Plasta in english


pronunciation: plæstə part of speech: noun
In gestures

plasta = nuisance ; pest. 

Example: However, delays in the generation of centralised records can be a considerable nuisance.Example: Library users fall into 4 groups: (1) patrons, who are considerate, grateful and undemanding; (2) 'pests' -- the inconsiderate; (3) 'pirates' who steal, deface and mutilate library property and materials; (4) 'vampires' whose enquiries make excessive demands upon the librarian's time.


» hacerse una plastacake (up) .

Example: He opened the jar to find that the powder had caked up and was no longer free flowing.

» plasta de césped arrancadodivot [divet] [Usado generalmente tanto para la depresión como para la plasta de césped que el jugador de golf a veces hac o levanta al intentar golpear la bola] .

Example: The only problem with divots is when you walk along the golf course and see them strewn about like so much 'Fairway Roadkill'.

» plasta de vacacowpatcowpat .

Example: It is earthworms which have an important impact on cowpat disappearance and decomposition.

Example: It is earthworms which have an important impact on cowpat disappearance and decomposition.

» ser un plastabe a pestbe a (real) pain in the neckbe a (real) pain in the assbe a (real) pain in the arsebe a (real) pain in the backsidebe a (real) pain in the proverbialsbe a (real) pain in the buttbe (such) a painbe (such) a nuisancebe a (real) painbe a (real) pain in the rear .

Example: My advice to young scientists: be a pest -- ask questions and don't be satisfied with all answers; have the heart of a lion; have the patience of Job; be multi-culturally competent; and the only correct route to success is your own.

Example: Within a few days it was apparent that my long hair was going to be a pain in the neck while swimming laps.

Example: The last thing that anyone working in an organization wants to be is a pain in the ass to work with.

Example: I alwasy knew she was a pain in the arse, without knowing her you can just tell, by the way she behaves, that she is big-headed and thinks she's god's gift to the human race.

Example: Our cat is a pain in the backside at times but we love him to bits.

Example: In one school, the kids were wonderful but the parents were a complete pain in the proverbials and seemed to live permanently on the school.

Example: The first thing to keep in mind is that brake bleeding can be an unbearable pain in the butt.

Example: I know it's a pain, but please do make sure that even if you are only popping out for 10 minutes you secure your home as securely as you would if you were going away for a long weekend!.

Example: She came down, supposedly to help, but was such a nuisance that I was glad when she went away.

Example: Though a muscle cramp is common, it is still a real pain.

Example: His controlling and demanding nature set her teeth on edge and she found him to be a pain in her rear.

» ser un platabe a (real) nuisance .

Example: The passenger sitting next to me was a real nuisance.
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