Plegable in english


pronunciation: foʊldɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

plegable = retractable ; collapsible ; telescopic ; foldable ; fold-down ; folding. 

Example: While some retractable awnings can be used during a light rain if they are pitched sufficiently to shed the water, most are not designed for use in inclement weather.Example: Using collapsible ironing boards can be inconvenient because they must be retrieved from storage before unfolding.Example: Thanks to the unique telescopic structure, you can position the driving seat to perfectly accomodate the arms and legs.Example: As far as we know the possibility of using foldable and stackable containers in wood transport has not yet been described in the literature.Example: For example, this home features a fold-down bed that, when not used, basically disappears into the wal.Example: Use this folding cart to carry anything around the house, garden or warehouse and fold it down for storage when you're done.


» antena plegabletelescopic antenna .

Example: The receiver can only be used with short telescopic antennas.

» bandeja plegabletray table .

Example: During the cold winter months we got into such a habit of eating our meals on tray tables on the couches and watching TV.

» cama plegablecamp bedcotrollaway bedrollaway .

Example: He slept on a camp bed in the baking hot room between 12-hour shifts and survived on leftovers brought to him by friendly chefs.

Example: When you go there and see people sleeping in cots in the hallway, it is clear that these are inhumane conditions.

Example: Even the standard double rooms are large enough for a family; request one with two double beds, or take advantage of a pull-out sofa or rollaway bed.

Example: The guest rooms are spacious and luxuriously furnished, with plenty of room for a rollaway or a crib.

» cartel plegablesandwich board [Para colocar anuncios, como los que lleva el hombre anuncio] .

Example: Three 'sandwich boards' are placed outside the van at each stop and four magnetic signs are stuck on the exterior to describe the range of subjects covered.

» escalera plegabletelescopic ladderstepladderfolding ladder .

Example: Sometimes it's a stretch to get all those home improvement or home repair jobs done so make it easy on yourself with this telescopic ladder.

Example: As a result, the worker lost his balance, fell off the stepladder, and fractured his right leg.

Example: A folding ladder is used to gaining access to the attic through a scuttle hole in the ceiling

» libro con estructura plegablepop-up book [libro con estructura plegable que se abre al abrirlo] .

Example: Ten workshops were held which included sizing, calligraphy, marbling, paper mending, limited edition binding techniques, sewing structures and 'pop-up' books.

» mesa plegablefolding table .

Example: To the right of the sewing machine is an open wooden box sitting on a folding table.

» silla plegablefolding chair .

Example: Additional meeting participants can be accommodated on folding chairs.

» tablón plegablesandwich board [Para colocar anuncios, como los que lleva el hombre anuncio] .

Example: Three 'sandwich boards' are placed outside the van at each stop and four magnetic signs are stuck on the exterior to describe the range of subjects covered.

» tendedero plegableclothes horse [clotheshorse] .

Example: The cottage has full laundry facilities including a washing machine, dryer, pegs, clothes horse, wash basket and a washing line outside.

Plegable synonyms

fold in spanish: doblez, pronunciation: foʊld part of speech: noun, verb foldable in spanish: plegable, pronunciation: foʊldəbəl part of speech: adjective foldaway in spanish: plegar, pronunciation: foʊldəweɪ part of speech: adjective
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