Planeta in english


pronunciation: plænət part of speech: noun
In gestures

planeta = planet. 

Example: This implies that every field of knowledge should be available to everyone everywhere on the planet.


» calentamiento del planetaglobal warming .

Example: Earth Sciences experts are trying to convince world decision makers of the dangers of climate changes such as global warming.

» de todo el planetaacross the planet .

Example: The World Wide Web has expanded from a text-only technical documentation system to a multimedia information base distributed across the planet.

» enfriamiento del planetaglobal cooling .

Example: Those who pay attention to history are sharply aware of the link between historic famines, global cooling, vulcanism, and earthquakes.

» en todo el planetaacross the planetplanet-wide .

Example: The World Wide Web has expanded from a text-only technical documentation system to a multimedia information base distributed across the planet.

Example: If the ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said.

» Planeta de los SimiosPlanet of the Apes .

Example: When I asked for an example she said, 'Planet of the Apes'.

» planeta rojo, elRed Planet, the [Apelativo usado para referirse al planeta Marte] .

Example: The gullies carved into Martian impact craters suggests the Red Planet has undergone several ice ages in the last several million years.

» planetas + alinearseplanets + align .

Example: The last time 4 planets aligned was in 2002 and the next occurrence will happen in 2040.

» planeta Tierra, elPlanet Earth .

Example: During Jesus' ministry on Planet Earth, one of the miracles that authenticated him as the true Messiah was the raising of the dead.

» por todo el planetaacross the planetplanet-wide .

Example: The World Wide Web has expanded from a text-only technical documentation system to a multimedia information base distributed across the planet.

Example: If the ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said.

Planeta synonyms

satellite in spanish: satélite, pronunciation: sætəlaɪt part of speech: noun, adjective
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