Plumazo in english

Stroke of the pen

pronunciation: stroʊkəvðəpen part of speech: none
In gestures



» de un plumazoin one fell swoopat one blowat one whackat one pullin one shotin one actionin one goat one fell swoopat a stroke .

Example: He fired them all, in one fell swoop when he took office as do most all Presidents.

Example: This approach eliminates, at one blow, both the problems which exercise the designer of a pre-co-ordinate index, that is citation order and reference structure.

Example: I am involved with systematic reviews which routinely result in 4,000+ citations at one whack.

Example: In this way the whole forme was printed at one pull.

Example: Then in one second ten programs could work consecutively, and it will look like the computer is doing all ten in one shot.

Example: To remove the borrower from all routing lists in one action, enter the code for delete.

Example: He jumped in with both feet, opening five stores in one go and declaring his intention to open 30 more within five years.

Example: Life on board ship is not easy for anyone, least of all for a small child, who is deprived of nursery and toys at one fell swoop.

Example: This is a time of great tension because we know that at any moment, when we least expect it, our lives can be cut short at a stroke.
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