Plataforma in english


pronunciation: plætfɔrm part of speech: noun
In gestures

plataforma = platform. 

Example: Various mechanism for displaying and holding cards are possible, including revolving drums and platforms.


» plataforma continentalcontinental shelf .

Example: In this article, the term 'continental shelf' is used to refer to the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas adjacent to the coast but outside the area of the territorial sea.

» plataforma de lanzamientolaunch padlaunching pad .

Example: The article is entitled 'Multimedia on the launch pad'.

Example: A television camera was positioned 5000 ft from the base of a rocket launching pad.

» plataforma de ordenadorcomputing platform .

Example: With the advent of advanced computing platforms, DowVision is the first large-scale effort to broadcast real-time news to the corporate market.

» plataforma de perforación petrolíferadrilling rigdrill rig .

Example: The worldwide oversupply of offshore drilling rigs has decreased rapidly in the past six years.

Example: Living with the Kaluli of Papua New Guinea, Steven Feld saw traditional life begin to die and the sounds of helicopters and drill rigs compete with birds and waterfalls.

» plataforma digitaldigital platform .

Example: The author compares 3 digital platforms -- Microsoft Word, the World Wide Web, and Folio VIEWS - to bring out the various considerations necessary in developing an online environment for documentation.

» plataforma petrolíferaoil platformoil rigrig .

Example: Terminological consistency is a must for achieving satisfactory information flow onboard an oil platform, and between offshore field centres and onshore administration.

Example: From June-Nov 82 the county library of Hordaland in Norway was involved in an experimental project to provide a library service to the men on an oil rig in the North Sea.

Example: A library of approximately 750 books was set up and a librarian visited the rig by helicopter once a fortnight to bring new books.

» plataforma rodantedolly .

Example: This article describes a special dolly designed to move stack ranges easily and quickly using a minimum of labour.

» zapato de plataformaplatform shoewedge shoewedgie .

Example: From their stovepipe hats to platform shoes, dozens of impersonators made an honest effort to copy Abraham Lincoln.

Example: If you're interested in purchasing a pair of wedge shoes worn by the stars, you won't have to look far.

Example: She looked as if she were dressed up for a costume film, sitting in the shadow with her snood and her wedgies, a long-limbed, coltish girl in clothes a little too small for her.

Plataforma synonyms

program in spanish: programa, pronunciation: proʊgræm part of speech: noun platforms in spanish: plataformas, pronunciation: plætfɔrmz part of speech: noun political platform in spanish: plataforma política, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlplætfɔrm part of speech: noun chopine in spanish: chopine, pronunciation: ʃoʊpin part of speech: noun weapons platform in spanish: plataforma de armas, pronunciation: wepənzplætfɔrm part of speech: noun chopines in spanish: chopines, pronunciation: ʃoʊpinz part of speech: noun political program in spanish: programa politico, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlproʊgræm part of speech: noun
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