Pobremente in english


pronunciation: purli part of speech: adverb
In gestures

pobremente = poorly. 

Example: A poorly structured scheme requires the exercise of a good deal of initiative on the part of the indexer in order to overcome or avoid the poor structure.


» pobremente desarrolladopoorly developed [poorly-developed] .

Example: Basic problems include the lack of books in the national language and poorly developed reading habits.

» pobremente dotadounder-resourced  .

Example: Under this Labour Government our Armed Forces have been under-resourced for the commitments they have been asked to undertake.

» pobremente equipadounder-resourced  .

Example: Under this Labour Government our Armed Forces have been under-resourced for the commitments they have been asked to undertake.

» pobremente fundamentadopoorly-supported .

Example: Your points are weak and poorly supported, but that doesn't stop you from being right.

Pobremente synonyms

ill in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: ɪl part of speech: adjective badly in spanish: mal, pronunciation: bædli part of speech: adverb peaked in spanish: puntiagudo, pronunciation: pikt part of speech: adjective ailing in spanish: enfermo, pronunciation: eɪlɪŋ part of speech: adjective indisposed in spanish: indispuesto, pronunciation: ɪndɪspoʊzd part of speech: adjective sickly in spanish: enfermizo, pronunciation: sɪkli part of speech: adjective unwell in spanish: indispuesto, pronunciation: ənwel part of speech: adjective
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