Poli in english


pronunciation: kɑp part of speech: noun
In gestures

poli = cop. 

Example: Playground games show that children like a clear differentiation between cowboys, cops and spacemen who are good, and Indians, robbers and space monsters who are bad.


» la polithe fuzzthe po-po .

Example: In that film he played a wealthy art thief always one step away from being nabbed by the fuzz.

Example: She collected her trophy after winning Wimbledon in 2010 and proceeded to high-five fans on the way out, and didn't stop until he reached the po-po.

Poli synonyms

hook in spanish: gancho, pronunciation: hʊk part of speech: noun pig in spanish: cerdo, pronunciation: pɪg part of speech: noun bull in spanish: toro, pronunciation: bʊl part of speech: noun nail in spanish: uña, pronunciation: neɪl part of speech: noun collar in spanish: collar, pronunciation: kɑlɜr part of speech: noun arrest in spanish: arrestar, pronunciation: ɜrest part of speech: noun, verb apprehend in spanish: aprehender, pronunciation: æprɪhend part of speech: verb copper in spanish: cobre, pronunciation: kɑpɜr part of speech: noun pick up in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: pɪkʌp part of speech: verb snitch in spanish: soplón, pronunciation: snɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb nab in spanish: coger, pronunciation: næb part of speech: verb glom in spanish: glom, pronunciation: glɑm part of speech: verb fuzz in spanish: pelusa, pronunciation: fʌz part of speech: noun knock off in spanish: rebajar, pronunciation: nɑkɔf part of speech: verb thieve in spanish: robar, pronunciation: θiv part of speech: verb
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