Policía in english


pronunciation: pəlis part of speech: noun
In gestures

policía = police ; constable ; cop ; policeman [policemen, -pl.] ; police officer ; patrolman ; bobby ; police force ; police constable. 

Example: For example, WOMEN AS police becomes POLICEWOMEN, or SPANISH AMERICA is changed to LATIN AMERICA.Example: Whilst in Panizzi's employ, Edward refused to act as a special constable to protect the British Museum against the Chartist mobs.Example: Playground games show that children like a clear differentiation between cowboys, cops and spacemen who are good, and Indians, robbers and space monsters who are bad.Example: As a rule, a message-switching computer is not used to provide general computational or text processing facilities, it is more like a policeman directing traffic at a busy intersection of 'data highways'.Example: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.Example: Arabs who played a role in the Holocaust included those who personally took part in the persecution of Jews, and patrolmen who tracked down Jewish escapees from forced labor camps.Example: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.Example: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.Example: A police constable has been sacked after having non-consensual sex with a drunken woman in a railway station police locker room.


» academia de policíapolice academy .

Example: A patrol officer must have a full understanding of both state and federal laws gained through police academy training.

» agente de policíabobby [Termino cariñoso utilizado en inglés británico]coppolice officer .

Example: The friendly-sounding British bobbies, created in 1829, were the first professional police force, copied by cities around the world.

Example: Playground games show that children like a clear differentiation between cowboys, cops and spacemen who are good, and Indians, robbers and space monsters who are bad.

Example: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.

» cadete de policíapolice cadet .

Example: It is too early to measure long-term use but persons using SAS so far include councillors, students, health visitors, social workers and police cadets.

» coche de la policíapatrol carpolice carpolice cruiser .

Example: Police are still searching for a man who stole a patrol car in Sydney.

Example: There is fierce competition for the world's fastest police car with the Italians and Germans vying for the title.

Example: A police cruiser was rammed by a stolen truck in late June, now a Kelowna man has been sentenced.

» comisaría de la policía locallocal police station .

Example: Local communities are outraged as his plans to take more police off the streets and close local police stations.

» comisaría de la policía municipallocal police station .

Example: Local communities are outraged as his plans to take more police off the streets and close local police stations.

» comisario de policíapolice commissioner .

Example: As police commissioner he will advocate for policies that will help restore true civil order to a country that has long been deprived of it.

» cordón de policíaspolice cordon .

Example: It was not clear how he died, but several people were earlier injured when protesters held in a police cordon surged against the barriers.

» corrupción de la policíapolice corruption .

Example: Drug traffic has contributed to police corruption.

» denunciar a la policíareport + Nombre + to the police .

Example: If he hadn't been such a goop he wouldn't have reported the matter to the police.

» denunciar ante la policíareport + Nombre + to the police .

Example: If he hadn't been such a goop he wouldn't have reported the matter to the police.

» estar fichado por la policíahave + a (criminal) record .

Example: Did you know that once you have been fingerprinted, you have a criminal record?.

» Fuerzas de la Policía Armada, lasarmed police force .

Example: The 'overwhelming majority' of Irish people do not want an armed police force in the Republic.

» investigación de la policíapolice investigation .

Example: A wealthy celebrity who is a potential witness in a police investigation was granted a gagging order to protect his identity.

» jefatura de policíapolice headquarters .

Example: Gunmen stormed a police headquarters in northern Mexico and escaped with around 70 firearms, officials said.

» jefe de policíachief constablepolice chief .

Example: I believe that it was in a West Riding town that three successive chief constables were relieved of their duties because they were drunk and incapable.

Example: Colombia's Police Chief has said the government would continue to fumigate the country's crops of coca, the plant used to make cocaine, in the fight against illegal drugs.

» mujer policíapolicewoman [policewomen, -pl.] .

Example: For example, WOMEN AS POLICE becomes POLICEWOMEN, or SPANISH AMERICA is changed to LATIN AMERICA.

» oficial de policíapolice officer .

Example: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.

» patrulla de policíapatrol squadpolice patrolpolice squad .

Example: Anita and Sushila are members of the first all-women patrol squad that is maintaining a vigil at places frequented by women and girls to provide them with a sense of safety and confidence.

Example: Visible police patrol can reduce crime, but only if it is specifically
targeted to crime hotspots.

Example: A specialist police squad has been set up to track down crime groups that use drones to smuggle drugs, phones and other contraband into prisons.

» película de policíascrime film .

Example: He is known among American movie buffs chiefly as the director of crime films.

» perro policíapolice dog .

Example: Today, police forces in most major cities use police dogs to track criminals, sniff out illegal materials, search buildings, etc..

» policía antidisturbiosriot police .

Example: The movie is a reenactment of the violent clash between striking coal miners and riot police outside a coking plant on June 18, 1984.

» policía armadaarmed police .

Example: Most countries in the world have armed police except for a handful of countries such as the UK, Iceland, and New Zealand.

» policía de barriobeat cop .

Example: Being a cop is tough, especially when you are reduced to a mere beat cop who has to walk the street and give tickets rather than handle some real cases.

» policía de proximidadbeat cop .

Example: Being a cop is tough, especially when you are reduced to a mere beat cop who has to walk the street and give tickets rather than handle some real cases.

» policía de tráficotraffic officerhighway patroltraffic coptraffic police officertraffic police(man/woman) .

Example: The instructor's major function at this stage should be to serve as a classroom traffic officer, keeping everyone from talking at once and recording the flow of analysis and conclusions.

Example: This article gives a sampling of the types of data these agencies provide, covering the areas of agriculture, Department of Corrections, transportation and highway patrols, natural resources and revenues.

Example: The article is entitled 'Passengers, drivers and traffic cops on peer review road'.

Example: Two men going about as traffic police officers are being investigated by the force after they extorted money from a driver.

Example: In three days, the traffic police have already recommended cancellation of licences of 15 bikers guilty of traffic violations.

» policía encubiertoundercover police officerplain-clothes police officerplain-clothes policemanplain clothes policewomanplain-clothes cop .

Example: A bridegroom was killed yesterday by undercover police officers in a hail of 50 bullets as he left his stag party = Un novio a punto de casarse fue acribillado ayer por policías encubiertos con una ráfaga de 50 balas cuando salía de su fiesta de despedida de soltero..

Example: Protesters have complained recently about an increase in the number of plain-clothes police officers at protest marches.

Example: A young man who punched a plain-clothes policeman unconscious during a buck's night celebration will serve four months behind bars.

Example: The resulting shouting match drew a passing plain-clothes policewoman who tried to break it up.

Example: Man says he was beaten after running from plain-clothes cop he mistook for a robber.

» policía estatalstate policestate troops [Generalmente usado en plural]state troopertrooper  .

Example: The driver was placed under arrest by the state police for driving while under the influence of alcohol.

Example: With one exception, no picket striker or citizen was injured as a result of the presence of state troops.

Example: Since cops were given the go-ahead to pull over people for not wearing seat belts, state troopers have become creative about spotting scofflaws.

Example: On Saturday, a trooper stood on a street corner dressed in plain clothes and helped bust 30 people for not wearing their seat belts.

» policía federalfederal police .

Example: He suffered a broken tibia from a metal object he said was thrown by federal police.

» policía, lapolice serviceboys in blue, the [Como referencia al color de sus uniformes] .

Example: This programme is designed for those hoping to follow a career in one of the uniformed services -- army, navy, RAF, police service, fire service or ambulance.

Example: She crossed the waters to Ireland this week for a gig in Cork but it seems she had a run-in with the boys in blue during her visit.

» policía localconstabulary  ; local police .

Example: This paper considers the lawsuit brought against a police officer in the Kent Constabulary, UK, who worked in his spare time for a debt collection agency and used the Police National Computer to retrieve information concerning the owner of a motor vehicle.

Example: The system is smart and will identify where you are calling from and connect you with the local police for that area.

» policía militarmilitary police .

Example: Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.

» policía montadamounted police .

Example: Halfway through the demonstration, mounted police squared off against protesters in a parking lot, but ultimately activists agreed to take a different path.

» policía + multarbe done by + the police .

Example: Anyone ever been done by the police for having a slash in public?.

» policía municipallocal policelocal police officerlocal policeman [Hombre]local policewoman [Mujer]municipal cop .

Example: The system is smart and will identify where you are calling from and connect you with the local police for that area.

Example: Should the federal government provide funds to buy body cameras for local police officers?.

Example: The arrests came a day after one local policeman was killed and three others were wounded in an attack blamed on the rebels.

Example: Fortunately the local policewoman saw the incident and rushed him to the vet's.

Example: Chaos reigned supreme on Monday after violent clashes between municipal cops and vendors resulted in stones being thrown and nearby vehicles being damaged.

» policía nacionalnational police .

Example: One solution is to allow cities to police themselves and allow the national police to retain responsibility for more rural areas.

» policía nacional irlandesagarda [gardai, -pl.] .

Example: Gardaí in Galway have arrested a number of students on public order offences during the university's annual rag week'.

» policía secretasecret police .

Example: The lack of intervention by the secret police has improved postal communication.

» policía secretoundercover police officerundercover copplain-clothes police officerplain-clothes policemanplain clothes policewomanplain-clothes cop .

Example: A bridegroom was killed yesterday by undercover police officers in a hail of 50 bullets as he left his stag party = Un novio a punto de casarse fue acribillado ayer por policías encubiertos con una ráfaga de 50 balas cuando salía de su fiesta de despedida de soltero..

Example: Later he was arrested for offering weed to an undercover cop.

Example: Protesters have complained recently about an increase in the number of plain-clothes police officers at protest marches.

Example: A young man who punched a plain-clothes policeman unconscious during a buck's night celebration will serve four months behind bars.

Example: The resulting shouting match drew a passing plain-clothes policewoman who tried to break it up.

Example: Man says he was beaten after running from plain-clothes cop he mistook for a robber.

» policía (vestido) de paisanoplain-clothes police officerplain-clothes policemanplain clothes policewomanplain-clothes cop .

Example: Protesters have complained recently about an increase in the number of plain-clothes police officers at protest marches.

Example: A young man who punched a plain-clothes policeman unconscious during a buck's night celebration will serve four months behind bars.

Example: The resulting shouting match drew a passing plain-clothes policewoman who tried to break it up.

Example: Man says he was beaten after running from plain-clothes cop he mistook for a robber.

» radio de la policíapolice radio .

Example: I heard her police radio squawking in the background and was told to hang on while she answered the call.

Policía synonyms

law in spanish: ley, pronunciation: part of speech: noun patrol in spanish: patrulla, pronunciation: pətroʊl part of speech: noun constabulary in spanish: policía, pronunciation: kənstæbjəleri part of speech: noun police force in spanish: fuerza policial, pronunciation: pəlisfɔrs part of speech: noun
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