + the dustgive up + the ghosteat + humble pieeat + croweat + dirtbe kaputkick + the bucketpop + Posesivo + clogsgo for + a Burtonleave + feet firstcash in + Posesivo + chipsconk out .

Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.

Example: This article examines one such example, Cherrie Moraga's 'Giving Up the Ghost' where, for the first time, the issue of Chicana lesbian sexuality is addressed on the stage.

Example: I will have to eat humble pie and face humiliation though but I was good at the job and wish I could turn the clock back.

Example: You who carped that the 007 films had devolved into a catalog of fresh gadgets and stale puns, eat crow.

Example: He walloped Bud, tore his shirt, and made him eat dirt.

Example: I had a mechanic chap take a gander earlier on and he said it's possible the pedal itself is kaput, as in there's something fishy going on with the mechanics of it.

Example: The author hypothesized that schizophrenia patients would show impaired idiom processing for literally plausible idioms (e.g., kick the bucket) but not for literally implausible idioms (e.g., be on cloud nine).

Example: A tenth of the population is planning on working until popping their clogs in an attempt to pay the bills.

Example: He lost several good mates, and explained that they would stoically simply remark 'he's gone for a Burton' when one was lost.

Example: We come into this world head first and leave feet first -- everything in between is a matter of balance.

Example: The day my mother won't eat a smoked salmon sandwich I'll know she's ready to cash in her chips.

Example: One can conk out at any time of life so I have arranged to leave what I own to the poor.

» nube de polvocloud of dustdust cloud .

Example: I should imagine that each time a book was removed from its shelf a cloud of dust would choke the air.

Example: Dust clouds may also play an important role in suppressing hurricane development.

» oliendo a polvodust smelling .

Example: As one librarian summarized, 'people are not into the stuffed looking, dingy, dust smelling type of libraries anymore ... they expect atmospheres more like coffeehouses or nice bookstores'.

» paño del polvoduster  .

Example: Someone who knows will probably strip and clean but I don't know how so it has had a rub with a duster.

» partícula de polvodust particle .

Example: These purifiers are targeted at asthma patients since they eliminate all dust particles rendering the air pure and clean.

» polvo cósmicocosmic dustspace dust .

Example: Cosmic dust is made up of left over particles that have been around since the formation of our solar system.

Example: The oldest space dust yet found on Earth suggests that the ancient atmosphere of Earth had significantly more oxygen than previously thought.

» polvo de estrellasstardust .

Example: The scientists who study these grains of ancient stardust are a breed apart from the astronomers who rely on telescopes to gather information about the stars.

» polvo espacialspace dust .

Example: The oldest space dust yet found on Earth suggests that the ancient atmosphere of Earth had significantly more oxygen than previously thought.

» quedarse hecho polvobe guttedfeel + gutted .

Example: Makosi admitted she was gutted to lose the contest.

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.

» quitar el polvodustdust off .

Example: 550 books a day were dusted and the cleaning of 13500 volumes was completed in 5 weeks.

Example: Dust off your trilby and dig out your tweeds, British heritage is one of the top trends this season.

» quitarse el polvodust + Reflexivo + off .

Example: Terror attacks have come with depressing regularity to Mumbai -- and each time the city, brought to its knees, has dusted itself off and forged on.

» recoger polvogather + dust .

Example: They trucks had sat gathering dust ever since, but have now been flogged off for a pittance to a second-hand dealer = Desde entonces los camiones han estado allí muertos de risa, pero ahora se han podido deshacer de ellos vendiéndoselos por cuatro perras a un compraventa de artículos de segunda mano.

» remolino de polvodust cloud .

Example: Dust clouds may also play an important role in suppressing hurricane development.

» sacudir el polvodustdust off .

Example: 550 books a day were dusted and the cleaning of 13500 volumes was completed in 5 weeks.

Example: Dust off your trilby and dig out your tweeds, British heritage is one of the top trends this season.

» sacudirse el polvodust + Reflexivo + off .

Example: Terror attacks have come with depressing regularity to Mumbai -- and each time the city, brought to its knees, has dusted itself off and forged on.

» sentirse hecho polvobe guttedfeel + gutted .

Example: Makosi admitted she was gutted to lose the contest.

Example: I can't help but feel gutted that people who would give their right arm to be there probably won't get tickets.

» tormenta de polvodust storm .

Example: Dust storms usually arrive suddenly in the form of an advancing wall of dust and debris which may be miles long and several thousand feet high.

» trapo del polvodust clothduster  ; dust rag .

Example: The best cleaning solution in these cases is to use a dust cloth, and compressed air can such as those sold at electronics stores.

Example: Someone who knows will probably strip and clean but I don't know how so it has had a rub with a duster.

Example: Use a dry paper towel or dust rag to wipe down the ceiling, paying special attention to the corners.

polvo2 = powder. 

Example: Next a carbon powder or toner is shaken over the selenium drum.


» ajo en polvogarlic powder .

Example: Garlic salt is a flavored salt used as food seasoning made of a mixture of garlic powder and table salt with an anti-caking agent.

» azúcar en polvopowdered sugar .

Example: Cream puffs begin with a baked puffed shell of choux pastry which is then filled with cream and dusted with a thick coating of powdered sugar.

» en polvopowdered .

Example: By adding about a tablespoon of powdered alum per gallon of whitewash its quality can be improved.

» hielo seco en polvodry ice powder .

Example: Animals were first anesthetized and then decapitated and brains were removed, frozen with dry ice powder, and stored in a deep freezer = Primero se anestesió a los animales y luego se decapitaron y se extrajeron sus cerebros, congelándolos con hielo seco en polvo y guardándolos en un congelador.

» leche en polvodry milkpowder milkpowdered milkmilk powder .

Example: Be sure the dry milk you are buying has been fortified with vitamins A and D.

Example: Slovakia will grant food aid in the form of 250 tons of powder milk to people of Iraq suffering from war.

Example: With the price of milk soaring through the roof lots of folks are reconsidering powdered milk for it's economy.

Example: Milk powder prices fell for a second month as production in Europe and the US increased and concerns eased that drought would reduce global supplies.

» leche en polvo desnatadanonfat dry milk .

Example: Plus, as good cooks know, instant nonfat dry milk is so easy to use in cooking and baking for great results.

» levadura en polvobaking powder .

Example: The author describes how to construct a device that repeatedly submerges and rises to the surface of a tub of water from a plastic disposable pipet and baking powder.

» natillas en polvocustard powder .

Example: Samples of rice, oats, custard powder, mushrooms and fries showed that traces of these elements had migrated from the packaging.

» pintar en polvopowder-coat .

Example: They can also provide casings in steel or aluminium, powder-coated to a colour of your choice.

» polvos de talcotalcum powdertalcum .

Example: Until your skin gets use to it, it will itch but non-scented talcum powder will help, just make sure you don't inhale any of that shit.

Example: Do not use deodorant, antiperspirant or talcum before the examination.

» polvo secodry powder .

Example: All mobile units should be provided with a dry powder fire extinguisher.

» proteínas en polvoprotein powder .

Example: You can use this simple recipe for many different shakes, modifying it by using different flavors of protein powders and different kinds of fruit.

» sustituto de leche en polvocoffee creamer [Polvo blanco usado en el café como sustituto de la leche]creamercream [Polvo blanco usado en el café como sustituto de la leche] .

Example: Artificial coffee creamers are loaded with fat and calories.

Example: Powdered non-dairy creamer, when suspended in the air, is incredibly flammable.

Example: It details steps to be taken to salvage discs which have been damaged by spilled substances such as coffee with cream and sugar, Classic Coke, hamburger and french fries, and hand cream.

» tabaco en polvosnuff [Para inhalar] .

Example: The mean age of onset to take snuff was 12.5 years & 14.8 years for smoking cigarettes.

polvo3 = fuck ; screw ; bonk ; shag. 

Example: When he wan't looking she took his wallet and left after a good fuck with a hefty sum of money and some credit cards.Example: It sounds like you need to get laid -- you might feel better after a good screw.Example: My tip to quit smoking is to restrict it to only those times when you desire it the most: before breakfast, after a good meal, and after a good bonk with you partner.Example: If you are just after a shag -- tell me -- and will we keep it purely to a one night stand.


» echarse un polvohave + sex (with)jump in + the sack (with)hop in(to) + the sack (with)get in + the sack (with) .

Example: A while ago I experienced redness around my urinary meatus and my urologist said that it was normal to have that once you start having sex.

Example: The passion will fade with time -- no matter how eagerly she jumped in the sack when you first started dating.

Example: Hopping in the sack isn't just a great time: It's also good for your health.

Example: Friendship is sacred, and once you get in the sack, there is no going back.

» echar un polvofuckscrewscrewget + laideff [Eufemismo de fuck]bonk [También se utiliza boink]get it off withhave + a shagschlongget + schlongedhave + a roll in the haygo for + a roll in the hayhave + a romp in the haygo for + a romp in the hayboink .

Example: He said he wanted to fuck her loudly on a hard bed with rain beating on the windows.

Example: For every beautiful woman, there's a guy that's tired of screwing her.

Example: For every beautiful woman, there's a guy that's tired of screwing her.

Example: It sounds like you need to get laid -- you might feel better after a good screw.

Example: I would not really like to eff her but she's pretty for an older lady.

Example: After bonking her, the fella disappeared and up to now she has never seen him.

Example: Naturally I tried to get it off with her right there on the boat but she refused fearing that we might be thrown into the river.

Example: And if you're gonna get caught for anything then getting nicked for having a shag must rank as a good reason.

Example: They're deep in conversation about Agne, and come to the conclusion that they'd both quite like to schlong her.

Example: She ain't some streetwalker who gets schlonged by just anybody.

Example: Two-thirds of men and 30 percent of women say they'd rather have a roll in the hay than get a gift on Valentine's Day.

Example: So, the next time you and your partner go for a roll in the hay, don't just keep those thoughts to yourself -- tell your person what you're thinking, what you're thinking about doing, and why.

Example: But man she's still a cutie -- I wouldn't mind having a romp in the hay with this hot chick.

Example: Hot weather makes you uncomfortable, sweaty, and sluggish, so many prefer to take a dip in the pool rather than go for a romp in the hay.

Example: The only mistake the two men made was to not end the previous relaitonships before boinking the other women.

» querer echarle un polvo afancy + the arse/ass offfancy + the pants off .

Example: Try not to 'jump his bones' too soon if you fancy the arse off him -- leave that for the end of the night.

Example: I fancy the pants off this guy but don't want the level of interest (on his part) to wane once we actually do have sex.

Polvo synonyms

pulverize in spanish: pulverizar, pronunciation: pʌlvɜraɪz part of speech: verb gunpowder in spanish: pólvora, pronunciation: gʌnpaʊdɜr part of speech: noun powderize in spanish: pulverizar, pronunciation: paʊdɜraɪz part of speech: verb
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