Población in english


pronunciation: pɑpjəleɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

población1 = citizenry ; population ; user population. 

Example: The subpoena process represents a legal obligation and duty of citinzenry and is becoming a fact of life in the operations of many libraries.Example: The new building was expected to provide for a university population of 5,500 students of which approximately 3,500 would be science and technology students and 2,000 arts and social science students.Example: Given similar demographics (age, size, and user population), to what extent do community hospital libraries differ in collection content?.


» con gran densidad de poblacióndensely populated .

Example: The first public reading-room in Berlin opened in 1895 in a densely populated working-class district.

» con mucha poblaciónheavily populated .

Example: Teachers face all the problems endemic to the heavily populated, least prosperous inner-city areas.

» con poca poblaciónthinly populated .

Example: Powys is a very large, thinly populated, mountainous county in Wales where the archive office was established only in 1990.

» crecimiento de la poblaciónpopulation growth .

Example: But this development is now coming to an end, and we will not experience a similarly rapid increase in population growth over the course of this century.

» de población poco densasparsely populated .

Example: This article deals with the problems of providing library collection and acquisitions services to off-campus university students throughout a sparsely populated region of northeastern Ontario in Canada.

» dirigido a un sector de la población específicosector-orientated .

Example: This article describes a new idea for national resource sharing which has grown out of current discussions on sector-orientated library and information services.

» en algunos grupos de la poblaciónin some quarters .

Example: Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.

» en algunos sectores de la poblaciónin some quarters .

Example: Amidst increasing signs in some quarters that the worst of the global economic slump could be over, analysts are looking for signs that Russia is close to recovery.

» en muchos grupos de la poblaciónin many quarters .

Example: Rapid urban growth and suburban sprawl have heightened concern in many quarters about sustainable development.

» en muchos sectores de la poblaciónin many quarters .

Example: Rapid urban growth and suburban sprawl have heightened concern in many quarters about sustainable development.

» entre la población en generalmainstream .

Example: During the 1980s, due to technology like cable and pay per view, wrestling increased its visibility and found some mainstream success.

» envejecimiento de la poblaciónaging population [ageing population] .

Example: This article discusses the impact of such trends as aging population, privatisation, and the paperless society on library facilities.

» estadística de poblaciónpopulation statistics .

Example: The data, in the form of points, lines, or polygons, can describe geology, soils, water, forest cover, or population statistics.

» excedente de poblaciónoverspill [Generalmente se aplica a aquella población que sale de las grandes ciudades a vivir en los pueblos de los alrededores] .

Example: Such dislocation, in a more extreme form, can be found as a result of some schemes for absorbing overspill populations from London and other large conurbations.

» foco de poblaciónpopulation centre .

Example: What was clear from the analysis was that major population centres such as Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield, Hull and York (all of which are university towns) had what might be called 'good' bookshop provision.

» índice de crecimiento de la poblaciónpopulation growth rate .

Example: Population growth rates were not only high, but at that point, they had been increasing substantially for over a decade.

» movimiento de la poblaciónpopulation turnoverpopulation transfer .

Example: First was a rapid increase in population turnover, marked by a massive movement of whites into the suburbs and a subsequent rise in the number of low-income blacks in the central city.

Example: The librarian would at the end of such a search have a list of terms such as the following: emigres, evacuees, fugitives, immigration, migrants, migration, naturalisation, population transfers, transients.

» población activaworking populationeconomically active populationwork-force [workforce]labour force .

Example: Information technology, then, will have a direct impact on the majority of the working population of highly developed countries.

Example: The indicators used were: economically active population, percentage of gross domestic product destined to research and development, and total number of researchers dedicated to research and development.

Example: Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.

Example: The view that Chinese immigration was a threat to the American labour force spread throughout the United States in the late 19th century.

» población cada vez más envejecidagreying population [graying population] .

Example: The article 'Redefining library services for a graying population' addresses the question of public library services for elderly people in the USA.

» población civilcivilian [Nombre] .

Example: Here are entered works on temporary establishments which provide members of the Armed forces and, in emergencies, civilians with food and recreation.

» población civil, lacivilian population, the .

Example: These death squads abducted members of the civilian population torturing and often executing them.

» población de pecesfish stock .

Example: There should be an official close season for fishing, certain periods where there is no fishing, to allow rejuvenation of the fish stock.

» población en generalbroad population .

Example: In the US, in spite of efforts to extend Internet access to a broad population, some segments of the population are 'falling through the net,' to their economic peril = En los Estados Unidos, a pesar de los esfuerzos por extender el acceso a Internet a la población en general, algunos sectores "se escapan de los beneficios de Internet", con el riesgo económico que esto implica.

» población en general, lageneral population, the .

Example: Web surfers are more politically active than the general population.

» población estudiantilschool population .

Example: The real issue was whether school populations can be fully served by a media specialist commuting between several campuses = El cuestión real era si un único especialista en multimedia desplazándose por varios campus universitarios podía atender bien la población estudiantil.

» población indígenaindigenous people .

Example: If the word battle does not appropriately describe an armed encounter between an indigenous and a colonizing people, the neutral word incident should be used.

» población, lapopulace, the .

Example: This would enable the majority of the rural populace who are illiterate and semi-literate to participate in cultural and intellectual entertainment.

» población locallocal population .

Example: This attack has increased tension between the local population and refugees from Sierra Leone.

» población multiculturalmulticultural population .

Example: The diverse multicultural and multilingual populations of this rural area underscore the importance of overcoming the mechanisms of discrimination and the inequalities that result.

» población multilingüemultilingual population .

Example: The diverse multicultural and multilingual populations of this rural area underscore the importance of overcoming the mechanisms of discrimination and the inequalities that result.

» población nativanative populationaboriginal peoplenative inhabitant .

Example: Native populations also have rising rates of diabetes and heart disease.

Example: This is an important contribution to our understanding of the lamentably neglected subject of the plight of the aboriginal people of India.

Example: The discovery of gold spurred wealth and immigation and intensified the subjugation of the native inhabitants = El descubrimiento de oro fomentó la riqueza y la inmigración e intensificó la represión de la población nativa.

» población obrerablue collar population .

Example: As such, the library serves a large blue collar population of thrifty, hardworking people with a predilection toward conservatism in lifestyle and thought.

» población penitenciariaprison populationprison numbers .

Example: She has been voted librarian of the year because of her work as an advocate and fighter for the freedom of information for the prison population.

Example: Prison numbers are reaching breaking point and the lack of prison cells means many offenders are not being brought before court.

» población pesquerafish stock .

Example: There should be an official close season for fishing, certain periods where there is no fishing, to allow rejuvenation of the fish stock.

» población presidiariaprison numbersprison population .

Example: Prison numbers are reaching breaking point and the lack of prison cells means many offenders are not being brought before court.

Example: She has been voted librarian of the year because of her work as an advocate and fighter for the freedom of information for the prison population.

» población ruralrural peoplerural villagerural population .

Example: In particular, rural people, who are already marginalized by harsh circumstances, are further deprived of access to information.

Example: The article has the title 'The meaning of hope and generic caring practices to nurture hope in a rural village in the Dominican Republic' = El artículo tiene el título "El significado de la esperanza y de las ayudas humanitarias de tipo general para dar esperanza a una población rural de la República Dominicada.

Example: This study was based on 18 responses to questionnaires distributed to 25 bookmobiles serving small rural populations.

» población urbanaurban population .

Example: Street markets for fresh food, once the main source for the UK urban population, are now a minor contributor to overall sales.

» profesional dedicado a prestar un servicio a la poblaciónservice professional .

Example: Librarians, as service professionals, have well-defined social responsibilities that relate directly to librarianship = Los bibliotecarios, como profesionales dedicados a prestar un servicio a la población, tienen responsabilidades sociales claramente definidas que están relacionadas directamente con la biblioteconomía.

» profesión dedicada a prestar un servicio a la poblaciónservice profession .

Example: Service is perhaps not a very glamorous concept, but we are nevertheless a service profession = El servicio quizás no es un concepto muy atractivo, pero no obstante somos una profesión dedicada al servicio.

» reducir la poblacióndepopulate .

Example: It is my intention to give you clips from documents, many from the United Nations, that prove there is a plan to depopulate this planet.

» tasa de crecimiento de la poblaciónpopulation growth rate .

Example: Population growth rates were not only high, but at that point, they had been increasing substantially for over a decade.

población2 = village. 

Example: In the above example, when specifying the individual village, Ashworthy, we must employ a verbal extension to the 'normal' UDC notation.


» población con mercado ambulantemarket town [Pueblo o ciudad donde regularmente se reúnen comerciantes ambulantes a vender sus productos]market centre [Pueblo o ciudad donde regularmente se reúnen comerciantes ambulantes a vender sus productos] .

Example: The same authority also experimented for a number of years with a mobile consumer advice caravan which travelled a fortnightly rota of small market towns = El mismo organismo responsable también experimentó durante varios años con una caravana ambulante de información al consumidor que recorría las poblaciones con mercado ambulante quincenalmente.

Example: The 2 communities investigated with the help of library school students were Looe, a fishing village, and Hatherleigh, a market centre.

» población ruralrural peoplerural villagerural population .

Example: In particular, rural people, who are already marginalized by harsh circumstances, are further deprived of access to information.

Example: The article has the title 'The meaning of hope and generic caring practices to nurture hope in a rural village in the Dominican Republic' = El artículo tiene el título "El significado de la esperanza y de las ayudas humanitarias de tipo general para dar esperanza a una población rural de la República Dominicada.

Example: This study was based on 18 responses to questionnaires distributed to 25 bookmobiles serving small rural populations.

Población synonyms

universe in spanish: universo, pronunciation: junəvɜrs part of speech: noun populating in spanish: poblando, pronunciation: pɑpjəleɪtɪŋ part of speech: verb
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