Plaza in english


pronunciation: skwer part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures

plaza1 = square ; quadrangle ; piazza ; concourse. 

Example: The secretary pointed out that all main approaches to the city lead to the courthouse square, the hub of the city's business district.Example: Some of the questions to ask ourselves are will people walk up or down stairs, across quadrangles, etc just to visit the library?.Example: This is a nine part essay exploring the nature and potential of public space, ranging from piazzas to roofed and climate-controlled places to parking lots.Example: The station has a single large concourse populated with the usual assortment of shops and eateries.


» banco de plazapark bench .

Example: Imagine it is a warm summer's day and your are sitting on a park bench reading a book.

» plaza central del campuscampus quad .

Example: Temperatures reached the mid-60s this past Saturday, which meant the campus quad was brimming with frisbees, football, soccer, and sunbathers.

» plaza comercialstrip mall .

Example: Now, in all likelihood, we have reached a saturation point at which there will be little construction of new strip malls for some time.

» plaza de armasparade ground .

Example: Close on such paradeground excitements comes the popular sport of plundering for projects.

» plaza de desfilesparade ground .

Example: Close on such paradeground excitements comes the popular sport of plundering for projects.

» plaza del mercadomarket square [En muchos pueblos y ciudades, plaza utilizada para los comerciantes ambulantes para montar un mercado generalmente una vez a la semana] .

Example: The wealth that accompanied this duchy continued to accumulate over the next centuries, as can be seen from the elegant patricians' houses lining the cathedral and market squares and the streets surrounding them.

» plaza del pueblotown square .

Example: This article gives a portrait of Varde public library, due to take possession of a new main library in then central town square.

» plaza de torosbullring .

Example: Bullrings are often associated with Spain, but they can also be found in neighboring countries and the New World.

» plaza fuertegarrison townfortified town .

Example: In a new strategy, Muslim rebels shelled Algeria's main garrison town for about three hours, killing 12 civilians and wounding 85.

Example: The Netherlands has some lovely historical fortified towns which are all worth a visit.

» plaza públicapublic square .

Example: Dancing in public squares is popular among middle-aged women across China, but noise complaints are rising.

plaza2 = seat ; job opening. 

Example: After a brief coffee break the department heads resumed their seats.Example: Job openings and overall hiring both rose to five-year highs in September, signaling improvement in the job market.


» admitir un número de reservas mayor a las plazas existentesoverbook  .

Example: At any rate, since hotels in Vienna are usually overbooked in May we strongly recommend you to book your hotel as early as possible.

» con dos plazastwo-seater [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: Ok, you are on the fence between a two seater or a three seater -- my choice is the three seater.

» con tres plazasthree-seater [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: Ok, you are on the fence between a two seater or a three seater -- my choice is the three seater.

» de dos plazastwo-seater [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: Ok, you are on the fence between a two seater or a three seater -- my choice is the three seater.

» de tres plazasthree-seater [Nombre y adjetivo] .

Example: Ok, you are on the fence between a two seater or a three seater -- my choice is the three seater.

» plaza de profesorprofessorship  .

Example: Library schools must build bridges such as joint programmes and joint professorships that link them with their parent academic institution.

» plazasseating .

Example: A mixture of seating in ones, twos and fours, together with the provision of study carrels and informal seating, permit the user to select the most suitable type of seating and privacy.

» sofá de dos plazaslove seattwo-seater sofa .

Example: The lounge is fully furnished with a sofa bed and love seat, TV and DVD player.

Example: The living area is furnished with a three-seater sofa, two-seater sofa and 2 armchairs.

» sofá de tres plazasthree-seater sofa .

Example: The living area is furnished with a three-seater sofa, two-seater sofa and 2 armchairs.

plaza3 = parking place. 

Example: The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.


» plaza de aparcamientoparking spaceparking place [Referido al espacio individual que ocupa un vehículo en un aparcamiento] .

Example: A parking space in London is up for sale, but the lucky bidder will be paying a record breaking £300,000 for it.

Example: The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.

» plaza de estacionamientoparking spaceparking place [Referido al espacio individual que ocupa un vehículo en un aparcamiento] .

Example: A parking space in London is up for sale, but the lucky bidder will be paying a record breaking £300,000 for it.

Example: The Conference Centre car park has 650 parking places, with another 5000 places nearby and parking fees can be paid with notes or coins.

» plaza de garajegarage parking place .

Example: This is an elevator building with an assigned garage parking place and a storage unit.

Plaza synonyms

straight in spanish: Derecho, pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective straightforward in spanish: sencillo, pronunciation: streɪtfɔrwɜrd part of speech: adjective feather in spanish: pluma, pronunciation: feðɜr part of speech: noun conventional in spanish: convencional, pronunciation: kənvenʃənəl part of speech: adjective honest in spanish: honesto, pronunciation: ɑnəst part of speech: adjective honorable in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: ɑnɜrəbəl part of speech: adjective squarely in spanish: directamente, pronunciation: skwerli part of speech: adverb foursquare in spanish: firme, pronunciation: fɔrskwer part of speech: adjective, noun squared in spanish: al cuadrado, pronunciation: skwerd part of speech: adjective quadrate in spanish: cuadrado, pronunciation: kwɑdreɪt part of speech: adjective, noun square up in spanish: cuadrar, pronunciation: skwerʌp part of speech: verb squarish in spanish: cuadrar, pronunciation: skwerɪʃ part of speech: adjective square toes in spanish: dedos cuadrados, pronunciation: skwertoʊz part of speech: noun public square in spanish: plaza publica, pronunciation: pʌblɪkskwer part of speech: noun second power in spanish: segunda potencia, pronunciation: sekəndpaʊɜr part of speech: noun right-angled in spanish: en ángulo recto, pronunciation: raɪtæŋgəld part of speech: adjective
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