Poblar in english


pronunciation: pɑpjəleɪt part of speech: verb
In gestures

poblar = populate ; people. 

Example: In areas populated largely by older people, the library might provide more reading rooms, stocked with newspapers and magazines as well as books.Example: Micronesia is comprised of seven island nations peopled by distinctly unique cultural groups.


» sin poblarunpopulated .

Example: In the USA and Australia, the impression is that there is a lot of wide open, largely unpopulated space between towns of a size to support static library services.

Poblar synonyms

dwell in spanish: habitar, pronunciation: dwel part of speech: verb live in spanish: vivir, pronunciation: laɪv part of speech: verb people in spanish: gente, pronunciation: pipəl part of speech: noun reside in spanish: residir, pronunciation: rɪzaɪd part of speech: verb shack in spanish: choza, pronunciation: ʃæk part of speech: noun inhabit in spanish: habitar, pronunciation: ɪnhæbət part of speech: verb
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