Poema in english


pronunciation: poʊəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

poema = poem. 

Example: His cataloging philosophy, a prose poem, was published by Library Journal and was included in the Best of Library Literature 1976.


» poema acrósticoacrostic poem .

Example: Acrostic poems are simple poems in which each the first letter of each line forms a word or phrase (vertically) = Los poemas acrosticos son poemas sencillos en los que cada una de las primeras letras de cada línea forman una palabra o frase (verticalmente).

» poema en prosaprose poem .

Example: His cataloging philosophy, a prose poem, was published by Library Journal and was included in the Best of Library Literature 1976.

» poema épicoepic poem .

Example: Homer's epic poem 'The Iliad' is taken an example of the change from a predominantly oral to a more literate culture.

» poema sinfónicosymphonic poem .

Example: The symphonic poem remained popular from the 1840s until the 1920s, when the genre suffered a severe decline in popularity.

Poema synonyms

verse form in spanish: forma de verso, pronunciation: vɜrsfɔrm part of speech: noun
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