Polar in english


pronunciation: poʊlɜr part of speech: adjective
In gestures

polar = polar. 

Example: Inspired by the 1990 International Trans-Atlantic Expedition, the librarian of the Huntsville-Madison County library's bookmobile has founded a reading club, called the polar Trekkers Club, to familiarise children with the expedition, and the Antarctic environment.


» aguas polarespolar waters .

Example: Fin whales are found in all oceans of the world, though they seem to prefer temperate and polar waters to tropical seas.

» biblioteca especializada en temas polarespolar library [Biblioteca especializada en temas relacionados con el Artico o el Antártico] .

Example: With renewed geologic interest in the Arctic and Antarctic, polar libraries are becoming increasingly important to support the research efforts in these areas.

» casquete polarice cap .

Example: However, diaries and photos also show the efforts of all expedition members to fulfil Wegener's plans for a meteorological and glaciological profile of Greenland's entire inland ice cap.

» casquete polar, elpolar ice cap, the .

Example: Since 1979, the size of the summer polar ice cap has shrunk more than 20 percent.

» círculo polar ártico, elArctic Circle, the .

Example: In Oct 89, a new branch of the Norwegian public library service was opened in MoiRana, a mining town a little south of the Arctic Circle.

» Círculo Polar, elPolar Circle, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: The article 'To the Polar Circle on exchange visit' describes a 3 week exchange visit to the Regional Library in Rovaniemi, the largest of Finnish Lapland's 4 towns.

» estrella polarlodestarPole Star [polestar. -USA] .

Example: Reason is to be our lodestar, and we must understand the workings of the noumenal world in order to live properly in this one.

Example: Its polestar nature has the ability to guide us through the drossy deserts that poetry sometimes founders in.

» estrella polar, laPolarisNorth Star, the .

Example: Polaris has long been an important star to sailors of old winding their way over the oceans by night.

Example: The North Star has been historically used by explorers to determine their latitude.

» forro polarfleece .

Example: A fleece is an excellent garment to keep you warm and dry.

» frío polarfreezing coldfreezing temperaturesfreezing weather .

Example: This novel was written to cheer herself up when she and her baby were trapped inside their freezing cold flat in a blizzard, unable to get to the library.

Example: This causes a typical cycle of three successive cold days followed by four warmer days, relieving people from freezing temperatures.

Example: Snow and freezing weather swept parts of Europe on Saturday causing travel chaos for thousands.

» oso polarpolar bear .

Example: In the normal run of things, they would be attacked by a monster from the deep or aliens from space, but here they just have to deal with polar bears.

Polar synonyms

cold in spanish: frío, pronunciation: koʊld part of speech: adjective, noun important in spanish: importante, pronunciation: ɪmpɔrtənt part of speech: adjective different in spanish: diferente, pronunciation: dɪfɜrənt part of speech: adjective crucial in spanish: crucial, pronunciation: kruʃəl part of speech: adjective opposite in spanish: opuesto, pronunciation: ɑpəzət part of speech: adjective, noun pivotal in spanish: esencial, pronunciation: pɪvətəl part of speech: adjective gelid in spanish: gélido, pronunciation: gelɪd part of speech: adjective arctic in spanish: ártico, pronunciation: ɑrktɪk part of speech: noun, adjective frigid in spanish: frígido, pronunciation: frɪdʒəd part of speech: adjective icy in spanish: glacial, pronunciation: aɪsi part of speech: adjective glacial in spanish: glacial, pronunciation: gleɪʃəl part of speech: adjective charged in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: tʃɑrdʒd part of speech: adjective freezing in spanish: congelación, pronunciation: frizɪŋ part of speech: noun diametrical in spanish: diametral, pronunciation: daɪəmetrɪkəl part of speech: adjective antarctic in spanish: antártico, pronunciation: æntɑrktɪk part of speech: noun, adjective diametric in spanish: diametral, pronunciation: daɪəmetrɪk part of speech: adjective circumpolar in spanish: circunpolar, pronunciation: sɜrkəmpoʊlɜr part of speech: adjective north-polar in spanish: polar norte, pronunciation: nɔrθpoʊlɜr part of speech: adjective nontropical in spanish: no tropical, pronunciation: nɑntrɑpəkəl part of speech: adjective south-polar in spanish: polar del sur, pronunciation: saʊθpoʊlɜr part of speech: adjective
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