Poderío in english


pronunciation: paʊɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

poderío = powerfulness ; mightiness ; physical strength ; might. 

Example: The students also rated each picture's tastefulness, newsworthiness, likability, and powerfulness.Example: He holds in derision all wisdom and all mightiness.Example: Physical strength will affect how much weight you can lift and how much work you can do.Example: Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.


» mostrar + Posesivo + poderíoflex + Posesivo + musclesshow + Posesivo + strength .

Example: The article 'Flexing a different set of muscles' is an interview with David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, who has been, wrongly, portrayed as a low key intellectual with little appetite for the limelight.

Example: For more than a year, Cassandra gracefully battled her disease, showing her strength and being a role model to us all.

» poderío militarmilitary power .

Example: Syria unlike Iran is a mickey mouse country in terms of military power therefore cannot take any such a risk.

Poderío synonyms

force in spanish: fuerza, pronunciation: fɔrs part of speech: noun index in spanish: índice, pronunciation: ɪndeks part of speech: noun office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun king in spanish: Rey, pronunciation: kɪŋ part of speech: noun ability in spanish: capacidad, pronunciation: əbɪləti part of speech: noun might in spanish: podría, pronunciation: maɪt part of speech: noun mogul in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: moʊgəl part of speech: noun baron in spanish: barón, pronunciation: bærən part of speech: noun exponent in spanish: exponente, pronunciation: ekspoʊnənt part of speech: noun tycoon in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: taɪkun part of speech: noun magnate in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: mægnət part of speech: noun potency in spanish: potencia, pronunciation: poʊtənsi part of speech: noun superpower in spanish: superpotencia, pronunciation: supɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: noun mightiness in spanish: poder, pronunciation: maɪtinəs part of speech: noun powerfulness in spanish: poder, pronunciation: paʊɜrfəlnəs part of speech: noun world power in spanish: poder mundial, pronunciation: wɜrldpaʊɜr part of speech: noun business leader in spanish: líder de negocios, pronunciation: bɪznəslidɜr part of speech: noun great power in spanish: gran poder, pronunciation: greɪtpaʊɜr part of speech: noun major power in spanish: potencia mayor, pronunciation: meɪdʒɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: noun big businessman in spanish: gran hombre de negocios, pronunciation: bɪgbɪznəsmæn part of speech: noun top executive in spanish: alto ejecutivo, pronunciation: tɑpɪgzekjətɪv part of speech: noun power-assisted in spanish: asistido por potencia, pronunciation: paʊɜrəsɪstɪd part of speech: adjective
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