Plástico in english


pronunciation: plæstɪk part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

plástico = plastic ; polythene. 

Example: For example, a document on 'the cutting of glass-fibre-reinforced plastics for use in the hulls of yachts' draws together the concepts: cutting, glass-fibre-reinforced plastics, hulls and yachts.Example: When removed from the sink the items were left to drain off for half an hour at room temperature, then packaged in polythene in separate bundles and placed in a domestic refrigerator for 7 weeks.


» acolchado con plástico de burbujasbubble padded .

Example: This article assesses whether paper padded or bubble padded envelopes are more durable for interlibrary loans.

» bolsa de plásticoplastic bagpolybag [Contracción de polyethylene bag]polyethylene bag .

Example: The subject headings 'welding of plastic bags' and 'polyethylene films', may be analysed in the same way to fit into categories which define their role in relation to the other concepts involved.

Example: Meanwhile, the government imposed a ban on the use of polybags in the capital on account of being an environmental hazard.

Example: That means storing the papers in archival quality polyethylene bags and then storing the bagged papers in archival boxes.

» botella de plásticoplastic bottle .

Example: The describes the construction of a simple launcher for plastic bottle rockets.

» cirugía plásticaplastic surgery .

Example: The database includes records ranging from drug and pharmacy guides to plastic surgery.

» cirujano plásticoplastic surgeon .

Example: Plastic surgeons around the world are noticing an increasing demand for buttock implants and butt lifts.

» contenedor de plásticoplastic bin .

Example: The system consists of 2 plastic bins, the smaller placed inside the larger, and the gap between them partially filled with water which is soaked up by blotting paper attached to the outside of the smaller bin.

» cubierto por una funda de plásticoplastic-covered .

Example: Plastic-covered wire or metal supports are designed to clip firmly to the shelf itself or to the base of the shelf above.

» cubo de plásticoplastic pailplastic bucket .

Example: Tomatoes, cucumbers, and similar plants can be grown in pots about the size of 5-gallon plastic pails.

Example: Store liquids, powders, or most anything safely in plastic buckets with lids that really make an airtight seal.

» empaquetar al vacío en plásticoshrink-wrap [shrinkwrap] .

Example: Faced with the challenge of moving large numbers of materials to a distant storage site, embrittled materials were shrink wrapped to ensure their safe transport.

» envasar al vacío en plásticoshrink-wrap [shrinkwrap] .

Example: Faced with the challenge of moving large numbers of materials to a distant storage site, embrittled materials were shrink wrapped to ensure their safe transport.

» envase de plásticoplastic container .

Example: This book will show you how to give a second life to everything from plastic containers to bubble wrap to pantyhose and more.

» envoltorio plástico de burbujasbubble wrap .

Example: This book will show you how to give a second life to everything from plastic containers to bubble wrap to pantyhose and more.

» funda de plásticoplastic jacketplastic coverup .

Example: Most libraries now use plastic jackets on hard book covers and either laminate paperbacks or use one of the slip-on plastic jackets specially designed for paperbacks.

Example: Due to budgetary restrictions, serials librarians are being forced to find more economical methods of preservation than commercial binding such as pambinding, handibind, tack binding, comb binding and plastic coverups.

» película transparente de plásticopolyethylene film [Usada normalmente para cubrir o envolver alimentos] .

Example: The subject headings 'welding of plastic bags' and 'polyethylene films', may be analysed in the same way to fit into categories which define their role in relation to the other concepts involved.

» pintura plásticaplastic paint .

Example: Furthermore, unlike plastic paints, they allow walls to `breathe' and so minimise the risk of damp or condensation.

» plástico de burbujasbubble wrap .

Example: This book will show you how to give a second life to everything from plastic containers to bubble wrap to pantyhose and more.

» plástico portadiapositivaswallet .

Example: Other commercially available wallets are made of a more pliable transparent plastic - again with a separate pocket for each slide - and these can be folded to fit into a cardboard box.

» plato de plásticopicnic plate .

Example: This, I supposed, was the reason they were eating off picnic plates using plastic cutlery and drinking from flimsy plastic beaker.

» recipiente de plásticoplastic container .

Example: This book will show you how to give a second life to everything from plastic containers to bubble wrap to pantyhose and more.

» revestimiento de plásticoplastic coating .

Example: At one point the plastic coating on my eyeglass temples wore away, and I got an itchy rash over the tops of my ears.

» un mar de plásticoa sea of + plastic .

Example: These whales are literally swimming through a sea of plastic and eating the waste that we discard.

» vaso de plásticoplastic cup .

Example: Suddenly, the wind whipped up again, blowing the plastic cups around his feet.

Plástico synonyms

elastic in spanish: elástico, pronunciation: ɪlæstɪk part of speech: adjective pliant in spanish: flexible, pronunciation: plaɪənt part of speech: adjective integrative in spanish: integrador, pronunciation: ɪntəgreɪtɪv part of speech: adjective impressionable in spanish: impresionable, pronunciation: ɪmpreʃənəbəl part of speech: adjective fictile in spanish: figulino, pronunciation: fɪktəl part of speech: adjective moldable in spanish: moldeable, pronunciation: moʊldəbəl part of speech: adjective
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