Planchar in english


pronunciation: aɪɜrn part of speech: noun
In gestures

planchar = iron ; press ; do + the ironing. 

Example: The housewife cleaning her house, shopping, cooking meals, rearing her children and washing and ironing is undoubtedly working just as much as is her husband on the car assembly line or in the insurance office.Example: The books were then collated to ensure that each was made up correctly, and they were finally folded in half, pressed, and baled up for delivery or storage = The books were then collated to ensure that each was made up correctly, and they were finally folded in half, pressed, and baled up for delivery or storage.Example: Share the load with your partner and take it in turns week by week to do the ironing.


» planchar la orejabunk down .

Example: The main focus of the camp is to allow dogs to socialize, exercise and have a comfy place to bunk down at night.

» planchar una camisairon + a shirt .

Example: The fact is a lot of grown men don't know how to iron a shirt.

» tabla de plancharironing board .

Example: Using collapsible ironing boards can be inconvenient because they must be retrieved from storage before unfolding.

» tabla de planchar pantalonestrousers press .

Example: Rooms are functional and clean and equipped with television, video, hair dryer, trousers press, writing desk, and dresser.

Planchar synonyms

chain in spanish: cadena, pronunciation: tʃeɪn part of speech: noun robust in spanish: robusto, pronunciation: roʊbʌst part of speech: adjective fe in spanish: fe, pronunciation: feɪ part of speech: noun irons in spanish: hierros, pronunciation: aɪɜrnz part of speech: noun chains in spanish: cadenas, pronunciation: tʃeɪnz part of speech: noun cast-iron in spanish: hierro fundido, pronunciation: kæstaɪrɑn part of speech: adjective iron out in spanish: allanar, pronunciation: aɪɜrnaʊt part of speech: verb branding iron in spanish: hierro de marcar, pronunciation: brændɪŋaɪɜrn part of speech: noun atomic number 26 in spanish: número atómico 26, pronunciation: ətɑmɪknəmbɜr part of speech: noun smoothing iron in spanish: plancha, pronunciation: smuðɪŋaɪɜrn part of speech: noun
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