Poblador in english


pronunciation: setəlɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

poblador1 = inhabitant ; denizen. 

Example: The conference debated a library bill which aims to set up public libraries in all municipalities with over 30,000 inhabitants.Example: The denizens of each of these worlds have a wide variety of information needs and a wide variety of economic, social, political, and educational backgrounds.

poblador2 = settler ; colonist ; colonial. 

Example: In the 1920s and 1930s more than 1 million books were being loaned each year to members as far afield as the most isolated settlers' gangs working on distant branch lines.Example: Encounters between indigenous and colonizing peoples are described as MASSACRES when the indigenous people won and BATTLES when the colonists won.Example: The colonials used both peaceful and violent methods to oppose the British policies imposed on America from 1763-75.

Poblador synonyms

colonist in spanish: colono, pronunciation: kɑlənɪst part of speech: noun
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