Polimerización in english


pronunciation: pɑlɪmɜrəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

polimerización = polymerisation [polymerization, -USA]. 

Example: One method to strengthen brittle paper without unbinding the books is to impregnate them with monomer acrylics and to radiate for polymerisation.


» polimerización in situpolymerisation in situ .

Example: This article describes methods of strengthening and restoring paper which has suffered decay, including mercerisation, leaf casting, the Vienna vacuum chamber, polymerisation in situ, and paper splitting.

» polimerización por rayos gammagraft polymerisation [En restauración, proceso usado para fortalecer el papel] .

Example: The research soon concentrated on consolidation and a process akin to graft polymerization was developed.

Polimerización synonyms

polymerisation in spanish: polimerización, pronunciation: pɑlɜrmerəseɪʃən part of speech: noun
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