Planificación in english


pronunciation: plænɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

planificación = planning ; business plan ; scheduling ; drawing board ; orchestration. 

Example: This planning phase involves moving from a vague impression that a thesaurus might be useful to a fairly precise profile for the thesaurus.Example: Orchestrated technological implementation must be a part of every library's business plan.Example: Closed doors should be flung open and scheduling changed to allow systematic examination of professional and organisational questions.Example: The article 'Bibliographic records enhancement: from the drawing board to the catalog screen' discusses some issues related to the creation of enhanced records and their display in on-line catalogues.Example: More alarming in this context is the orchestration of a major new wave of terror killings and bombings by the mysterious and suspiciously well-armed Boko Haram.


» centro de planificación familiarfamily planning clinicplanned parenthood centre .

Example: The idea has been suggested to set up multipurpose community centres where services like a grocer, a chemist, a doctor's surgery, a family planning clinic, and a bank, could all be located.

Example: Modern family health care is provided by hospitals, maternity clinics, & planned parenthood centers in urban areas.

» comité de planificaciónplanning committee .

Example: This article presents an interview with Rod Henshaw and Marcia Deddens, co-chairs of the conference program planning committee, who offer their perspectives on the planning process.

» estrategia de planificaciónplanning strategy .

Example: Since multiple choice exams are common in courses which cover a lot of factual information, the most important planning strategy is to stay on top of your coursework.

» etapa de planificaciónplanning stage .

Example: The planning stage included a market survey of library furniture manufacturers.

» metodología de planificaciónplanning methodology .

Example: The planning methodology is discussed and evaluated.

» planificación alternativacontingency planning .

Example: There is however a growing awareness among companies of the need for business protection ie disaster recovery, contingency planning, database recovery and access control.

» planificación anticipadaforeplanning  .

Example: There's been no foreplanning -- they have no foreknowledge of this -- but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.

» planificación bibliotecarialibrary planning .

Example: Since then library planning has developed along lines best suited to British practise and needs.

» planificación comunitariacommunity planning .

Example: The schools of dentistry, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, social work and community planning are served by a centralised library.

» planificación contra desastresdisaster planningdisaster preparedness plandisaster preparedness planning .

Example: Document restoration is a single component of a wider approach to disaster planning.

Example: As systems become more complex and expensive, it will be critical that every library should have a written disaster preparedness plan to preserve the library's collections.

Example: The following issues included in the survey are discussed: Collection care and bindery issues; special collections preservation; and disaster preparedness planning.

» planificación contra emergenciasdisaster planningdisaster preparedness plandisaster preparedness planning .

Example: Document restoration is a single component of a wider approach to disaster planning.

Example: As systems become more complex and expensive, it will be critical that every library should have a written disaster preparedness plan to preserve the library's collections.

Example: The following issues included in the survey are discussed: Collection care and bindery issues; special collections preservation; and disaster preparedness planning.

» planificación contra siniestrosdisaster planningdisaster preparedness plandisaster preparedness planning .

Example: Document restoration is a single component of a wider approach to disaster planning.

Example: As systems become more complex and expensive, it will be critical that every library should have a written disaster preparedness plan to preserve the library's collections.

Example: The following issues included in the survey are discussed: Collection care and bindery issues; special collections preservation; and disaster preparedness planning.

» planificación de contingenciacontingency planning .

Example: There is however a growing awareness among companies of the need for business protection ie disaster recovery, contingency planning, database recovery and access control.

» planificación de emergenciadisaster recovery planning .

Example: Ideas from disaster recovery planning should be applied to information systems.

» planificación del diseñodesign planning .

Example: Careful design planning, balancing form and textural contrast can provide instant gratification and transform nature into art.

» planificación de recuperación tras una catástrofedisaster recovery planning .

Example: Ideas from disaster recovery planning should be applied to information systems.

» planificación económicafinancial planning .

Example: Dedicating time to financial planning can help you protect the assets you have now and increase your wealth in the future.

» planificación estratégicastrategic planning .

Example: Some human service organizations are more innovative in their use of computers than other, particularly in the area of strategic planning.

» planificación familiarfamily planningplanned parenthood .

Example: Incredibly, for instance, there are still no direct and specific LC headings for family planning (which is not synonymous with Birth control), COUNTER-CULTURE, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, RHYTHM AND BLUES MUSIC, REGGAE MUSIC, FOOD CO-OPS, or MEN'S LIBERATION.

Example: Planned parenthood has become very important, as economic & social conditions cannot be improved in most societies without first controlling population growth.

» planificación para el futurofuture proofing .

Example: The article 'Is IT getting too clever for its own good?' considers future proofing in information technology.

» planificación previaforeplanning  .

Example: There's been no foreplanning -- they have no foreknowledge of this -- but I would like to invite Mr. Freedman to comment on what he is doing to begin to accommodate those unmet needs, particularly public library needs.

» planificación sensible al génerogender planning [Planificación que tiene en cuenta las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres] .

Example: The main problems associated with the exclusion of men from gender planning at institutional levels are outlined.

» planificación urbanísticaurban designcity planningurban planningtown planning .

Example: Their aim is to create public awareness about the importance of urban design and its impact on the quality of life, environment, and economi investment.

Example: City planning is a body of techniques and theories for co-ordinative decision-making which tries to distribute the community's resources in a manner which will best achieve the community's specific goals, whatever they may be = El urbanismo es un conjunto de técnicas y teorías para la toma coordinada de decisiones que intenta distribuir los recursos de la comunidad de tal forma que se consigan mejor los objetivos específicos de ésta, sean cuales sean.

Example: Largely due to the absence of urban planning strategies population growth tends to result in large conurbations and urban sprawl.

Example: Thus entries about, say, town planning are not filed under the term 'town planning', but under the notation for this subject, 711.4.

» reorganizar la planificaciónrefocus + planning .

Example: The Connecticut Library Association (CLA) needs to refocus effort and long-range planning for the 90s.

» sistema de presupuestación mediante planificación y programaciónplanning programming budgeting system (PPBS) .

Example: The steps important in a planning programming budgeting system (PPBS) are: identifying the objectives of the library; presenting alternative ways to achieve those objectives; identifying the activities that are necessary for each program; and evaluating the result so that corrective actions can be taken.

» volver a la etapa de planificaciónreturn to + the drawing boardsback to the drawing board .

Example: In the light of this situation, it becomes necessary for librarians to return to the drawing boards to revise public policy statements.

Example: If a proposal for a new regulation or directive raises important questions about the national interest then it can be sent back to the drawing board or vetoed outright.

Planificación synonyms

provision in spanish: provisión, pronunciation: prəvɪʒən part of speech: noun preparation in spanish: preparación, pronunciation: prepɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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