Plena in english


pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pleno1 = fulfilling ; full ; total ; complete. 

Example: The acquisition of reliable information is vitally important enabling people to enjoy fulfilling lives and be fully participating citizens.Example: Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.Example: This situation requires a very skilled information worker if total disaster is to be avoided.Example: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.


» a plena luz del díain broad daylightin plain daylight .

Example: Gangs of hoodlums, aged as young as eight, are roaming the streets terrorising store owners and shoppers in broad daylight.

Example: This incident happened in plain daylight and in the wink of an eye.

» a plena vistain plain sightin plain view .

Example: Anyway, it is well known that Fortuner is a soft target for spare tyre theft, as it hangs (in plain sight) under the boot of the vehicle.

Example: Giving a hickey is pretty easy, but removing one quickly is not, and having one in plain view can be embarrassing.

» a plena vista (de)in full view (of) .

Example: For some unknown reason, success usually occurs in private, while failure occurs in full view.

» a pleno rendimientoin full swingat full capacity .

Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.

Example: Iran's first nuclear power plant will be connected to the national grid at full capacity in the coming weeks.

» a pleno solin the full sun .

Example: Many say the foliage color of the crotons is best in the full sun but it does well any where it gets adequate water.

» asumir plena responsabilidadtake + sole responsibility .

Example: Like most ducks, female teals take sole responsibility for rearing the ducklings.

» asunto de plena actualidadred-hot topicred-hot issue .

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

Example: But if these seven, red-hot issues are any indicator, don't expect things to cool off any time soon.

» atención plenamindfulness  .

Example: It teaches what we often neglect in today's hectic, competitive world: self-love, balance, and mindfulness, among much more.

» cantar a pleno pulmónbelt outsing at + the top of + Posesivo + lungs .

Example: Singers will belt out Beatles hits to help charity.

Example: My mom frequently tells the story of how she sang at the top of her lungs all during her pregnancy with me.

» conciencia plenamindfulness  .

Example: It teaches what we often neglect in today's hectic, competitive world: self-love, balance, and mindfulness, among much more.

» conocimiento plenoawareness  .

Example: Against this proliferation of hosts there is a distinct awareness amongst users of the need for the rationalisation = Pincha en para ver otras palabras que terminan con este sufijo.

» con pleno derechowith full rights .

Example: An illiterate is a person who cannot read, write or do mathematical calculations well enough to be integrated into society as an individual with full rights.

» cuestión de plena actualidadred-hot issuered-hot topic .

Example: But if these seven, red-hot issues are any indicator, don't expect things to cool off any time soon.

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

» de plena actualidadhot [hotter -comp., hottest -sup.]  ; red-hot .

Example: But searching an Internet database through hot new technique such as Wide Area Information Servers is vastly different from using the BITNET protocols to rummage through files on one of its server computers.

Example: A fast expanding nightlife and a red-hot design district are making it one of the world's most glamorous destinations.

» de pleno derechoin + Posesivo + own rightrightful .

Example: Each of these is sufficiently significant that they repay study in their own right.

Example: Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of rightful users of a library really makes use of it.

» en plena floraciónin full blossomin full bloom .

Example: We passed by a cherry tree already in full blossom, though it was only March, and noticed the sound of skylarks twittering above our heads.

Example: Night was in full bloom, most of the food had been devoured and the fire was dying.

» en plena formain peak conditionin tip-top formin tip-top condition .

Example: Nutritionally balanced foods containing the optimum level of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals to help keep your pet in peak condition.

Example: Throughout countless interviews with experts, they all agree on one strategy for keeping your mood in tip-top form -- eat breakfast!.

Example: There are a few secrets to having your hair in tip-top condition -- eating well, drinking water, and not over using hairdryers or straighteners.

» en plena marchain full swingin full gearin full operationup to full speed .

Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.

Example: Christmas is merely three weeks away, even if the commercialized aspect of the holidays have been in full gear for over two weeks now.

Example: Fortunately, for the most part, the pier is back in full operation after the storm.

Example: The girls played hard and Liza gave it her best shot, even though she wasn't up to full speed after spraining her ankle.

» en plena zona residencialin the heart of suburbia .

Example: It's the story of an uncommonly gentle man who finds fame, love, and then rejection in the heart of suburbia.

» en plenoin the heart of .

Example: Greenpeace announced on October 27th that it has set up base in the heart of the Indonesian rainforest.

» en pleno apogeoin full bloom .

Example: Night was in full bloom, most of the food had been devoured and the fire was dying.

» en pleno augeat its heightat its peakat its zenith .

Example: At its height in 1929 the stock, circulation and readers were only slightly fewer than those of the secular public libraries.

Example: At its peak in 1987, the rebel army consisted of more than 25000 fighters.

Example: America was at its zenith to the outside world forty years ago when the first human landed on the moon.

» en pleno campoin (the) open countryin the heart of the country .

Example: There's time and space away from the rat race to be found in open country - places that can recharge mental and spiritual batteries.

Example: They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest railway station and two miles from the nearest post office.

» en pleno desarrolloin full swingin full gearin full operationup to full speed .

Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.

Example: Christmas is merely three weeks away, even if the commercialized aspect of the holidays have been in full gear for over two weeks now.

Example: Fortunately, for the most part, the pier is back in full operation after the storm.

Example: The girls played hard and Liza gave it her best shot, even though she wasn't up to full speed after spraining her ankle.

» en pleno díain broad daylightin plain daylight .

Example: Gangs of hoodlums, aged as young as eight, are roaming the streets terrorising store owners and shoppers in broad daylight.

Example: This incident happened in plain daylight and in the wink of an eye.

» en pleno funcionamientoin full operationin full swingin full gearup to full speed .

Example: Fortunately, for the most part, the pier is back in full operation after the storm.

Example: And when the New Year celebrations were in full swing at the moment Britain entered the Community, how many people remember raising their glasses to Europe?.

Example: Christmas is merely three weeks away, even if the commercialized aspect of the holidays have been in full gear for over two weeks now.

Example: The girls played hard and Liza gave it her best shot, even though she wasn't up to full speed after spraining her ankle.

» en pleno inviernoin the middle of the winterat the height of the winter .

Example: I was born in the middle of the winter when nature was asleep.

Example: Bear in mind that at the height of the winter, salt supplies run out and 25kg bags are sold for as much as £30 to consumers.

» en pleno rendimientoin full gearin full operationup to full speed .

Example: Christmas is merely three weeks away, even if the commercialized aspect of the holidays have been in full gear for over two weeks now.

Example: Fortunately, for the most part, the pier is back in full operation after the storm.

Example: The girls played hard and Liza gave it her best shot, even though she wasn't up to full speed after spraining her ankle.

» en pleno solin the full sun .

Example: Many say the foliage color of the crotons is best in the full sun but it does well any where it gets adequate water.

» en pleno uso de + Posesivo + facultades mentalesof (a) sound mindof (a) sound and disposing mind and memorymentally fit .

Example: The candidate must be 21 years of age, have parental permission, and be physically healthy, free of debt, and possessed of a sound mind.

Example: They content themselves with stating in general terms that, to be capable of making a will, a man must be of sound disposing mind and memory.

Example: A panel of three psychiatrists has found Payton Rapozo mentally fit to stand trial for murder.

» en pleno uso de + Posesivo + facultades físicas y mentalesphysically and mentally fit .

Example: No contestant shall be licensed to participate in a martial arts event unless certified as physically and mentally fit by a medical doctor.

» en pleno uso de + Posesivo + razónmentally fit .

Example: A panel of three psychiatrists has found Payton Rapozo mentally fit to stand trial for murder.

» en pleno veranoin midsummerat the height of the summerin the middle of the summer .

Example: The continuation of that project will depend on the results of a report in midsummer.

Example: In British waters, even at the height of the summer, it's possible to get hypothermia in as little as three hours.

Example: Water temperatures range from the 50's in the spring and fall to the low 70s in the middle of the summer.

» en pleno vuelomid-flight .

Example: The person sitting next to me was obviously a nervous flier and she had kittens when the locker above her flew open mid-flight!.

» estar en plena formabe in top formbe in top conditionbe in top shape .

Example: She will need to be in top form from the get go this year, when he takes on her opponent on Wednesday evening.

Example: Airflow outside of the servers is similarly key to ensuring servers are in top condition.

Example: She hopes to be back in top shape for next week's league game in Monaco.

» estar en pleno apogeobe in full cry .

Example: During the 1st period, 1895-1912, American liberalism was in full cry, the basic idea being to improve the level of knowledge among the masses and thus aid the development of society.

» estar en pleno augebe in full cry .

Example: During the 1st period, 1895-1912, American liberalism was in full cry, the basic idea being to improve the level of knowledge among the masses and thus aid the development of society.

» funcionar a plena capacidadbe fully into + Posesivo + stride .

Example: The newly elected Scottish Local Government Authorities assumed their powers in May 75 and are not yet fully into their stride.

» funcionar a pleno rendimientowork at + full capacityoperate at + full capacityfire on + all (four/six/eight) cylindershit on + all (four/six/eight) cylindersrun on + all (four/six/eight) cylinders .

Example: Your laptop battery should work at full capacity for two to three years before it will not last as long as it used to.

Example: In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.

Example: Coming into the off season firing on all cylinders is just the way we want to see her starting her prep for next year's competition.

Example: What stops you from becoming the person you truly want to be: motivated, energized, and hitting on all cylinders?.

Example: If we could get running on all cylinders and really using all our talent in the best possible way that would be a great gain for the economy.

» mantener en plena formakeep + Nombre + in top shape .

Example: To keep a horse in top shape, you should put it to bed no later than 10 pm.

» pleno inviernomidwinter [mid-winter] .

Example: This article outlines the proceedings of the Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association in San Antonio = El artículo describe en líneas generales las actas del Encuentro de Invierno de la American Library Association en San Antonio.

» sentirse en plena formafeel + tip-top .

Example: He rests tranquilly, has a good appetite, and says he 'feels tip-top'.

» tema de plena actualidadred-hot issuered-hot topic .

Example: But if these seven, red-hot issues are any indicator, don't expect things to cool off any time soon.

Example: Government-imposed tightening of mortgage qualifications has clearly been a red-hot topic.

» tener plena conciencia debe fully aware ofbe sharply aware ofbe well aware of .

Example: Librarians are fully aware of and sympathetic toward the monetary problems of journals because libraries have the same problems.

Example: Those who pay attention to history are sharply aware of the link between historic famines, global cooling, vulcanism, and earthquakes.

Example: As a fitness professional, you are well aware of many of the benefits of exercise in preventing chronic disease.

» trabajar a pleno rendimientowork at + full tiltwork at + full capacityoperate at + full capacity .

Example: In addition to their regular tasks, which keep them working at full tilt at all times, 15,000 periodical titles had arrived and had to be processed.

Example: Your laptop battery should work at full capacity for two to three years before it will not last as long as it used to.

Example: In most cases, it is unlikely that any system will operate at full capacity for prolonged periods.

» una plena convicción dea strong sense of .

Example: Theory covered in the workshop will be firmly grounded in practice so that participants leave with a strong sense of where to begin in setting up a custom digital imaging operation.

pleno2 = city council meeting. 

Example: He was also arrested and handcuffed at two city council meetings in 2006.


» pleno del ayuntamientocity council meeting .

Example: He was also arrested and handcuffed at two city council meetings in 2006.

Plena synonyms

good in spanish: bueno, pronunciation: gʊd part of speech: adjective round in spanish: redondo, pronunciation: raʊnd part of speech: adjective, noun, adverb complete in spanish: completar, pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb rich in spanish: Rico, pronunciation: rɪtʃ part of speech: adjective whole in spanish: todo, pronunciation: hoʊl part of speech: adjective, noun heavy in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: hevi part of speech: adjective wax in spanish: cera, pronunciation: wæks part of speech: noun broad in spanish: ancho, pronunciation: brɔd part of speech: adjective replete in spanish: repleto, pronunciation: riplit part of speech: verb laden in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: leɪdən part of speech: adjective ample in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: æmpəl part of speech: adjective total in spanish: total, pronunciation: toʊtəl part of speech: adjective, noun wide in spanish: amplio, pronunciation: waɪd part of speech: adjective entire in spanish: todo, pronunciation: ɪntaɪɜr part of speech: adjective orotund in spanish: rimbombante, pronunciation: ɔroʊtənd part of speech: adjective plangent in spanish: plañidero, pronunciation: plændʒənt part of speech: adjective pregnant in spanish: embarazada, pronunciation: pregnənt part of speech: adjective inundated in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: ɪnəndeɪtɪd part of speech: adjective stentorian in spanish: estentóreo, pronunciation: stentɔriən part of speech: adjective sonorous in spanish: sonoro, pronunciation: sɑnɜrəs part of speech: adjective fully in spanish: completamente, pronunciation: fʊli part of speech: adverb loaded in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: loʊdəd part of speech: adjective filled in spanish: lleno, pronunciation: fɪld part of speech: adjective stuffed in spanish: relleno, pronunciation: stʌft part of speech: adjective rotund in spanish: rotundo, pronunciation: roʊtʌnd part of speech: adjective congested in spanish: congestionado, pronunciation: kəndʒestəd part of speech: adjective booming in spanish: en auge, pronunciation: bumɪŋ part of speech: adjective sounding in spanish: sondeo, pronunciation: saʊndɪŋ part of speech: adjective riddled in spanish: acribillado, pronunciation: rɪdəld part of speech: adjective rumbling in spanish: retumbar, pronunciation: rʌmbəlɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective brimming in spanish: rebosante, pronunciation: brɪmɪŋ part of speech: adjective flooded in spanish: inundado, pronunciation: flʌdəd part of speech: adjective untouched in spanish: sin tocar, pronunciation: əntʌtʃt part of speech: adjective overflowing in spanish: desbordante, pronunciation: oʊvɜrfloʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective grumbling in spanish: quejándose, pronunciation: grʌmbəlɪŋ part of speech: noun chock-full in spanish: lleno, pronunciation: tʃɑkfʊl part of speech: adjective engorged in spanish: congestionado, pronunciation: ɪŋgɔrdʒd part of speech: adjective swarming in spanish: enjambre, pronunciation: swɔrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective chockful in spanish: pesado, pronunciation: tʃɑkfəl part of speech: adjective nourished in spanish: nutrido, pronunciation: nɜrɪʃt part of speech: adjective overloaded in spanish: sobrecargado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrloʊdɪd part of speech: adjective ladened in spanish: cargado, pronunciation: leɪdənd part of speech: adjective undivided in spanish: indiviso, pronunciation: əndəvaɪdɪd part of speech: adjective overfull in spanish: demasiado lleno, pronunciation: oʊvɜrfəl part of speech: adjective glutted in spanish: saturado, pronunciation: glʌtɪd part of speech: adjective brimful in spanish: rebosante, pronunciation: brɪmfəl part of speech: adjective choke-full in spanish: lleno de estrangulamiento, pronunciation: tʃoʊkfʊl part of speech: adjective brimfull in spanish: bañado, pronunciation: brɪmfəl part of speech: adjective overladen in spanish: sobrecargado, pronunciation: oʊvɜrleɪdən part of speech: adjective chuck-full in spanish: lleno de chuck, pronunciation: tʃʌkfəl part of speech: adjective wide-cut in spanish: corte ancho, pronunciation: waɪdkʌt part of speech: adjective weighed down in spanish: agobiado, pronunciation: weɪddaʊn part of speech: adjective untasted in spanish: sin sabor, pronunciation: əntæstɪd part of speech: adjective to the full in spanish: al máximo, pronunciation: tuðəfʊl part of speech: adverb cram full in spanish: lleno lleno, pronunciation: kræmfʊl part of speech: adjective well-lined in spanish: bien alineado, pronunciation: wellaɪnd part of speech: adjective
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