Plenamente in english


pronunciation: fʊli part of speech: adverb
In gestures



» conseguir realizarse plenamenteachieve + Posesivo + full potential .

Example: Until this preference is shifted to on-line full text retrieval, the data base industry will achieve only a fraction of its full potential.

» estar plenamente comprometido conbe totally committed to .

Example: Less than one-third (31%) of respondents say they are totally committed to their current employers.

Plenamente synonyms

full in spanish: completo, pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective amply in spanish: ampliamente, pronunciation: æmpli part of speech: adverb in full in spanish: en su totalidad, pronunciation: ɪnfʊl part of speech: adverb to the full in spanish: al máximo, pronunciation: tuðəfʊl part of speech: adverb
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