Planteamiento in english


pronunciation: əproʊtʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

planteamiento = formulation ; conceptualisation [conceptualization, -USA] ; outlook ; definition ; discourse ; vision ; field of vision ; approach [approaches, -pl.]. 

Example: Similar principles may be applied in the formulation and assignment of headings irrespective of the physical form of the document.Example: Library administrators and governing boards need a realistic conceptualisation of the future library.Example: In their first review article of children's reference books in 1982, the School Library Journal's Review Committe for children's reference books presents a bleak outlook.Example: Corporate reference collections may differ in kind and in definition from reference collections of other types of libraries.Example: The institutional 'traditional student' discourse in the USA is one of fraternity parties and breaking free of parental control.Example: Several of the librarians reported that their sites were currently undergoing major revisions -- some because they were dull and uninteresting to teens and others because the vision of the page has changed = Several of the librarians reported that their sites were currently undergoing major revisions -- some because they were dull and uninteresting to teens and others because the vision of the page has changed.Example: Publishers, teachers and librarians need to adjust their field of vision and accept a trend away from Europe to one geared towards Africa, Asia, the Hispanic World, the Pacific Islands and Arabian countries.Example: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.


» con el mismo planteamiento queon the same lines as .

Example: A social science information system was also constructed on the same lines as ISSTI.

» planteamiento teóricotheorising [theorizing, -USA] .

Example: CRG has always been concerned with practical results, and has based its theorizing on practical problems.

» que cambia los planteamientosgame-changing .

Example: Scientists have announced that liquid water likely exists, or existed, on Mars in what could prove to be a game-changing development in extraterrestrial exploration.

» replanteamientorethinking [re-thinking]  ; rethink [re-think]  ; redefinition .

Example: To enable librarians to face this challenge requires a radical re-thinking of library school syllabuses.

Example: In this article a re-think about the nature of university education is given.

Example: The next institution to change drastically will be libraries and the change will be no less than a redefinition of purpose.

Planteamiento synonyms

access in spanish: acceso, pronunciation: ækses part of speech: noun advance in spanish: avanzar, pronunciation: ədvæns part of speech: noun, verb attack in spanish: ataque, pronunciation: ətæk part of speech: noun, verb near in spanish: cerca, pronunciation: nɪr part of speech: verb, adjective, adverb overture in spanish: obertura, pronunciation: oʊvɜrtʃɜr part of speech: noun coming in spanish: viniendo, pronunciation: kʌmɪŋ part of speech: noun go up in spanish: subir, pronunciation: goʊʌp part of speech: verb come on in spanish: venga, pronunciation: kʌmɑn part of speech: verb feeler in spanish: antena, pronunciation: filɜr part of speech: noun approaching in spanish: que se acerca, pronunciation: əproʊtʃɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective go about in spanish: andar, pronunciation: goʊəbaʊt part of speech: verb set about in spanish: emprender, pronunciation: setəbaʊt part of speech: verb glide path in spanish: trayectoria de planeo, pronunciation: glaɪdpæθ part of speech: noun border on in spanish: Bordear, pronunciation: bɔrdɜrɑn part of speech: verb glide slope in spanish: pendiente de planeo, pronunciation: glaɪdsloʊp part of speech: noun approach shot in spanish: tiro de aproximación, pronunciation: əproʊtʃʃɑt part of speech: noun draw near in spanish: dibujar cerca, pronunciation: drɔnɪr part of speech: verb approach path in spanish: camino de aproximación, pronunciation: əproʊtʃpæθ part of speech: noun come near in spanish: Acércate, pronunciation: kʌmnɪr part of speech: verb plan of attack in spanish: plan de ataque, pronunciation: plænʌvətæk part of speech: noun
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