Plantación in english


pronunciation: plænteɪʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

plantación = plantation ; planting ; crop ; farm. 

Example: Its wide range of activities includes consumer goods, industrial products, animal feeds, tropical plantations and various service industries.Example: The author offers advice on planting and weeding gardening collections for the various climatic zones of the USA.Example: There will be occasions when it is difficult to see any helpful principle; for example, in what order should we arrange grain crops, root crops, legumes, etc. in the crops facet in Agriculture?.Example: Librarians are no strangers to the use of mobile vans as a means of taking books to scattered rural communities, even individual farms and stately homes.


» cultivar plantacionesgrow + crops .

Example: Even in mathematics the examples are all practical, rooted in the garden behind the school where the children grow crops.

» plantación de árbolestree planting .

Example: Library promotion of Earth Day brought environmental issues to public attention by means of book displays, lectures, films and tree planting.

» plantación de caña de azúcarsugar plantationsugar-cane farm .

Example: Their money flowed from 22 enormous Jamaican sugar plantations worked by thousands of slaves.

Example: These sugar-cane farms produce about 98 percent of Australia's sugar exports.

» plantación irregularrandom clumping [Siembra de grupos de plantas de un modo desigual intentando imitar la naturaleza] .

Example: Sometimes the librarian may recognise the words in the question but be uncertain of their meaning in the context, eg, a query about trolley dressing, or random clumping, or topping-out.

» propietario de plantaciónplanter  .

Example: Though there was some literary publication at the end of the 18th century the decline of the planter class prevented indigenous publishing from developing successfully.

» temporada de plantación, laplanting season, the .

Example: In general, seeds should be sown at the beginning to the middle of the planting season so they have time to establish.
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