Planta in english


pronunciation: plænt part of speech: noun
In gestures

planta1 = plant. 

Example: Concepts which denote parts of a plant, eg leaf, flower, etc, are also Personality concepts.


» a base de plantasplant-based .

Example: A plant-based diet supports a sustainable world, by reducing the need for pasture land and subsequent pressure on forests.

» cesta colgante para plantashanging basket .

Example: Asparagus ferns are popular garden ornamentals, especially for use in hanging baskets.

» ciencias de las plantasplant science(s) .

Example: Of the first 50 titles listed under each category, 72 per cent are available in plant sciences and mathematics.

» dársele a Uno bien las plantashave + a green thumbhave + green fingers .

Example: Traditionally, someone who works well with plants is said to have a green thumb, or green fingers.

Example: Traditionally, someone who works well with plants is said to have a green thumb, or green fingers.

» planta acuáticaaquatic plantwater plant .

Example: Wigeons feed almost entirely on vegetable matter such as leaves, stems, seeds and roots of aquatic plants and grasses.

Example: Without water plants, water quickly turns green and cloudy.

» planta anualannual .

Example: Some seedless plants can also be considered annuals even though they do not flower.

» planta aromáticaaromatic plant .

Example: This is a computer-based information retrieval system in medicinal and aromatic plants using a minicomputer HP-1000 system.

» planta autóctonaindigenous plantnative plant .

Example: They use indigenous plants that grow wild and plentifully near their homes.

Example: However, people can improve biodiversity by landscaping with a variety of native plants, which benefits our native wildlife and plant diversity.

» planta bienalbiennial .

Example: The results indicate that raking after mowing benefits germination of certain plants, especially legumes, annuals and biennials.

» planta carnívoracarnivorous plantmeat-eating plant .

Example: Instructions are included for how to plant eggplants, violets, carnivorous plants, and acorns.

Example: Charles Darwin provided the final evidence showing for certain that plants ate animals after he observed many meat-eating plants.

» planta carnosasucculent .

Example: Moss roses are succulents and do well in hot, dry climates.

» planta consolidadaestablished plant .

Example: Another reason for fertilising is that, in time, established plants use up all the goodness in the surrounding soil.

» planta de floraciónflowering plant .

Example: Algae comprise a much more diverse group of organisms than do the flowering plants, but this is ignored by Library of Congress Classification (LCC).

» planta de hoja perenneevergreen plantevergreen .

Example: In the case of evergreen plants, needles or leaves are retained for several years in a row.

Example: Most tropical rainforest plants are evergreens, replacing their leaves gradually throughout the year as the leaves age and fall.

» planta de huertaorchard plant .

Example: Developed in Europe as an orchard plant, its fruit is said to be vitamin rich and good for jellies and syrup.

» planta de interiorhouseplant .

Example: It includes an annotated list of books and other resources on these topics, organized in broad subject areas such as houseplants, African violets, bonsai, cacti and orchids.

» planta de jardíngarden plant .

Example: Some garden plants are poisonous, or irritate the skin and eyes.

» planta de jardín preciada por sus floresgarden bloomer .

Example: Tagetes is one of the popular garden bloomers in most parts of the world.

» planta de semilleroseedling  .

Example: Most seedlings sold in nurseries, however, are grown by the standard commercial method using pesticides and artificial fertilizers to make them look good in the nursery.

» planta exóticaexotic plant .

Example: This is the first known case of an exotic plant that 'pretends' to be ill as an evolutionary advantage in order to avoid being eaten.

» planta fósilfossil plant .

Example: Palaeobiology is the description of the organisms and the sediments in which they are found as well as the distribution and functional analysis of fossil animals and plants.

» planta herbáceaherbaceous plant .

Example: As mentioned above, the largest perennial herbaceous plant is indeed the banana.

» planta insectívorainsect-eating plant .

Example: Both he and his team are studying the use of insect-eating plants to control mosquitoes as a new strategy to fight malaria.

» planta jovenseedling  .

Example: Most seedlings sold in nurseries, however, are grown by the standard commercial method using pesticides and artificial fertilizers to make them look good in the nursery.

» planta leñosawoody plantligneous plant .

Example: Woody plants dominate the vegetation wherever conditions are favorable for plant growth.

Example: During the winter months beavers forage almost exclusively on ligneous plants.

» planta madrerootstock .

Example: The behaviour of genotypes differed significantly before and after budding on different rootstocks.

» planta medicinalmedicinal plantmedical plant .

Example: This is a computer-based information retrieval system in medicinal and aromatic plants using a minicomputer HP-1000 system.

Example: Why have traditional societies not been justly remunerated for their knowledge of medical plants?.

» planta nativanative plantindigenous plant .

Example: However, people can improve biodiversity by landscaping with a variety of native plants, which benefits our native wildlife and plant diversity.

Example: They use indigenous plants that grow wild and plentifully near their homes.

» planta ornamentalornamental plantornamental .

Example: Pixel Garden is a multimedia CD-ROM data base of 522 ornamental plants common to the USA.

Example: Asparagus ferns are popular garden ornamentals, especially for use in hanging baskets.

» planta ornamental de arriatebedding plant .

Example: Easy to grow and care for, annual bedding plants can be grown in hanging baskets and pots or borders.

» planta ornamental exteriorbedding plant .

Example: Easy to grow and care for, annual bedding plants can be grown in hanging baskets and pots or borders.

» planta perenneperennialperennial plant .

Example: Also my suggestions aren't for perennials.

Example: Perennial plants are often called herbaceous, meaning they have soft or succulent green stems that will die back to the ground in the winter.

» planta que echa floresbloomer  .

Example: These type of fuchsia usally only bloom at night and usually only once per year, however there are some day bloomers.

» planta resistente a las heladashardy-annual .

Example: Hardy-annuals such as corncockle, love-in-a-mist and nasturtium can withstand the cold, so you sow them outdoors in spring.

» planta subtropicalsubtropical plant .

Example: It must be acknowledged that the vast majority of true tropical and subtropical plants will usually not grow well in temperate climates.

» planta terrestreland plant .

Example: Global warming may have been the cause of the wipeout of an estimated 70 percent of land plants and animals, along with 84 percent of ocean organisms, during the Permian.

» planta trepadoravine .

Example: The article 'Fruit of the vine: world wine magazines' evaluates the wine journals of the world.

» planta tropicaltropical plant .

Example: It must be acknowledged that the vast majority of true tropical and subtropical plants will usually not grow well in temperate climates.

» planta vascularvascular plantvascular plant .

Example: This is a new database dealing with the direct effects of exogenously supplied organic chemicals on terrestrial vascular plants is described.

Example: This is a new database dealing with the direct effects of exogenously supplied organic chemicals on terrestrial vascular plants is described.

» tener buena mano con las plantashave + a green thumbhave + green fingers .

Example: Traditionally, someone who works well with plants is said to have a green thumb, or green fingers.

Example: Traditionally, someone who works well with plants is said to have a green thumb, or green fingers.

planta2 = floor ; level ; storey [story, -USA] ; story [storey, -UK]. 

Example: The library, which is of split-level design on 2 floors, includes a lending collection, children's library, study area, and audio-visual section.Example: The other rooms on the third, second and first levels have a mixture of stacking chairs with writing board arms.Example: The library is situated on the top two floors of a six storey building.Example: The vista of main street shows in addition to the jumble and squeeze of shops, a 12-story skyscraper, several impressive banks, and a few elderly housing units.


» bloque de muchas plantashigh-rise building .

Example: High-rise buildings are also vulnerable to hurricane-force winds, particularly at the higher levels since wind speed tends to increase with height.

» casa de tres plantasthree-storeyed house .

Example: The relationship between houses and three-storeyed houses is a genus/species relationship.

» con varias plantasmulti-storey [multistorey/multistory] .

Example: Catalogue terminals can be dispersed throughout the library which is particularly appealing for multi-storey and/or multi-wing libraries = Los terminales del catálogo pueden estar dispersos por todo el edificio, lo que es especialmente necesario para las bibliotecas con varios pisos y con varias alas.

» de dos plantastwo-storey [two-story] .

Example: He had never before taken the time to examine the immense two-story granite structure of modified Romanesque design, with its massive arched entrance generously treated with carved ornament.

» de la planta del pieplantar .

Example: A wart, particularly when present on the plantar surface, can easily be mistaken for a corn.

» de + Número + plantasNúmero + story .

Example: Only Georgia is said to have a suitable 6-story building properly equipped; under construction are archives in Moldavia, Ukraine and Latvia.

» enfermera de plantabedside nurse .

Example: This landmark legal settlement comes at a time when there is already an intense shortage of bedside nurses throughout the country.

» en varias plantasmulti-storey [multistorey/multistory] .

Example: Catalogue terminals can be dispersed throughout the library which is particularly appealing for multi-storey and/or multi-wing libraries = Los terminales del catálogo pueden estar dispersos por todo el edificio, lo que es especialmente necesario para las bibliotecas con varios pisos y con varias alas.

» médico de plantahospitalist  .

Example: In an effort to provide continuing quality care to in-patients, hospitals are adding hospitalists to their staffs.

» plano de la planta bajaground plan .

Example: The very ground plan was innovative: there were almost no corridors, with the rooms instead being laid out around the largest room, the living room.

» planta bajalower levelground floor [Piso de un edificio situado al nivel de la calle]ground level .

Example: The lower level consists of the general workroom, librarian's office, bindery, stackroom, staff restroom, and soundproof listening rooms for students.

Example: The ground floor of the library contains a foyer with separate entrance to different departments.

Example: The main house contains the game room and the gym on the ground level.

» planta de áticospenthouse floor .

Example: The top storey of each building is designed as a penthouse floor with spacious apartments and roof terraces.

» planta del piesole .

Example: The syndrome can be prevented, diminished or avoided by the use of more resilient soles.

» última planta, latop floor, the .

Example: Since many people like having a top-floor apartment, the top floor may cost you more than just extra calories as you huff it up and down the stairs.

planta3 = plant. 

Example: The author describes the approach and its application to 2 different processes: coffee roasting and decaffeination in a Nestle plant.


» planta de automóvilesautomotive plant .

Example: Most residents are blue-collar workers in a local automotive plant.

» planta de cementocement plant .

Example: To save energy, modern cement plants preheat the materials before they enter the kiln.

» planta de embotelladobottler  .

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

» planta de envasadobottler  .

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

» planta de fundiciónsmelting plant .

Example: Industry has used this standard when large installations have been required -- a smelting plant, a steel mill, etc.

» planta de industria cárnicameat plant .

Example: Farmers are expected to lift the blockades later today on the remaining meat plants as the rest of the food processing industry returns to normal following the dispute which began last Tuesday week.

» planta de laminación de acerosteel mill .

Example: This digital image collection documents the creation of the world's largest steel mill during the height of America's industrial revolution.

» planta de montajeassembly plant .

Example: The author describes the implementation of an engineering drawing system at Cessna aircraft assembly plants.

» planta depuradora de aguawater treatment facilitywater treatment plant .

Example: This new water treatment facility is now the largest-capacity facility of its kind in California and the third largest in North America.

Example: Whether the water comes from the ground or the surface, it will always go through a water treatment plant in order to keep it clean.

» planta de secadodrying plant .

Example: Before being fed into the power plant boilers, coal will be made to pass through a drying plant to reduce its moisture content.

» planta de tratamiento de aguas residualessewage plantsewage treatment plantwastewater treatment plant .

Example: A pump at a sewage plant in Beijing has exploded, killing three workers and causing a toxic gas leak that made at least 16 people ill.

Example: In sewage treatment plants, the organic components of the waste water are decomposed in aeration tanks using microorganisms.

Example: So wastewater-treatment plants are located on low ground, often near a river into which treated water can be released.

» planta embotelladorabottler  .

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

» planta envasadorabottler  .

Example: This new machine will bring winemaking and winemakers in Australia into line with the type of technology being used by major bottlers around the world.

» planta industrialindustrial plant .

Example: The Arsenal of Venice, probably the largest industrial plant in the world of the sixteenth century, was an outstanding example of organizational efficiency.

» planta nuclearnuclear power stationnuclear power plant .

Example: SIA in the United Kingdom covers information on travel and transport, economics in EEC countries, construction of nuclear power stations, and financial information.

Example: The example used is a simple subject search on the safety of nuclear power plants in earthquake zones and during earthquakes.

» planta purificadora de aguawater treatment facilitywater treatment plant .

Example: This new water treatment facility is now the largest-capacity facility of its kind in California and the third largest in North America.

Example: Whether the water comes from the ground or the surface, it will always go through a water treatment plant in order to keep it clean.

» planta químicachemical plant .

Example: An item on, for example, 'The management of a chemical plant' might justifiably be listed in both Management abstracts and Chemical abstracts.

» planta siderúrgicasteel works [steelworks] .

Example: The author describes action taken by a public library to combat the effects of massive unemployment when a local steel works was closed.

plantar2 = plant. 

Example: The article is entitled 'To everything there is a season...a time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted: a life-cycle analysis of education for librarianship'.


» época de plantarplanting time .

Example: Spring is the most important planting time here in the west, and nurserymen are hard pressed for time to fill all the orders.

» plantar cizañaplant + the seed(s) of discord .

Example: But the plot was to plant the seed of discord so that the Igbo cannot speak with one voice.

» plantar con/de céspedgrass over .

Example: This is the edge of an old spoil tip from the colliery which has now been stabilised and grassed over.

» plantar con/de hierbagrass over .

Example: This is the edge of an old spoil tip from the colliery which has now been stabilised and grassed over.

» plantar el germen de la discordiaplant + the seed(s) of discord .

Example: But the plot was to plant the seed of discord so that the Igbo cannot speak with one voice.

» plantar en el exteriorplant out .

Example: When starting off seedlings indoors it is best to start the preparations for growing pot marigolds about 8 weeks before planting out.

» plantar en macetapot .

Example: Choosing the right pot is a very crucial in potting orchids.

» plantar la semillalay + the seeds .

Example: He warns America not to make the same mistakes as the world made in the 1930s, when the world economy spiraled out of control, laying the seeds for the rise of fascism.

» plantar la semilla desow + the seeds of .

Example: The author emphasises the importance of the early stages of planning, where the seeds of failure are often sown, and mistakes made then will be very difficult to put right later.

» plantar la semilla de la discordiaplant + the seed(s) of discord .

Example: But the plot was to plant the seed of discord so that the Igbo cannot speak with one voice.

plantar3 = plonk. 

Example: Parents often find it convenient to plonk children in front of the TV and go about performing their daily chores = Parents often find it convenient to plonk children in front of the TV and go about performing their daily chores.


» plantar cara astand up toconfrontface up tomeet + Nombre + head-onface [En la voz pasiva va seguido de la preposición (with)]square off againstchallenge .

Example: In their role as mediator between the scholar and the information system, academic librarians should stand up to, and challenge the censorship and suppression that takes place during academic controversy.

Example: Resource sharing in libraries may be a way of confronting the impact of rising prices dictated by a few large publishing corporations.

Example: Together we need to face up to the challenges of the Information Age.

Example: While we lament the changed environment in which we live, we must not permit inertia and rigidity to prohibit us from meeting head on the demands it makes on us.

Example: Hungary faces far-reaching socio-economic transformation which will inevitably affect libraries as well.

Example: Halfway through the demonstration, mounted police squared off against protesters in a parking lot, but ultimately activists agreed to take a different path.

Example: The only difference is the cataloger doesn't have to sit down and challenge himself, select one entry over the other, and say that this person is more responsible than another person for the work.

» plantar con un golpe secoplunk + Nombre + down .

Example: On impulse, she poured a second glass and plunked it down on the countertop next to the man.

» plantar explosivosplant + explosives .

Example: Terrorists have been known to use the underside of vehicles to plant explosives and for smuggling objects across security checkpoints.

» plantarsebaulk at [balk at]plant + Reflexivoput + Posesivo + foot down .

Example: Bloomington has a well-used circulating periodicals collection and library users responded enthusiastically to InfoTrac2, although staff baulked at the $2,500 annual cost.

Example: Kevin had been trying to take his own life when she planted herself between him and the weapon he was threatening against his neck.

Example: Native speakers of English use idioms such as 'put your foot down' and 'spill the beans' to label events that are not described literally by the words that make up the idioms.

» plantarse cara a caraface off .

Example: The two faced off, ready to battle to the death and when they engaged, the entire world shook with their might.

» plantar una bombaplant + a bomb .

Example: He explains that in the film, a crime syndicate plants a car bomb that kills the protagonist's wife.

» plantar una tiendapitch + a tent [De campaña o similar] .

Example: He lived in a tent pitched on the central reservation of the Wolverhampton ring road for over 30 years.

Planta synonyms

set in spanish: conjunto, pronunciation: set part of speech: verb, noun establish in spanish: establecer, pronunciation: ɪstæblɪʃ part of speech: verb constitute in spanish: constituir, pronunciation: kɑnstətut part of speech: verb institute in spanish: instituto, pronunciation: ɪnstətut part of speech: noun embed in spanish: empotrar, pronunciation: ɪmbed part of speech: verb works in spanish: trabajos, pronunciation: wɜrks part of speech: noun found in spanish: encontró, pronunciation: faʊnd part of speech: verb flora in spanish: flora, pronunciation: flɔrə part of speech: noun implant in spanish: implante, pronunciation: ɪmplænt part of speech: noun imbed in spanish: tomar a, pronunciation: ɪmbed part of speech: verb engraft in spanish: poner en otro sitio, pronunciation: ɪngræft part of speech: verb plant life in spanish: vida vegetal, pronunciation: plæntlaɪf part of speech: noun industrial plant in spanish: planta industrial, pronunciation: ɪndʌstriəlplænt part of speech: noun
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