Platino in english


pronunciation: plætnəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

platino = platinum. 

Example: Patent GB 14 79 444 concerns an electrolytic cell with diaphragm and titanium anodes with a catalytically active coating of platinum or ruthenium and their compounds.


» aniversario de platinoplatinum anniversary .

Example: Traditionally, a platinum anniversary marks 70-years.

» bodas de platinoplatinum wedding anniversary .

Example: Platinum wedding anniversaries are rare as few couples live together for seven decades without separating, dying or divorcing.

Platino synonyms

pt in spanish: pt, pronunciation: t part of speech: noun atomic number 78 in spanish: número atómico 78, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun
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