Pobreza in english


pronunciation: pɑvɜrti part of speech: noun
In gestures

pobreza = anaemia [anemia, -USA] ; poverty ; scarcity ; penury ; indigence. 

Example: His work is criticized for its triviality, quantity, linguistically impoverished style, anemia of characterization, and cliched, stereotyped ideas and plots = His work is criticized for its triviality, quantity, linguistically impoverished style, anemia of characterization, and cliched, stereotyped ideas and plots.Example: The economically told chronicle of Slake's adventures is an eloquent study of poverty, of fear, and finally of hope as circumstances converge to force Slake from his temporary limbo.Example: The relative scarcity of music automated authority and bibliographic records likewise increases costs.Example: The practice found in some libraries of using the index to the scheme as an index to the catalogue is a makeshift expedient, by penury out of ignorance, and must be condemned.Example: In this context, poverty and indigence will most likely increase moderately, continuing the negative trend begun in 2008.


» con un alto nivel de pobrezapoverty-ridden .

Example: A famous psychiatrist and a staff of 15 specialists have set up a clinic locally to treat the sick minds so common in this poverty-ridden community.

» de la fortuna a la pobrezariches to rags .

Example: A riches-to-rags story could be unfolding in Horatio's hometown, where leaders are considering dropping his name from the festival next year.

» de la pobreza a la fortunarags to riches .

Example: It is an epic story of rags to riches, of a black man's struggle in a white world, of untimely death, and of the tragedy of a mission unfulfilled.

» de la pobreza a la riquezafrom rags to riches .

Example: The article 'Computer literacy in the library: from rags to riches' demonstrates how a library can introduce a computer literacy course with a modest commitment of time and resources.

» feminización de la pobrezafeminisation of poverty [Tendencia al aumento de la pobreza entre las mujeres] .

Example: One of the widely accepted findings was that the poor were often women, and therefore, the term 'feminization of poverty was coined to describe the relationship between gender and poverty.

» hacer voto de pobrezatake + a vow of poverty .

Example: You believed this wholeheartedly, and took a vow of poverty to prove that belief.

» índice de pobrezapoverty rate .

Example: A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.

» luchar contra la pobrezafight + poverty .

Example: Some people may not regard librarianship and the transfer of information as any help in fighting poverty or for supporting the economic development in the world.

» morir en la pobrezadie in + poverty .

Example: A life long gambler, he ended up dying in poverty in 1762 at the age of 87.

» nivel de pobrezapoverty level .

Example: 42% of the 11.3m Spanish-speakers in American are under the age of 18, and 23% live below the poverty level.

» pobreza de informacióninformation poverty .

Example: To do this, information services should recognize cultural pluralism and the need to eliminate information poverty.

» tasa de pobrezapoverty rate .

Example: A national study of young adults has found that the joblessness rate is positively associated with drug use while the poverty rate is negatively associated with drug use.

» trampa de la pobrezapoverty trap [Teoría según la cual el pobre siempre seguirá siéndolo al no disponer de las opurtunidades para salir de la pobreza] .

Example: The poverty trap argument depends on children's work being substitutable for schooling.

» umbral de pobrezapoverty line .

Example: A common problem with poverty lines is the assumption that household resources are equitably distributed among members, which is not the case in real-life situations.

» vivir al borde de la pobrezalive on + the poverty line .

Example: Wine's feel-good factor makes it easy to forget that too many of the world's grape growers and pickers live on the poverty line.

» vivir en el umbral de la pobrezalive on + the poverty line .

Example: Wine's feel-good factor makes it easy to forget that too many of the world's grape growers and pickers live on the poverty line.

» vivir en la pobrezawalk + the streets of misery .

Example: He will dwell in the church that is built by martyrs fighting for justice, by children starving of hunger, by mothers and fathers walking the streets of misery.

» vivir por debajo del umbral de pobrezalive below/under + the poverty line .

Example: Nearly 36 million rural residents, or 3.8 percent of China's rural population, lived under the poverty line by the end of 2009.

» vivir por encima del umbral de pobrezalive above + the poverty line .

Example: Not a single province in Canada pays a minimum wage that permits a full-time worker to live above the poverty line.

» voto de pobrezavow of poverty .

Example: Some religious in addition to the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience make other vows such as special obedience to the Pope.

Pobreza synonyms

impoverishment in spanish: empobrecimiento, pronunciation: ɪmpɑvrɪʃmənt part of speech: noun poorness in spanish: pobreza, pronunciation: purnəs part of speech: noun
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