Plumaje in english


pronunciation: plumədʒ part of speech: noun
In gestures

plumaje = plumage. 

Example: Shorebirds vary from the boldly patterned like avocets and stilts to the subtlety of small sandpipers with plumage variation by season and age.


» cambiar el plumajemoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» mudar el plumajemoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» ser pájaros del mismo plumajebe birds of a feather .

Example: Kindred spirits are 'birds of a feather' listening to the same voice within.

Plumaje synonyms

feather in spanish: pluma, pronunciation: feðɜr part of speech: noun plume in spanish: penacho, pronunciation: plum part of speech: noun
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