Podrido in english


pronunciation: rɑtən part of speech: adjective
In gestures

podrido = rotting ; putrefying ; rotten ; decomposed. 

Example: He is a modernist abandoning himself to romanticism and finding beauty in rotting corpses and reeking cities.Example: Thousands of tins of putrefying and poisonous meat were seized from this firm.Example: The smell of rotten fruit and vegetables filled the air.Example: The badly decomposed body of a 27-year- old women was discovered by a man driving an all-terrain on a dirt trail in the desert.


» de olor a podridorotten smelling .

Example: In the back of refrigerator on the bottom left, there is a black box full of fluid and something very nasty looking and rotten smelling.

» estar podrido de dinerobe loaded with moneybe made of moneyhave + money to burnbe rolling in moneybe filthy richbe stinking richbe loaded rich .

Example: In other words, the guy's so loaded with money he doesn't even know what to do with it all.

Example: The same applies to our farmers who also are finding times hard, despite many people thinking they are made of money and having it easy.

Example: Companies promoting 'weight loss breakthroughs' can spend six figures on commercials and still have money to burn.

Example: Saddam did not suffer from the sanctions, he was still rolling in money and politicians like Galloway profited from such sanctions.

Example: If your main source of information is that magazine, you might think that everyone in Hollywood is filthy rich.

Example: Nicknamed 'Richie' by his friends, the 41-year-old is, well, stinking rich.

Example: Yet, as far as monetary control, the white privileged people are loaded rich.

» huevo podridoaddled eggrotten egg .

Example: The vast majority of addled parakeet eggs are due to infection.

Example: Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, toxic, flammable gas that is responsible for the foul odor of rotten eggs.

» manzana podridabad applerotten appledamaged goods [Expresión usada originariamente para referirse a una chica que había perdido su virginidad]cuckoo in the nestbad eggrotten egg .

Example: The article is entitled 'Recruitment: Advice on how to avoid recruiting 'bad apple''.

Example: The party's leader in Brussels said that any 'rotten apples' could contaminate the European Union.

Example: They are seen as basket cases, 'damaged goods', the vulnerable children of the world who need the help and protection of the UN, NGOs and armies of therapists from the West.

Example: This type of relgion is a cuckoo in the nest that, in the name of secular society and pluralism, is pushing out all other gods.

Example: Even after being told by his son that she was a bad egg he still let her stay and by doing that he was figuratively putting his head in the lion's mouth.

Example: The girl has had her troubles, but that doesn't mean she's a rotten egg.

» oler a podridosmell + rancid .

Example: I don't usually get smelly feet; however, when wearing tights or pop socks for work, I come home at the end of the day and my feet smell rancid!.

» una manzana podrida echar a perder el resto de la cestaone rotten apple spoils the whole barrel .

Example: His analysis shows that, under certain conditions, there is some truth in the old saying that one rotten apple spoils the whole barrel.



» dejar que se pudraleave to + rot .

Example: Whether by design or default, libraries are being neglected, deprofessionalised and left to rot.

» pudrirle la sangre a Unomake + Posesivo + blood boil .

Example: His confident and somewhat arrogant persona makes her blood boil, but as the saying goes: there is a thin line between love and hate.

» pudrirserotputrefydecompose .

Example: The raw material of white paper was undyed linen -- or in very early days hempen -- rags, which the paper-maker bought in bulk, sorted and washed, and then put by in a damp heap for four or five days to rot.

Example: The blood obtained from these bodies for toxicological analysis was putrefied.

Example: Until about 1952 the film industry used 35mm cellulose nitrate film, which is highly inflammable and decomposes irreversibly.

» pudrirse en la cárcelrot in + gaol .

Example: They should rot in gaol for the rest of their lives which I hope will be long and miserable.

Podrido synonyms

bad in spanish: malo, pronunciation: bæd part of speech: adjective corrupt in spanish: corrupto, pronunciation: kɜrʌpt part of speech: adjective lousy in spanish: malísimo, pronunciation: laʊzi part of speech: adjective putrid in spanish: podrido, pronunciation: pjutrɪd part of speech: adjective tainted in spanish: contaminado, pronunciation: teɪntɪd part of speech: adjective icky in spanish: icky, pronunciation: ɪki part of speech: adjective stinky in spanish: apestoso, pronunciation: stɪŋki part of speech: adjective crappy in spanish: de mierda, pronunciation: kræpi part of speech: adjective unsound in spanish: defectuoso, pronunciation: ənsaʊnd part of speech: adjective stinking in spanish: maloliente, pronunciation: stɪŋkɪŋ part of speech: adjective rotting in spanish: podrido, pronunciation: rɑtɪŋ part of speech: noun decayed in spanish: deteriorado, pronunciation: dəkeɪd part of speech: adjective putrescent in spanish: putrescente, pronunciation: pjutrəsənt part of speech: adjective rotted in spanish: podrido, pronunciation: rɑtɪd part of speech: adjective decomposed in spanish: descompuesto, pronunciation: dikəmpoʊzd part of speech: adjective moldering in spanish: enloqueciendo, pronunciation: moʊldɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective mouldering in spanish: desintegración, pronunciation: moʊldɜrɪŋ part of speech: adjective putrefied in spanish: putrefacto, pronunciation: pjutrəfaɪd part of speech: adjective decomposing in spanish: descomponiéndose, pronunciation: dikəmpoʊzɪŋ part of speech: adjective moldered in spanish: moldeado, pronunciation: moʊldɜrd part of speech: adjective mouldered in spanish: moldeado, pronunciation: moʊldɜrd part of speech: adjective putrified in spanish: putrificado, pronunciation: pjutrəfaɪd part of speech: adjective
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