Planetario in english


pronunciation: plænəteri part of speech: adjective
In gestures

planetario1 = planetarium. 

Example: The museum's planetarium offers stimulating and brilliantly presented programmes.

planetario2 = planetary. 

Example: This paper discusses the storage and retrieval of planetary photographic images by video disk technology.


» ciencias planetarias, lasplanetary sciences, the [Generalmente usado con el artículo] .

Example: This database provides full text access to a variety of publications in astronomy, astrophysics, the planetary sciences, solar physics, instrumentation, physics, and geophysics.

» exploración planetariaplanetary exploration .

Example: They maintained that the space station was not designed to be a way station to other worlds, a launching pad for planetary exploration, or a stepping stone to anywhere.

Planetario synonyms

world in spanish: mundo, pronunciation: wɜrld part of speech: noun global in spanish: global, pronunciation: gloʊbəl part of speech: adjective international in spanish: internacional, pronunciation: ɪntɜrnæʃənəl part of speech: adjective, noun erratic in spanish: errático, pronunciation: ɪrætɪk part of speech: adjective terrestrial in spanish: terrestre, pronunciation: tɜrestriəl part of speech: adjective worldwide in spanish: en todo el mundo, pronunciation: wɜrldwaɪd part of speech: adjective wandering in spanish: errante, pronunciation: wɑndɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun, adjective unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective planetal in spanish: planetario, pronunciation: plænətəl part of speech: adjective
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