Plañido in english


pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

plañido = wailing ; wail ; mourning. 

Example: One of the Bible's most striking references is that Hell is a place where "there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth".Example: He then produced a sound like the deep wail of a bereaved mother which electrified the audience.Example: During our lives we face situations of losses and mournings, connected or not to death.

plañir = wail ; mourn ; bemourn. 

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.Example: I shall neither cheer nor mourn its passing from the current agenda because to do so would be to demonstrate a partisanship that was not presidential.Example: Nepal still bemourns the tragic death of their king.

Plañido synonyms

field in spanish: campo, pronunciation: fild part of speech: noun general in spanish: general, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəl part of speech: adjective, noun manifest in spanish: manifiesto, pronunciation: mænəfest part of speech: adjective, verb sheer in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: ʃɪr part of speech: adjective direct in spanish: directo, pronunciation: dɜrekt part of speech: adjective knit in spanish: tejer, pronunciation: nɪt part of speech: verb dry in spanish: seco, pronunciation: draɪ part of speech: adjective patent in spanish: patentar, pronunciation: pætənt part of speech: noun pure in spanish: puro, pronunciation: pjʊr part of speech: adjective austere in spanish: austero, pronunciation: ɔstɪr part of speech: adjective simple in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: sɪmpəl part of speech: adjective solid in spanish: sólido, pronunciation: sɑləd part of speech: adjective stark in spanish: rígido, pronunciation: stɑrk part of speech: adjective kick in spanish: patada, pronunciation: kɪk part of speech: verb, noun modest in spanish: modesto, pronunciation: mɑdəst part of speech: adjective severe in spanish: grave, pronunciation: səvɪr part of speech: adjective apparent in spanish: aparente, pronunciation: əperənt part of speech: adjective apparently in spanish: aparentemente, pronunciation: əperəntli part of speech: adverb obvious in spanish: obvio, pronunciation: ɑbviəs part of speech: adjective trim in spanish: recortar, pronunciation: trɪm part of speech: noun, verb complain in spanish: quejar, pronunciation: kəmpleɪn part of speech: verb literal in spanish: literal, pronunciation: lɪtɜrəl part of speech: adjective popular in spanish: popular, pronunciation: pɑpjəlɜr part of speech: adjective evident in spanish: evidente, pronunciation: evədənt part of speech: adjective chaste in spanish: casto, pronunciation: tʃeɪst part of speech: adjective homely in spanish: acogedor, pronunciation: hoʊmli part of speech: adjective obviously in spanish: obviamente, pronunciation: ɑbviəsli part of speech: adverb kvetch in spanish: kvetch, pronunciation: kvetʃ part of speech: noun, verb patently in spanish: evidentemente, pronunciation: pætəntli part of speech: adverb tailored in spanish: a medida, pronunciation: teɪlɜrd part of speech: adjective evidently in spanish: evidentemente, pronunciation: evədəntli part of speech: adverb unpretentious in spanish: no pretencioso, pronunciation: ənpritenʃəs part of speech: adjective champaign in spanish: champaign, pronunciation: tʃæmpeɪn part of speech: noun manifestly in spanish: manifiestamente, pronunciation: mænəfestli part of speech: adverb quetch in spanish: quetch, pronunciation: kwetʃ part of speech: verb plainly in spanish: claramente, pronunciation: pleɪnli part of speech: adverb unadorned in spanish: sin adornos, pronunciation: ənədɔrnd part of speech: adjective unattractive in spanish: no atractivo, pronunciation: ənətræktɪv part of speech: adjective unvarnished in spanish: sin barnizar, pronunciation: ənvɑrnɪʃt part of speech: adjective featureless in spanish: sin rasgos distintivos, pronunciation: fitʃɜrləs part of speech: adjective unornamented in spanish: unornamented, pronunciation: ənɔrnəmentɪd part of speech: adjective knit stitch in spanish: punto de punto, pronunciation: nɪtstɪtʃ part of speech: noun plain stitch in spanish: punto liso, pronunciation: pleɪnstɪtʃ part of speech: noun sound off in spanish: sonido apagado, pronunciation: saʊndɔf part of speech: verb unmixed in spanish: sin mezclar, pronunciation: ənmɪkst part of speech: adjective undecorated in spanish: sin decoración, pronunciation: ʌndəkɜreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective unembellished in spanish: sin embellecer, pronunciation: ənɪmbelɪʃt part of speech: adjective unelaborate in spanish: unlaborar, pronunciation: ənɪlæbɜreɪt part of speech: adjective unpatterned in spanish: sin patrón, pronunciation: ənpætɜrnd part of speech: adjective self-colored in spanish: coloreado, pronunciation: selfkəlɔrd part of speech: adjective unmingled in spanish: sin mezcla, pronunciation: ənmɪŋgəld part of speech: adjective inelaborate in spanish: inelaborate, pronunciation: ɪneləbɜreɪt part of speech: adjective pure and simple in spanish: puro y simple, pronunciation: pjʊrændsɪmpəl part of speech: adjective self-coloured in spanish: coloreado, pronunciation: selfkəlʊrd part of speech: adjective unrhetorical in spanish: no retorico, pronunciation: ənrəhɔrɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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