Poliomielitis in english


pronunciation: pɑlioʊmilɪtɪs part of speech: noun
In gestures

poliomielitis = infantile paralysis. 

Example: Up to the present time treatment of infantile paralysis has consisted in attempting to save as much as possible of the injured muscles.

Poliomielitis synonyms

polio in spanish: polio, pronunciation: poʊlioʊ part of speech: noun infantile paralysis in spanish: parálisis infantil, pronunciation: ɪnfəntɪlpɜræləsəs part of speech: noun acute anterior poliomyelitis in spanish: poliomielitis aguda anterior, pronunciation: əkjutæntɪriɜrpɑlioʊmilɪtɪs part of speech: noun
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