Poder in english


pronunciation: paʊɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

poder1 = force ; strength ; power ; leverage ; authority ; clout ; might ; muscle power ; power of attorney ; sway ; physical strength. 

Example: Her reason admitted the force of his arguments, but her instinct opposed it.Example: The strength of the acetone rinsing on the strength of the paper is investigated, and its efficiency in removing NM2P is also examined using gas liquid chromatography.Example: She added that she felt sorry for the assistant because he had so little power.Example: At certain times, dubious interpretations of the rules have even been used as leverage in gaining ground on matters of dispute between Community partners.Example: One of the great virtues of networking is that it democratizes access to information and access to authority.Example: IT executives would like to see their role in the organization elevated, giving them more 'clout', stature and visibility.Example: Gradually many of these conquerors came to realize that, although military might was necessary to gain control over an area, sheer force of arms was not sufficient to govern effectively.Example: Their development, particularly for replacing human muscle power, has been in parallel with that of information technology, but largely independent of it.Example: A power of attorney is a legal instrument that is used to delegate legal authority to another.Example: During this period Africa was influenced by external forces as the Islamic states of the north extended their sway south.Example: Physical strength will affect how much weight you can lift and how much work you can do.


» abusar del poderlord overlord it over .

Example: She argues that the way yeoman farmers lorded over their wives and dependents was similar to the way wealthy planters lorded over their slaves.

Example: They believe that the main use for government is for some people to lord it over others at their expense.

» abusar de + Posesivo + poderabuse + Posesivo + power .

Example: She abused her power as Alaska's governor by trying to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from the state police.

» abuso de poderabuse of power .

Example: The study found high levels of mistrust of the police by the public, including considerable concerns about corruption, abuse of power, & lack of respect for the public.

» alcanzar el podercome to + powerrise to + power .

Example: The Tory modernisers were absolutely mesmerised by Blair; and yet they absolutely misunderstood the reasons why he came to power.

Example: Nazi ideas and brutality were evident to all even at the time, as was the fact that they were rising to power.

» altas esferas del poder, lasechelons of power, the .

Example: Seldom has someone so close to the echelons of power faced capital punishment since there is widespread belief in the country that the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder.

» ansias de poderlove of power .

Example: Man's self-conceit and love of power are the cause of most of his troubles, sins and vices.

» ansioso de poderpower-hungry .

Example: Power-hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere.

» apoderarse del poderseize + power .

Example: In an extractive economy, such as the Belgian Congo and its successor state, Zaire, a narrow elite seizes power and uses its control of resources to prevent social change.

» asumir el poderassume + Posesivo + powers .

Example: The newly elected Scottish Local Government Authorities assumed their powers in May 75 and are not yet fully into their stride.

» caer bajo el poder defall under + the power of .

Example: By the fortune of war, they fell under the power of the British army.

» ceder las riendas del poderhand over + the reins of power .

Example: The king of Bhutan has handed over the reins of power to his son, the crown prince, more than a year ahead of schedule.

» cesión de poderdevolution .

Example: Despite such devolution it is essential to maintain close co-operation amongst libraries in the province.

» círculo de podercircle of power .

Example: If you are in cahoots with the circle of power, you get your projects approved in no time, and in some cases, you can build the most hideous and unsightly contraption.

» clase adinerada y con poder, larich and powerful, the .

Example: For the rich and powerful it was important to give an expensive gift to the king or queen to gain their favour.

» con ansias de poderpower-hungry .

Example: Power-hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere.

» conceder poderesgive + powers .

Example: The regulation sets out the requirement for compulsory notification of agreements to the Commission and gives the Commission powers to grant exemption to the rules.

» con hambre de poderpower-hungry .

Example: Power-hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere.

» con poderpowerful .

Example: ALA or its subdivision have been sitting back while these powerful people get together and decide what should be good for us.

» con sed de poderpower-hungry .

Example: Power-hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere.

» conseguir podergain + power .

Example: He was called a turncoat and a traitor from that plangent minority which never learns that to gain power is what political parties first of all exist for.

» continuar en el poderstay in + power .

Example: The Cameroonian parliament has just concluded that its country's constitution needed a nip and a tuck to allow their President to stay in power another seven years.

» control del poderhold on powergrip on power .

Example: Saddam will play for time and avoid precipitating any crises that could cost him his hold on power.

Example: She has called for a general election in a bid to cement her party's grip on power.

» dar poderesgive + powers .

Example: The regulation sets out the requirement for compulsory notification of agreements to the Commission and gives the Commission powers to grant exemption to the rules.

» dejar sin poderdisempower [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: One of the greatest challenges of our society is the provision of humane & affordable services in ways that empower, rather than disempower, its aging members.

» delegar el poderentrust with + power .

Example: I think what he alludes to is the tendency of those whom we entrust with power to think within the box rather than outside the box.

» devolución de poderesdevolution .

Example: Despite such devolution it is essential to maintain close co-operation amongst libraries in the province.

» división de poderesdivision of powers .

Example: These are discussed under the following headings: Constitution of Canada; division of powers; administration of justice in the provinces; statutes and regulations judicially considered; and computer-assisted legal research in Canada.

» dominio del poderhold on powergrip on power .

Example: Saddam will play for time and avoid precipitating any crises that could cost him his hold on power.

Example: She has called for a general election in a bid to cement her party's grip on power.

» ejercer poderwield + powerexercise + power .

Example: He's chairman of the budget committee and he wields a lot of power.

Example: Broadly speaking, the former are framework regulations, such as the basic regulations for the common organization of markets and the annual CAP fixing, within which the Commission exercises delegated powers.

» el dinero es podermoney makes the world go (a)roundmoney talks (for itself)money is powerfulmoney is powermoney talks and bullshit walks .

Example: The article 'Money makes the world go round' analyses the problems facing data base producers when attempting to balance online and print subscription income = El artículo "El dinero mueve al mundo" analiza los problemas a los que enfrentan los productores de las bases de datos al intentar equilibrar sus ingresos de las suscripciones en línea con los de las suscripciones impresas.

Example: Money talks and the coal industry has a lot of money to throw their weight around.

Example: My belief was 'money is powerful' and to make money was the sole objective.

Example: Money is power and money is the root of all evil but we all still want tons of it!.

Example: Apparently only customers who are of royal blood can merit such distinction -- luckily for him, 'money talks and bullshit walks'.

» encomendar el poderentrust with + power .

Example: I think what he alludes to is the tendency of those whom we entrust with power to think within the box rather than outside the box.

» en el poderin office .

Example: After a number of years in office, however, they became increasingly abrasive, remote, contemptuous of criticism, and resistant to any change that might reduce their authority.

» equilibrio de poderbalance of power .

Example: Resource sharing has 2 inevitable impacts on acquisitions: changes in the mix of subjects and formats required and in the balance of power between the library and its vendors.

» estar en + Posesivo + poderbe in + Posesivo + hands .

Example: She then realized the fate of the little girl was in her hands.

» estar hambriendo de poderbe hungry for power .

Example: Submissive people don't necessarily like to be ordered around, and dominant people aren't necessarily hungry for power.

» estar sediento de poderbe hungry for power .

Example: Submissive people don't necessarily like to be ordered around, and dominant people aren't necessarily hungry for power.

» estructura de poderpower structure .

Example: The challenge to libraries of these institutions calls for reassessment of programmes and realignment in their power structures.

» frecuentar los pasillos del poderstalk + the corridors of power .

Example: Warren has stalked the corridors of power and can appear at first sight stern and unbending.

» frenar el abuso de podercurb + the abuse of power .

Example: These new regulations were intended to curb the abuse of power.

» frenar + Posesivo + podercurb + Posesivo + power .

Example: To stand up to Murdoch and take the slightest step to curb his power or even apply the law was to excite his wrath.

» gente de poderwielders of powerpowerful peoplepower wielders .

Example: The influence of the library is not confined to those who will be wielders of power and who will probably come to positions of responsibility.

Example: The ALA has been sitting back while these powerful people get together and decide what should be good for us.

Example: In the world of the corporate power wielders, greed is good and compassion really is a force that undermines the efficiency of the market.

» gobierno en el poderruling government .

Example: This is not to say, though, that in some countries the 'all' that is available to gather into a current national bibliography is only that which the ruling government approve of.

» grupo de poderpower group .

Example: Such power groups subsume the individual will as never before, and generate feelings of bewilderment, apathy, violence, alienation.

» hacerse con el poderseize + power .

Example: In an extractive economy, such as the Belgian Congo and its successor state, Zaire, a narrow elite seizes power and uses its control of resources to prevent social change.

» hacer todo lo que + estar + en + Posesivo + poder para/pordo + everything in + Posesivo + power to .

Example: Ever since her mother had left, Mindy's life had been chaotic and Spenser was doing everything in his power to put it back to rights.

» hambriento de poderpower-hungry .

Example: Power-hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere.

» igualdad de poderparity of power .

Example: The marketing audit is a valuable ally in the struggle toward parity of power.

» inversión de poderespower reversal .

Example: It has been noticed that, with some high-tech exhibits, there is a 'power reversal' with the children givin explanations to their parents rather than the other way round.

» jerarquía de poderscalar chain .

Example: Gangplanks should be used to prevent the scalar chain from bogging down.

» llegar al podercome to + powerrise to + power .

Example: The Tory modernisers were absolutely mesmerised by Blair; and yet they absolutely misunderstood the reasons why he came to power.

Example: Nazi ideas and brutality were evident to all even at the time, as was the fact that they were rising to power.

» llevar al poderbring + Nombre + to power .

Example: This campaign was pursued for more than 30 years since the 1965 putsch in Indonesia that eventually brought Suharto to power.

» los poderes fáticosthe powers-that-be .

Example: I've been working very hard to establish good relations with the powers-that-be, and I don't want to see my labors wiped out by denying one of them a request.

» los que detentan el poderthe powers-that-be .

Example: I've been working very hard to establish good relations with the powers-that-be, and I don't want to see my labors wiped out by denying one of them a request.

» lucha de poderespower struggle .

Example: Power struggles are surfacing at major academic institutions across the USA.

» lucha por el poderpower struggle .

Example: Power struggles are surfacing at major academic institutions across the USA.

» luchar de poderesbattle of wills .

Example: This decision touched off a battle of wills between the library and the government as well as a blitz of media publicity.

» no poder quitar los ojos de encimawatch + every move + Pronombre + makewatch + Posesivo + every move .

Example: She was just twenty years old when she married Prince Charles, and from that moment millions of people around the world watched every move she made.

Example: She says her ex-boyfriend may be watching her every move since he was released from jail.

» partido en el poder, elruling party, the .

Example: Since January of 2006 we have had to deal with the raving lunatics and suicidal madmen of the ruling party of Hamas.

» pasar las riendas del poder ahand + the reins over to .

Example: Yesterday, lame duck legislators returned for their final week before handing the reins over to the 110th Congress next month.

» pasillos del poder, loscorridors of power, the .

Example: There are those, sometimes found in the corridors of power, who would take such a view.

» perder poderlose + power .

Example: When she tried to soothe herself with other images -- images of John, the baby, the house -- she found that they had lost their power.

» pérdida de poderdisempowerment [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo]loss of power .

Example: The harsh economic environment, cultural barriers, social disempowerment, and low levels of information literacy are among the constraining factors analyzed.

Example: This would restrict the flow of gases through the converter and create a serious back pressure problem that would cause a loss of power.

» poder adquisitivospending powerpurchasing powerbuying power .

Example: More periodicals, and more expensive periodicals are chasing customers with reduced spending power.

Example: It is vital that librarians manage effectively the allocation of the materials budget and the development of the collections as the purchasing power of the materials budget declines.

Example: Despite the decline in the general rate of inflation, the buying power of libraries has continued to dwindle = A pesar del descenso de la tasa general de inflación, el poder adquisitivo de las bibliotecas ha continuado descendiendo.

» poder colectivocollective power .

Example: Nowhere is the principle of strength in numbers more apparent than in the collective power of microbes.

» poder curativohealing power .

Example: This paper discusses the healing power of reading.

» poder de atraccióndrawing power .

Example: Nearly all librarians were enthusiastic about the drawing power of public access computers in spite of the drawbacks such as theft, noise and crowding.

» poder de curaciónhealing power .

Example: This paper discusses the healing power of reading.

» poder de discriminacióndiscretion .

Example: Any guidance concerning style and content must be elastic enough to permit the abstractor to use his discretion to achieve a good abstract.

» poder de engancheholding power .

Example: While both critics and proponents of educational computing attest to the holding power of digital technologies, fundamental questions are raised by this power to attract the young.

» poder del estadostate power .

Example: He presents an analysis of state power & the alleged masculinization of authority in general, followed by a discussion of the feminization of government in Australia in the 1970s.

» poder de los mayores, elgrey power [sado para referirse al peso o fuerza económica, política, social, etc. que las personas jubiladas tienen en la sociedad actual, principalmente debido a su número] .

Example: In America, grey power is setting the political agenda.

» poder de negociaciónbargaining power .

Example: The rightholders would get a standardised fee even where they have no bargaining power to market their rights individually.

» poder de persuasiónpersuasive powerpower of persuasion .

Example: 'This particular pink-faced half-wit is at the height of his persuasive powers,' Ellington said of the bloated, hateful multimillionaire = "Este particular idiota con la cara rosada ha alcanzado el máximo de sus poderes de persuasión", dijo Ellington del excesivo y odioso multimillonario.

Example: Ancient texts, such as Homer's Iliad and Hesiod's Theogeny, make reference to the great goddess Aphrodite and her powers of persuasion.

» poder de representaciónpower of representation .

Example: Music has no concepts, it lacks images; it has no power of representation, it has no relation to the world.

» poder de retenciónholding power .

Example: While both critics and proponents of educational computing attest to the holding power of digital technologies, fundamental questions are raised by this power to attract the young.

» poder divinodivine power .

Example: Same here. I mean, I personally think that there is some divine power somewhere.

» poder económicoeconomic leverage .

Example: Large Japanese firms have the economic leverage to buy US data base producers.

» poder ejecutivochief executiveexecutive armexecutive power .

Example: Apply this rule to legislative enactments and decrees of a political jurisdiction and decrees of a chief executive having the force of law.

Example: The third group of documents reflects the Commission's role as the executive arm of the Community.

Example: Most college librarians have inadequate executive powers and this has adverse effects onthe quality of library services in the colleges.

» poder ejecutivo, elExecutive, the .

Example: Granting the Executive the power to torture people and jail them indefinitely, without meaningful judicial review, is like playing with fire.

» poderes síquicospsychic powers .

Example: You may believe in UFOs, psychics, psychic powers, astrology, spoon benders, water dowsers and other such flim-flam -- I don't.

» poder estatalstate power .

Example: He presents an analysis of state power & the alleged masculinization of authority in general, followed by a discussion of the feminization of government in Australia in the 1970s.

» poder imperialimperial power .

Example: The US should come out openly and say to the world, 'We are the only imperial power, and we're going to rule you, and if you don't like it you can lump it'.

» poder judicialjudicial armjudicial system .

Example: The judicial arm of the European Communities is the Court of Justice.

Example: The entire judicial system is under reform.

» poder judicial, eljudiciary, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: This article examines, through a discussion of Provincial legislation and relevant case law, how the Canadian judiciary has defined unauthorised practice and whether reference librarians who dispense legal information contravene the law.

» poder legalstatutory power .

Example: All four types of libraries relate either directly or indirectly to one national authority with statutory powers -- the Department of Education and Science.

» poder legislativolegislative powerlegislative arm .

Example: The European Parliament does not have the same legislative powers as a national parliament.

Example: Teachers may use a variety of participatory activities to stimulate students' interest in the legislative arm of American government.

» poder mágicomagical powermagic power .

Example: It is difficult to explain the seductive, suggestive, 'magical' power of images anthropologically.

Example: By the magic power of art, lead and mud have been turned into gold.

» poder negro, elblack power .

Example: The philosophy known as black power grew out of the frustration among many African Americans with the slow progress of the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

» poder notarialpower of attorney .

Example: A power of attorney is a legal instrument that is used to delegate legal authority to another.

» poder políticopolitical power .

Example: The control function is, in these cases, not one exercised by the bibliographer but by a political power much superior.

» poder presidencialpresidential power .

Example: The Machiavellian trajectory of presidential power jeapordizes American constitutionalism and undermines national security interests.

» poder públicopublic powerpublic authority .

Example: This article discusses several specific instances of abuses of public power that involved a questionable relationship between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and various universities during the McCarthy period.

Example: The Fund provides grant aid to infrastructure projects which are already being financed, in whole or part, by public authorities in the country concerned.

» poder remunerativoearning power [Posibilidad de mantener un trabajo que esté mejor o peor pagado]earning capacity .

Example: However, women's lack of substantial earning power in the labour market, accounts for much of the poverty endured by single-parent families headed by women.

Example: A person with good earning capacity and listening capacity and understanding capacity is called successfull person.

» poder sobrenaturalsupernatural power .

Example: According to most superstitions, witches were said to acquire their supernatural powers through a pact with the Devil = Según la mayoría de las supersticiones, se decía que las brujas obtenian sus poderes sobrenaturales haciendo un pacto con el diablo.

» política del poderpower politics .

Example: The article is entitled 'Power politics'.

» por poderesby proxy .

Example: It is in this way that students gain experience by proxy and get a feel for handling problems in the flesh-and-blood world.

» posición de poderposition power [Autoridad que confiere el puesto o cargo ocupado] .

Example: Emphasis must be given to authority rooted in expertise rather than position power.

» quitar el poderdisempower [Pincha en para ver otras palabras que comienzan con este prefijo] .

Example: One of the greatest challenges of our society is the provision of humane & affordable services in ways that empower, rather than disempower, its aging members.

» relación de poderpower relationship .

Example: These two main actors are positioned in an unequal power relationship.

» relaciones de poderpower relations .

Example: Social problems arising from power relations cannot be resolved by technology alone.

» sediento de poderpower-hungry .

Example: Power-hungry politicians are creating havoc everywhere.

» seguir en el poderstay in + power .

Example: The Cameroonian parliament has just concluded that its country's constitution needed a nip and a tuck to allow their President to stay in power another seven years.

» separación de poderes, laseparation of powers, the .

Example: Hungary's new media law shows contempt for democracy, the separation of powers and core European ideals.

» subida al poderseizure of power .

Example: This article examines the experiences of GUL during World War I, and the GUL's fate after the Nazi seizure of power and the destruction of certain books.

» subir al poderrise to + powercome to + power .

Example: Nazi ideas and brutality were evident to all even at the time, as was the fact that they were rising to power.

Example: The Tory modernisers were absolutely mesmerised by Blair; and yet they absolutely misunderstood the reasons why he came to power.

» tener el poderbe the bosscall + the shotscall + the tunerule + the roostrun + the show .

Example: One of the hardest things about being the boss is that no one tells you what you're doing wrong.

Example: The article is entitled 'Who's calling the shots in the semiconductor industry'.

Example: As long as we allow other people to pay the piper, they will continue calling the tune in Africa.

Example: Just as the 19th century belonged to England and the 20th century to America, so the 21st century will be China's turn to set the agenda and rule the roost.

Example: This might happen organically as a younger cohort replaces the boomers currently running the show.

» tener el poder dehave + the power to .

Example: And competition policy is one area of activity where the European Commission does have the power to impose legislation which is binding in all member states.

» tener hambre de poderbe hungry for powerbe thirsty for power .

Example: Submissive people don't necessarily like to be ordered around, and dominant people aren't necessarily hungry for power.

Example: Money corrupts those who are thirsty for power.

» tener las riendas del poderhold + the reins of power .

Example: The title of the article is 'Do women hold the reins of power in French libraries?'.

» tener sed de poderbe hungry for powerbe thirsty for power .

Example: Submissive people don't necessarily like to be ordered around, and dominant people aren't necessarily hungry for power.

Example: Money corrupts those who are thirsty for power.

» tomar el podertake + power .

Example: But he was soon assassinated in mysterious circumstances, and his second wife, Queen Zenobia, a woman renowned for her iron will, took power.

» tomar las riendas del podertake + the reins of power .

Example: Democrats take reins of power in Congress.

» usurpar el poderseize + power .

Example: In an extractive economy, such as the Belgian Congo and its successor state, Zaire, a narrow elite seizes power and uses its control of resources to prevent social change.

poder2 = be able to ; be capable of ; can ; have + the opportunity ; may ; qualify for ; manage to. 

Example: Thus the electronic journal (e-journal) is a concept where scientists are able to input ideas and text to a computer data base for their colleagues to view, and similarly to view the work of others.Example: Main classes are thus only capable of precise definition in the contexts of particular classification schemes.Example: When used by skilled abstractors this mixture of styles can achieve the maximum transmission of information, within a minimum length.Example: Every librarian, regardless of his government's policy, has the opportunity, if he has the courage, to open the avenues of books and ideas a little wider.Example: My second point may be a slightly tangential, but I hope it is a concrete reaction to the general tenor of Mr. Lubetzky's remarks and the general subject posed.Example: FIAC has drawn up a list of criteria to determine whether an advice centre qualifies for membership of the Federation.Example: Tom Hernandez tried not to show how sad he felt about his friends' leaving, and managed to keep up a cheerful facade until the party broke up.


» Algo por lo que se puede cobrarbillable  .

Example: This library can only e furnished with commercial products if usage is billable and protected.

» al que no se puede dejar de faltarunmissable  .

Example: All these events make the conference an unmissable event.

» a más no poderlike there's no tomorrowlike billy-olike nobody's business .

Example: The way to live like there's no tomorrow is to basically love life and be as crazy as possible and take risks and chances.

Example: As someone who is at it like billy-o almost every hour that God sends, I was delighted but not surprised by this survey.

Example: Us blacks come from poverty, so when we get money, we spend it like nobody's business.

» como mejor + poderas best (as) + Pronombre + can .

Example: We must plan as best we can for known events while contriving to improvise when, as often happens, such stirring distractions occur unannounced.

» conforme + poderin + Posesivo + own (good) time .

Example: Then when you've got a degree you can get a decent job and pay me back in your own good time.

» con un poco se puede llegar (muy) lejosa little goes a long way .

Example: A little goes a long way so only squeeze a little in your hand when you apply.

» cuando antes puedaat + Posesivo + earliest convenience .

Example: Please telephone me collect at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss your future, hopefully with the Mitford Public Library.

» cuando + poderin + Posesivo + own (good) time .

Example: Then when you've got a degree you can get a decent job and pay me back in your own good time.

» dejar fuera sin poder entrarlock + Nombre + out [Generalmente porque se ha cerrado el acceso con llave u otro medio] .

Example: A landlord cannot just lock a tenant out, take their property, shut off their electricity, gas, water or other essential services.

» de la mejor forma que + poderthe best (way) + Pronombre + can .

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

» de la mejor manera que + poderthe best (way) + Pronombre + can .

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

» del mejor modo que + poderthe best (way) + Pronombre + can .

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

» de modo que + poder + oírwithin earshot of .

Example: The only stipulation was that they stayed within earshot of their mother's whistle.

» dos pueden jugar el mismo juegotwo can play at the same game .

Example: I have always behaved fairly and honourably, but if my opponent insists on descending to dirty and caddish tricks he will find that two can play at that game.

» el dinero todo lo puedemoney makes the world go (a)roundmoney talks (for itself)money is powerfulmoney is power .

Example: The article 'Money makes the world go round' analyses the problems facing data base producers when attempting to balance online and print subscription income = El artículo "El dinero mueve al mundo" analiza los problemas a los que enfrentan los productores de las bases de datos al intentar equilibrar sus ingresos de las suscripciones en línea con los de las suscripciones impresas.

Example: Money talks and the coal industry has a lot of money to throw their weight around.

Example: My belief was 'money is powerful' and to make money was the sole objective.

Example: Money is power and money is the root of all evil but we all still want tons of it!.

» en cuanto pueda(n)at + Posesivo + earliest convenience .

Example: Please telephone me collect at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss your future, hopefully with the Mitford Public Library.

» en el que se puede buscarsearchable  .

Example: The extent of searchable elements will vary from one data base to another.

» es lo menos que + poder + hacerit's/that's the least + Pronombre + could do .

Example: After all, it's the least I could do to pay you back for what you've done to me.

» estar tan bueno que no se puede dejar de comerbe moreish  ; be moreish  .

Example: Public health research also stands to gain if we can understand why certain foods are so moreish.

Example: Public health research also stands to gain if we can understand why certain foods are so moreish.

» hacerlo lo mejor que Uno puedado + Posesivo + utmost .

Example: But all of them did their utmost and knew that their position was a key one within the school.

» hacer lo mejor que Uno puedaput + Posesivo + best intogive it + Posesivo + best shot .

Example: Printers have always liked working on special jobs, putting their best into them and taking their time.

Example: The girls played hard and Liza gave it her best shot, even though she wasn't up to full speed after spraining her ankle.

» hacer lo mejor que Uno puedetry + Posesivo + heart outtry + Posesivo + hardest .

Example: She shed a proud tear or two for her niece (win or lose), because she could see her trying her heart out.

Example: I woke up about 7 a.m. this morning -- the cat was trying her hardest to wake me up for some reason or another.

» hacer todo lo que Uno puedado + Posesivo + (honest) bestdo + the best + Nombre + maydo + the best + Nombre + cando + the best possible (with) .

Example: He was a wise and humane judge, and he clearly did his honest best and fairest, according to his lights.

Example: We are willing to try and do the best we may, however little or however much it may signify to any particular individual.

Example: We would suppose that we would like to do the best we can and get comment and input from you about the mistakes that are made.

Example: The library's approach has been to do the best possible with available resources.

» harto a más no poderstuffed to the gills .

Example: Our meal was superb -- his presentation of everything was beautiful and needless to say, everybody left the dinner table stuffed to the gills.

» hasta donde se puedato the extent possible .

Example: You should preserve confidentiality to the extent possible, but do not promise the complainant that her identity cannot be revealed.

» lo mejor que + poderthe best (way) + Pronombre + can .

Example: You guys talk her down and patch things up the best you can.

» lo suficientemente lejos como para no poder oírout of earshot .

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

» muy bien + podría + Verbomight + well + Verbo .

Example: Cataloguing codes such as the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules provide some systematic and workable guidelines on the citation of the author's names, which might well be adopted more widely.

» muy bien + puede + Verbomay well + Verbo .

Example: A large collection of documents may well contain a great deal of useful information of value to the library users.

» nada puede estar más apartado de la realidadnothing can be further from the truth .

Example: Nothing could be further from the truth, for Balzac had accomplished miracles since he arrived in Rolling Ridge six years ago.

» noche sin poder dormirsleepless night .

Example: 'Sleepless nights redux' is a follow-up article to a presentation on book and serial acquisitions entitled 'Things that keep me awake at night'.

» no dejes para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoydon't put off until tomorrow what you can do today .

Example: One saying that I try hard to live by in my personal life as well as my professional career is 'don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today'.

» no poderbe unable tocannotcan't [cannot] [Contracción de cannot] .

Example: Entry of a 'p' means that you have been unable to find the bibliographic information in the system.

Example: In most of these cases, however, a limited number of full-size 'blow-ups', on paper, are also produced which can be made available to users who cannot use microfiche.

Example: She probably hasn't told you, Blanche, because after all you're her boss, and she can't afford to fall from grace.

» no poder aguantar ahave it in for + Nombrehave + a hard-on for .

Example: Computers don't have it in for him, they just can't tolerate his electrical charge.

Example: He has always had a hard on for the press -- since he can't form a proper sentence or write maturely he hates those who do.

» no poder aguantar la idea decan't/couldn't bear the thought ofcan't/couldn't stand the thought of .

Example: I can't bear the thought of my mother having to push me around in a wheelchair -- I'd rather die quickly.

Example: I always wanted a bird, but I can't stand the thought of keeping him or her in a cage.

» no poder conciliar el sueñohave + trouble sleeping .

Example: Usually, when I have trouble sleeping it's not because I feel wrong or anything like that, it just happens.

» no poder dejar de mencionarcannot but notice .

Example: Unfortunately, we cannot but notice that the letter of the State Secretary contains much false information and contradictions.

» no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algothe importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too stronglycannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of .

Example: The importance of single-source authoritative direction cannot be stressed too strongly = No se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de una única fuente de autoridad.

Example: Hence too much emphasis cannot be given to the importance of isolating and articulating the main problem.

» no poder dejar quietobe all over + Alguien .

Example: She said he was all over her that night, like if he had many more than just two arms and legs.

» no poder dejar tranquilobe all over + Alguien .

Example: She said he was all over her that night, like if he had many more than just two arms and legs.

» no poder dormirsleeplessness  .

Example: The information fatigue syndrome causes paralysis of the analytical capacity, constant searches for more information, increased anxiety and sleeplessness and self-doubt in decision making.

» no poder esperar más paracan't/couldn't wait to + Infinitivo .

Example: Do you remember the time when we couldn't wait to grow up?.

» no poder estarse quietohave + the fidgetsfidget .

Example: In the polite Anglo-Saxon culture, you don't tell people who have the fidgets to stop fidgeting.

Example: In the polite Anglo-Saxon culture, you don't tell people who have the fidgets to stop fidgeting.

» no poder evitarcan't help but .

Example: You can't help but appreciate these trend-setting fashion designers, especially when hot models and actresses wear their creations.

» no poder evitar + Infinitivocannot help + Gerundiocannot help but + Verbo .

Example: One cannot help wondering if they would have caused so much dissension if they had not been associated with the over-enthusiastic pruning mentioned above.

Example: He smiled politely, but Bragge could not help but feel that his expression was one of low cunning.

» no poder evitarlocannot help + Reflexivo .

Example: Even though she knew that Durkin was impervious to her blandishments, she could not help herself.

» no poder evitar mencionarcannot but notice .

Example: Unfortunately, we cannot but notice that the letter of the State Secretary contains much false information and contradictions.

» no poder expresar + Posesivo + opiniónnot get a word in edgewaysnot get a word in edgewisenot get a word in .

Example: The problem was I could hardly get a word in edgeways, or even finish my own sentences without interruption.

Example: Chances are that you aren't the only one who gets a little hot under the collar when you can't get a word in edgewise.

Example: The Conservative candidate just droned on and on and on and on without letting anyone else get a word in.

» no poder hablarnot get a word in edgewaysnot get a word in edgewisenot get a word in .

Example: The problem was I could hardly get a word in edgeways, or even finish my own sentences without interruption.

Example: Chances are that you aren't the only one who gets a little hot under the collar when you can't get a word in edgewise.

Example: The Conservative candidate just droned on and on and on and on without letting anyone else get a word in.

» no poder hacer más quedo + little more than .

Example: This brief section can do little more than focus attention on the importance of library guiding.

» no poder hacer nadahave + Posesivo + hands tied .

Example: Italy's Prime Minister has voiced his opposition to NATO intervention in Libya, but said he had his hands tied by parliament.

» no poder + Indicativofail to + Infinitivo .

Example: Shelf arrangement fails to permit a document to be represented at more than one place in a sequence.

» no poder interrumpirnot get a word in edgewaysnot get a word in edgewisenot get a word in .

Example: The problem was I could hardly get a word in edgeways, or even finish my own sentences without interruption.

Example: Chances are that you aren't the only one who gets a little hot under the collar when you can't get a word in edgewise.

Example: The Conservative candidate just droned on and on and on and on without letting anyone else get a word in.

» no poder máscome to + the end of + Posesivo + tetherhave had enoughbe at the end of + Posesivo + tetherbe cheesed off withbe at the end of + Posesivo + ropebe at the end of + Posesivo + leashreach + the end of + Posesivo + tetherreach + the end of + Posesivo + rope .

Example: Mr James, who served 13 years of his 30-year sentence for the train robbery, said that he had come to the end of his tether and 'flipped his lid'.

Example: Last night the Israeli

Poder synonyms

force in spanish: fuerza, pronunciation: fɔrs part of speech: noun index in spanish: índice, pronunciation: ɪndeks part of speech: noun office in spanish: oficina, pronunciation: ɔfəs part of speech: noun king in spanish: Rey, pronunciation: kɪŋ part of speech: noun ability in spanish: capacidad, pronunciation: əbɪləti part of speech: noun might in spanish: podría, pronunciation: maɪt part of speech: noun mogul in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: moʊgəl part of speech: noun baron in spanish: barón, pronunciation: bærən part of speech: noun exponent in spanish: exponente, pronunciation: ekspoʊnənt part of speech: noun tycoon in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: taɪkun part of speech: noun magnate in spanish: magnate, pronunciation: mægnət part of speech: noun potency in spanish: potencia, pronunciation: poʊtənsi part of speech: noun superpower in spanish: superpotencia, pronunciation: supɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: noun mightiness in spanish: poder, pronunciation: maɪtinəs part of speech: noun powerfulness in spanish: poder, pronunciation: paʊɜrfəlnəs part of speech: noun world power in spanish: poder mundial, pronunciation: wɜrldpaʊɜr part of speech: noun business leader in spanish: líder de negocios, pronunciation: bɪznəslidɜr part of speech: noun great power in spanish: gran poder, pronunciation: greɪtpaʊɜr part of speech: noun major power in spanish: potencia mayor, pronunciation: meɪdʒɜrpaʊɜr part of speech: noun big businessman in spanish: gran hombre de negocios, pronunciation: bɪgbɪznəsmæn part of speech: noun top executive in spanish: alto ejecutivo, pronunciation: tɑpɪgzekjətɪv part of speech: noun power-assisted in spanish: asistido por potencia, pronunciation: paʊɜrəsɪstɪd part of speech: adjective
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