Platillo in english


pronunciation: sɔsɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

platillo = pan ; cymbal. 

Example: It indicates the changes and limitations which fill the other pan of the scales and which are frequently only discovered by bitter experience.Example: He notes that among the instruments played are a kettledrum, a flute, a fiddle, a harp, and a pair of cymbals.


» a bombo y platillofanfarewith a bang .

Example: The recommendations were accepted without fanfare.

Example: The Cretaceous period was the heyday of the dinosaurs and ended with a bang!.

» anunciar a bombo y platillotrumpet .

Example: Just weeks after trumpeting the results of a military offensive, the Pakistan army suddenly finds itself under attack on multiple fronts.

» celebrar a bombo y platillomake + a song and dance about .

Example: But nobody knows that because Ford don't make a song and dance about everything they work on or develop.

» como un platillosaucer-like .

Example: Earnscliffe, an outsprawled town of 18,109, lies in a saucer-like setting of wooded hillsides in the northeast region of the country.

» pasar el platillopass + the bucket (around)pass + the hat (around) .

Example: During the fall, it was not unusual to find members of the band on the streets 'passing the bucket' in an effort to raise necessary funds for the band.

Example: When he was staying at an air base in Africa, he passed the hat among his friends because a Moroccan servant wanted to return to his home.

» platillo para limosnasalms dish .

Example: The author considers the makers of four decorated alms dishes in Forfar.

» promocionar a bombo y platillohype .

Example: The field is clouded by manufacturers hyping their own products and industry factions spin-doctoring new technologies.

» sin bombo(s) ni platillo(s)without much ado .

Example: Without much ado, he accepted the principles and procedure that had helped us -- he is undoubtedly on the road to recovery.

Platillo synonyms

disk in spanish: disco, pronunciation: dɪsk part of speech: noun dish in spanish: plato, pronunciation: dɪʃ part of speech: noun disc in spanish: Dto, pronunciation: dɪsk part of speech: noun discus in spanish: disco, pronunciation: dɪskəs part of speech: noun dish antenna in spanish: antena parabólica, pronunciation: dɪʃæntenə part of speech: noun dish aerial in spanish: antena parabólica, pronunciation: dɪʃeriəl part of speech: noun
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