Plata in english


pronunciation: sɪlvɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

plata1 = silver. 

Example: Finally, test the coating of a glossy paper by rubbing it with a piece of silver.


» aniversario de platasilver anniversarysilver jubilee .

Example: This author describes the silver anniversary volume in which a history of the organisation is given.

Example: This paper celebrates the silver jubilee of the UK Branch of the International Association of Music Libraries.

» artículos de platasilverware  .

Example: People have returned from this trip with blue jeans, suits, designer dresses, silverware, racing bikes, lawn mowers.

» bodas de platasilver weddingsilver wedding anniversary .

Example: A silver wedding usually means a family gathering -- difficult occasions at the best of times.

Example: If a couple was celebrating their silver wedding anniversary how many years would that be?.

» darle Algo a Alguien en una bandeja de platahand + Nombre + to + Nombre + on a silver platter .

Example: She realises it's hard work and nobody is going to hand it to her on a silver platter.

» enchapado en platasilver-plated .

Example: Of the more than 560,000 items exhibited, 98 percent were candlesticks cast in bronze, some silver-plated and some gold-plated.

» ganador de la medalla de platasilver medalist .

Example: She was a silver medalist at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

» hablando en platacrudely putto put it crudelyto put it bluntly .

Example: Crudely put, a computer is a device which can store large quantities of data (numeric or textual) and can manipulate that data in many ways and with great speed and accuracy.

Example: To put it more crudely -- the Americans would run the show and the others would be the dogsbodies.

Example: To put it bluntly: money talks.

» hablar en plataput + it crudelyspeak + dearlytalk + turkey .

Example: Put crudely, it is only possible to observe how something works by taking it to bits.

Example: Meeting participants should be prepared to speak dearly and concisely.

Example: In a more serious vein, I think it's time for all us to talk turkey about this country's immediate future.

» lingote de platasilver ingot .

Example: The author examines the evidence of preferred ways to store wealth in Viking-age Scotland, with special emphasis on silver ingots.

» medalla de platasilver medal .

Example: Gold, silver and bronze medals were first awarded at the London games in 1908.

» medallista de platasilver medalist .

Example: She was a silver medalist at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games.

» papel de platatinfoil [tin foil]kitchen foilaluminum foilaluminium foil .

Example: The dog snatched the sandwiches still wrapped in their tinfoil and scoffed the lot before the unsuspecting picnickers had time to react.

Example: This dispenser will store 32cm wide cling film and kitchen foil internally and kitchen paper can be attached to the bottom if required.

Example: Aluminum foil is made from an aluminum alloy which contains between 92 and 99 percent aluminum.

Example: The combination of a computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) system has brought enormous lead times savings at a company that produces aluminium foil containers.

» película de haluro de platasilver halide film [Película que para grabar utiliza haluro de plata, un compuesto químico de larga duración] .

Example: The various film types used in the production of microfiche are discussed, including silver halide, diazo, and vesicular films.

» plata coloidalcolloidal silver .

Example: Next to garlic, my favorite antibiotic has become colloidal silver.

» plata en lingotessilver bullion .

Example: The submarine was sunk while en route to German-occupied France with a cargo of pure silver and gold bullion valued at about $2.3 million by 1944 standards.

» ponerle Algo a Alguien en una bandeja de platahand + Nombre + to + Nombre + on a silver platter .

Example: She realises it's hard work and nobody is going to hand it to her on a silver platter.

» servirle Algo a Alguien en una bandeja de platahand + Nombre + to + Nombre + on a silver platter .

Example: She realises it's hard work and nobody is going to hand it to her on a silver platter.

» sulfuro de platasilver sulphide .

Example: The author discusses preservation problems relating to the structure of the major types of silver prints on paper: salt, albumen, collodion and gelatin prints, together with problems of oxidation and the formation of silver sulphide.

» utensilios de platasilverware  .

Example: People have returned from this trip with blue jeans, suits, designer dresses, silverware, racing bikes, lawn mowers.

plata2 = dough ; lolly ; wonga ; readies ; the ready. 

Example: The article is entitled 'Our other customers -- the super rich: they also read who roll in dough'.Example: The article is entitled 'Sports get lucky with lotteries lolly'.Example: MS has done this in a move to encourage folk to upgrade their OS without the need to spend lots of wonga on new hardware.Example: To add insult to injury, she came back from the cash-point without enough readies and had to make a return journey.Example: The government has an obligation to ensure that those who are genuinely incapable of earning a minimally decent living for themselves have the ready needed to secure the basics.

Plata synonyms

articulate in spanish: articular, pronunciation: ɑrtɪkjəleɪt part of speech: verb, adjective facile in spanish: fácil, pronunciation: fæsəl part of speech: adjective bright in spanish: brillante, pronunciation: braɪt part of speech: adjective eloquent in spanish: elocuente, pronunciation: eləkwənt part of speech: adjective fluent in spanish: fluido, pronunciation: fluənt part of speech: adjective ag in spanish: ag, pronunciation: æg part of speech: noun argent in spanish: argén, pronunciation: ɑrdʒɪnt part of speech: noun metallic in spanish: metálico, pronunciation: mətælɪk part of speech: adjective achromatic in spanish: acromático, pronunciation: ækɜrmætɪk part of speech: adjective flatware in spanish: mostrada, pronunciation: flætwer part of speech: noun silvery in spanish: plateado, pronunciation: sɪlvɜri part of speech: adjective colorless in spanish: incoloro, pronunciation: kʌlɜrləs part of speech: adjective silver-tongued in spanish: lengua de plata, pronunciation: sɪlvɜrtʌŋd part of speech: adjective silvern in spanish: Silvern, pronunciation: sɪlvɜrn part of speech: adjective silverish in spanish: plateado, pronunciation: sɪlvrɪʃ part of speech: adjective smooth-spoken in spanish: suave, pronunciation: smuðspoʊkən part of speech: adjective ash gray in spanish: gris ceniza, pronunciation: æʃgreɪ part of speech: noun atomic number 47 in spanish: número atómico 47, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun ash grey in spanish: gris ceniza, pronunciation: æʃgreɪ part of speech: noun silver gray in spanish: gris-plata, pronunciation: sɪlvɜrgreɪ part of speech: noun silver grey in spanish: Gris plateado, pronunciation: sɪlvɜrgreɪ part of speech: noun
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