Polio in english


pronunciation: poʊlioʊ part of speech: noun
In gestures

polio = polio. 

Example: We have just had a baby and are expecting friends to visit and two of these friends have just had polio jabs for a holiday in Asia.


» ataque de polioattack of poliopolio attack .

Example: While an attack of polio only lasts a short time, recovery can take about two to eighteen months.

Example: At eleven years old he suffered a polio attack that left him with a severe limp for the rest of his life.

Polio synonyms

poliomyelitis in spanish: poliomielitis, pronunciation: pɑlioʊmilɪtɪs part of speech: noun infantile paralysis in spanish: parálisis infantil, pronunciation: ɪnfəntɪlpɜræləsəs part of speech: noun acute anterior poliomyelitis in spanish: poliomielitis aguda anterior, pronunciation: əkjutæntɪriɜrpɑlioʊmilɪtɪs part of speech: noun
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