Plasmar in english


pronunciation: plæsmɑr part of speech: noun
In gestures

plasmar = result (in) ; portray. 

Example: Objective 1 results in what is known as a direct catalogue, because it gives direct access to a specific document.Example: Hardy had a tragic vision of life and that indeed is what the novels portray.


» plasmar Algo en papelput + Nombre + on paper .

Example: Before we even start a job, we make sure you know each and every aspect of it, we put it on paper and see it to the end.

» plasmar el espíritucapture + the spirit .

Example: All children and youth are invited to capture the spirit of the community where they live in this PapaInk art project.

» plasmar una idea en la realidadtranslate + idea into + reality .

Example: Writing workshops such as those supported by UNESCO and local agencies offer one way of helping translate this idea into reality.
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