Plantilla in english


pronunciation: templət part of speech: noun
In gestures

plantilla1 = staff ; staffing ; work-force [workforce] ; personnel roster ; crew ; payroll. 

Example: The current LC MARC data base contains both records created by the LC staff and those created by co-operating libraries and verified by the LC.Example: During the discussions it became apparent that the most pressing issues of staffing, resources, procedural complexities and educational opportunities related to IT.Example: Employers of library and information staff have to develop and maintain skills within the workforce.Example: Reference heads, like other administrators, will generally work toward establishing the 'ideal' organization scheme based on functional responsibilities -- and not based on the current personnel roster.Example: Phillips has 12 installations with a crew of 15-450 men.Example: The advantages of utilizing staff who are on the payroll are twofold.


» con una buena plantillawell-staffed .

Example: Since the 1920s Mongolia has developed an extensive and well-staffed health care system.

» de plantilla reducidadownsized .

Example: Humanity is returning to the downsized, reengineered, total quality management weary business world.

» distribución de la plantillastaffing pattern .

Example: The level of education achieved by members of the library staff, therefore, becomes one of the primary criteria for establishing library staffing patterns.

» dotar de plantillastaff .

Example: There is a tendency to advance propositions premised upon the assumption that SLIS are staffed by inherently conservative, where they are not simply obtuse, individuals.

» exceso de plantilla administrativaadministrative bloat .

Example: Faculty and administration alike must join through a process of shared governance to identify administrative bloat when it does occur, select a strategy to combat it, and redeploy resources.

» miembro de la plantillastaffer  .

Example: The increasing involvement of staffers in electronic information products has had only a modest impact on how journalists do their jobs.

» plantilla de profesoradofaculty roster .

Example: This article describes a study conducted to establish if characteristics of elitism exist in the library science schools for their faculty roster.

» plantilla reducidaskeleton staff .

Example: There will be a skeleton staff to ensure that services like power and refuse removal are maintained throughout the festive season holidays.

» recorte de plantilladownsizing .

Example: Downsizing has increased productivity and decreased throughput time for materials in technical services.

» reducción de plantilladownsizing .

Example: Downsizing has increased productivity and decreased throughput time for materials in technical services.

» reducir de plantilladownsize .

Example: The library is located in a city with a very large state mental hospital that has been sharply downsized in the trend towards de-institutionalisation.

plantilla2 = form ; template ; style sheet ; workform ; style sheet. 

Example: If this is not available, a record can be created on a form online.Example: The <F5> Original Input function provides an empty MARC record template for the creation of an original record.Example: The editor of this journal sends a style sheet to authors and a reminder to pay special attention to citing references.Example: By using workforms, technical services personnel at the centre have fed cataloguing data, via a CRT terminal, into the OCLC system.Example: A style sheet is essentially a template that can be used to create a consistent appearance across documents.


» diálogo para la cumplimentación de plantillasform-filling dialogue .

Example: In a form-filling dialogue, the user works with a screen-based image of a form.

» modalidad de cumplimentación de plantillasform-filling mode .

Example: Some systems make use of a combination of the various methods, eg menu and command mode, or menu and form-filling mode.

» plantilla de guíajig .

Example: The rate of production of ordinary matrices was slightly increased by the use of a screw press instead of a hammer for striking the punches, and of simple jigs for justification = El ritmo de producción de las matrices normales aumentó ligeramente por el uso de las prensas de tornillo en lugar de un martillo para golpear los tipos movibles y de unas simples plantillas de guía para la justificación.

» plantilla de recogida de informacióndata collection form .

Example: Each data collection form is seen as an independent information holder, irrespective of the actual data it contains.

» plantilla de resúmenesabstracting form .

Example: Abstracting forms usually indicate the major categories of data that should be submitted by an abstractor in respect of each record.

» plantilla en cascadacascading style sheet [En Internet, página que puede presentar otras superponiéndolas parcialmente a modo de cascada] .

Example: A cascading style sheet consists of a single web page which can display multiple overlapping style sheets.

» rellenado de plantillasform filling .

Example: This article looks at the system's ability to minimize human resources, eliminate form filling and other paperwork, and improve the access and speed of the ILL process.

plantilla3 = insole ; inner sole ; footbed ; shoe insert. 

Example: I have fallen arches and have been wearing insoles for almost 2 years now.Example: After four weeks of wearing inner soles the pain in my ankle has improved to a level that I can go for a walk now.Example: Footbeds will last a number of years as long as your foot doesn't significantly change.Example: This would help patients who have deformed feet and need orthotic treatment to quickly diagnose the issue and create an orthotic shoe insert to help them.


» plantilla de los zapatosinsoleinner solefootbedshoe insert .

Example: I have fallen arches and have been wearing insoles for almost 2 years now.

Example: After four weeks of wearing inner soles the pain in my ankle has improved to a level that I can go for a walk now.

Example: Footbeds will last a number of years as long as your foot doesn't significantly change.

Example: This would help patients who have deformed feet and need orthotic treatment to quickly diagnose the issue and create an orthotic shoe insert to help them.

» plantilla ortopédicaorthotic insole .

Example: Plantar fasciitis can be treated effectively with orthotic insoles and exercises.

» plantilla para el calzadoinsoleinner solefootbedshoe insert .

Example: I have fallen arches and have been wearing insoles for almost 2 years now.

Example: After four weeks of wearing inner soles the pain in my ankle has improved to a level that I can go for a walk now.

Example: Footbeds will last a number of years as long as your foot doesn't significantly change.

Example: This would help patients who have deformed feet and need orthotic treatment to quickly diagnose the issue and create an orthotic shoe insert to help them.

Plantilla synonyms

guide in spanish: guía, pronunciation: gaɪd part of speech: noun, verb templet in spanish: templete, pronunciation: templɪt part of speech: noun
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