Poesía in english


pronunciation: poʊətri part of speech: noun
In gestures

poesía = poetry. 

Example: Thus material are classified and grouped first by language and conversely, for example, poetry is scattered according to language.


» certamen de poesíapoetry slam .

Example: Poetry slams are a form of poetry reading that are not for the faint of heart.

» declamación de poesíarecitation .

Example: The new cultural centre is used both to mount exhibitions, concerts and recitations and for hire to outside organisations.

» poesía acrósticaacrostic poetry .

Example: Acrostic poetry is a form of short verse constructed so that the initial letters of each line taken consecutively form words = La poesía acrostica es una forma de verso corto construida de manera que las letras iniciales de cada línea leídas consecutivamente forman una palabra.

» poesía épicaepic poetry .

Example: The main theme of epic poetry is, of course, the hero, his life, his greatness of character, his deeds and his death.

» poesía líricalyric poetry .

Example: This project intends to develop databases incorporating both full text transcriptions of Italian lyric poetry and bibliographic records of the sources.

» poesía macarrónicamacaronic poetry .

Example: Macaronic poetry is often used as a vehicle for humorous social criticism, but also as a ludic exercise and linguistic challenge, or simply for the delight of hearing different languages in unison.

» poesía románticaromantic poetry .

Example: Behind the scenes of romantic poetry, there are real-life tales of false teeth, hair loss, headaches, opium addiction, tuberculosis, and dementia that have so little glamor or poetic resonance.

» recital de poesíapoetry readingrecitationpoetry recital .

Example: Non-musical sound recordings are to be found in abundance covering such items as poetry readings, plays, children's stories and 'talking books' for the blind.

Example: The new cultural centre is used both to mount exhibitions, concerts and recitations and for hire to outside organisations.

Example: Libraries can also be used for music recitals, poetry recitals, book sales, slide shows, talks and as venues for cultural activities.

» terapia mediante la poesíapoetry therapy .

Example: Librarians traditionally called the activity bibliotherapy and psychotherapists used poetry therapy.

Poesía synonyms

verse in spanish: verso, pronunciation: vɜrs part of speech: noun poesy in spanish: poesía, pronunciation: poʊzi part of speech: noun
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