Plana in english


pronunciation: flæt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

plana1 = page. 

Example: A book index is an alphabetically arranged list of words or terms leading the reader to the numbers of pages on which specific topics are considered, or on which specific names appear.


» corregir la planafind + fault with .

Example: I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.

» enmendar la planafind + fault with .

Example: I will add that since I have been working with the access LC provides to materials on women, a basic fault that I have found with LC subject cataloging is the absence of specificity.

» noticia de primera planaheadline newstop storyfront-page news .

Example: It's interesting that the headline news in Germany is all about the Bishop who has been suspended by the Pope for misuse of Church funds.

Example: Here's a monthly recap of some of the year's top stories.

Example: In December 1926, Agatha Christie became front-page news when she vanished in bizarre circumstances from her home.

» plana mayor, latop brass, the .

Example: Women account for just about 14 per cent of the top brass at companies in India, as against 21 per cent across the world.

» titular a toda planaheadline banner .

Example: Yesterday's report on March retail sales was greeted with banner headlines proclaiming the comeback of the consumer.

plana2 = rectangular trowel. 

Example: Then take your rectangular trowel and drag it over the surface with enough pressure to make the surface as smooth as possible.

plano1 = plan ; floor plan ; ground plan. 

Example: A plan is a drawing showing relative positions on a horizontal plane, e.g., relative positions of part of a building, a landscape design, the arrangement of furniture in a room or building, etc.Example: The winning entry in the competition to produce a design for the main library building is described and a floor plan of the building is presented.Example: The very ground plan was innovative: there were almost no corridors, with the rooms instead being laid out around the largest room, the living room.


» alzado de planossurvey .

Example: Her invention consists of is a miniature, unmanned, auto-controlled airship which can be used for aerial work such as film and photography, surveillance and survey work.

» levantamiento de planossurvey .

Example: Her invention consists of is a miniature, unmanned, auto-controlled airship which can be used for aerial work such as film and photography, surveillance and survey work.

» plano de la ciudadstreet plancity map .

Example: Large-scale maps and street plans of the locality and surrounding areas may be consulted, as may current traders' lists and catalogues.

Example: The data were collected by means of city maps and verified through aerial photography.

» plano de la planta bajaground plan .

Example: The very ground plan was innovative: there were almost no corridors, with the rooms instead being laid out around the largest room, the living room.

» plano del metrosubway map .

Example: The MetaMap is a pedagogical tool in the form of a subway map, the goal of which is to help people understand metadata standards, sets, and initiatives related to information studies.

plano2 = plane. 

Example: At this stage the indexer is working in the verbal plane of classification.


» actuar en segundo planolurk in + the wings .

Example: Prince Hal has proved his courage, but the conniving Falstaff and his companions lurk in the wings, waiting for Hal to ascend the throne.

» dejar en segundo planoovershadow .

Example: And when the maintenance of structure is permitted to overshadow the functional performance of the institution, it will move toward extinction.

» en un segundo planoin the background .

Example: He should stand a little in the background, like the press secretary when the President is holding a press conference with the Washington correspondents.

» pasar al primer planotake + centre stagetake + the stage .

Example: Two major and apparently contradictory themes have emerged and taken centre stage in the management literature in the last several years.

Example: Popular involvement in justice was integral from the beginning and never lost, even as, over time, legal professionalism grew and developed and lawyers and judges took the stage.

» plano conceptualidea plane .

Example: At this stage the indexer is working in the idea plane of classification.

» plano notacionalnotational plane .

Example: At this final stage the indexer is working in the notational plane of classification.

» plano verbalverbal plane .

Example: At this stage the indexer is working in the verbal plane of classification.

» poner en primer planoforeground .

Example: His survey of how such poetry has been edited in recent years, however, shows that a single edition is still foregrounded while other editions are only obliquely indicated via footnotes.

» primera planafront page [front-page] .

Example: The author explores the shift from Victorian to modern front page design in US newspapers.

» primer planoclose upforegroundlimelightcentre stageforefront  .

Example: People are more used to going up for a closer look at an interesting feature on an object rather than selecting a close up photograph from some high-tech display unit.

Example: Apple's Mouse is currently restricted to the Lisa microcomputer: it can be seen clearly in the foreground of Fig.9.4.

Example: An enquirer upstaged by a virtuoso parade of knowledge may be unwilling to venture into the limelight again.

Example: The European Community's highly visible campaign to establish a unified economy by the end of 1992 has brought the EC to the centre stage of world affairs.

Example: The issue of refereeing football matches is never far from the forefront of public debate of the modern game.

» quedar en segundo planocome in + a poor second .

Example: If the library is not to come in a poor second to such 'basic' or 'essential' services as police and garbage collection, the library's services must also be regarded as 'essential'.

» relegado a un segundo planoon the back burner [También se usa on a back burner]back burner .

Example: Although the prospect of compulsory competitive tendering in libraries is on the back burner it has put acquisitions firmly in the limelight.

Example: Assistive technology will continue to be a back burner issue in most libraries.

» relegar a un segundo planotake + second placeput + Nombre + on the back burner .

Example: He considered his first job as that of healer; the writer and teacher took second place.

Example: She put her education on the back burner for several years so that her husband could get his first.

» relegarse a un segundo planotake + a back seat .

Example: Eventually, teachers should be able to 'hand the chalk over to the students' and take a back seat.

» relegar una idea a un segundo planoput + an idea on the back burner .

Example: My girlfriend and I looked at rings together about a year ago, then put the idea on the back burner because of money issues.

plano3 = flat. 

Example: The film-strip may roll sideways a little as a canister is removed if they are housed on flat shelves.


» cable planoflat wire .

Example: Placing CD-ROM equipment in a reference room poses wiring difficulties that the flexibility of carpet tiles and flat wire installation should alleviate.

» de pechos planosflat-chested .

Example: She was teased for being flat-chested as a teen and now she wants her bullies to be green with envy at how good she looks.

» de pies planosflat-footed .

Example: Army studies have found that recruits with the highest arches have the most lower-limb injuries and that flat-footed recruits have the least.

» destonillador de cabeza planaflat-head screwdriver .

Example: This can be done by prying it out with a razor blade or small flathead screwdriver.

» encefalograma planobrain dead .

Example: Patients classified as brain-dead can have their organs surgically removed for organ donation.

» pantalla de televisión planaflat television screenflat TV screen .

Example: Flat television screens come with pre-drilled holes on the flip side.

Example: Flat TV screens come with pre-drilled holes on the back.

» pantalla planaflat screen [flatscreen] .

Example: The author mentions scanners, image storage and flat screens but focuses particularly on the proliferation of digital cameras.

» pez planoflatfish .

Example: With dabs and most of the flatfish, the bone structure makes filleting a doddle because you can lay the knife against the central skeleton to take off the fillets.

» pies planosflat feet .

Example: Flat feet is a condition in which the foot doesn't have a normal arch and it may affect one foot or both feet.

» tarifa planaflat fee .

Example: Dialog has published plans for calculating flat fee annual subscriptions = Dialog ha publicado planes para calcular las suscripciones anuales con tarifa plana.

» tarifa plana de viajesunlimited travel .

Example: This ticket costs 5 pounds for unlimited travel on local city buses for a week.

» teja planashingle [Trozos de material duro y resistente, como pizarra, madera, etc. cortado en dimensiones generalmente pequeñas y utilizado para cubrir los tejados solapándose entre sí] .

Example: Urban dwelling types are appearing in the rural environment; wood is replaced by brick and cement and thatch and shingle roofs are replaced by sheet iron.

» televisión de pantalla de plasmaplasma screen TV .

Example: It's a move that may eliminate plasma screen TVs from the market, as they're less efficient than LCDs.

» televisión de pantalla planaflat-screen televisionflat-screen TV .

Example: There are several types of flat-screen televisions some of them display an image using projection and other TVs display images using plasma.

Example: The gas, widely used in the manufacture of flat screen TVs, is estimated to be 17000 times as powerful as carbon dioxide.

» televisión planaflat televisionflat TV .

Example: Flat televisions have never been priced so low.

Example: Lower pricing is only one factor driving consumers toward flat TVs.

plañir = wail ; mourn ; bemourn. 

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.Example: I shall neither cheer nor mourn its passing from the current agenda because to do so would be to demonstrate a partisanship that was not presidential.Example: Nepal still bemourns the tragic death of their king.

Plana synonyms

level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun plane in spanish: avión, pronunciation: pleɪn part of speech: noun vapid in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: væpɪd part of speech: adjective even in spanish: incluso, pronunciation: ivɪn part of speech: adverb dull in spanish: aburrido, pronunciation: dʌl part of speech: adjective straight in spanish: Derecho, pronunciation: streɪt part of speech: adverb, adjective insipid in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: ɪnsɪpəd part of speech: adjective mat in spanish: estera, pronunciation: mæt part of speech: noun bland in spanish: amable, pronunciation: blænd part of speech: adjective thin in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective prostrate in spanish: postrado, pronunciation: prɑstreɪt part of speech: adjective, verb matte in spanish: mate, pronunciation: mæt part of speech: noun apartment in spanish: apartamento, pronunciation: əpɑrtmənt part of speech: noun fixed in spanish: fijo, pronunciation: fɪkst part of speech: adjective matt in spanish: mate, pronunciation: mæt part of speech: noun planar in spanish: planar, pronunciation: pleɪnɜr part of speech: adjective horizontal in spanish: horizontal, pronunciation: hɔrəzɑntəl part of speech: adjective directly in spanish: directamente, pronunciation: dɜrektli part of speech: adverb categorical in spanish: categórico, pronunciation: kætəgɑrɪkəl part of speech: adjective regressive in spanish: regresivo, pronunciation: rəgresɪv part of speech: adjective unconditional in spanish: incondicional, pronunciation: ənkəndɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective matted in spanish: enmarañado, pronunciation: mætɪd part of speech: adjective unqualified in spanish: incondicional, pronunciation: ənkwɑlɪfaɪd part of speech: adjective tasteless in spanish: insípido, pronunciation: teɪstləs part of speech: adjective compressed in spanish: comprimido, pronunciation: kəmprest part of speech: adjective multidimensional in spanish: multidimensional, pronunciation: məltɪdɪmenʃənəl part of speech: adjective deflated in spanish: desinflado, pronunciation: dɪfleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective underdeveloped in spanish: subdesarrollado, pronunciation: əndɜrdɪveləpt part of speech: adjective unleavened in spanish: ázimo, pronunciation: ənlivənd part of speech: adjective categoric in spanish: categórico, pronunciation: kætəgɔrɪk part of speech: adjective flatcar in spanish: carro plano, pronunciation: flætkɑr part of speech: noun flavorless in spanish: soso, pronunciation: fleɪvɜrles part of speech: adjective unexciting in spanish: poco interesante, pronunciation: ənɪksaɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective two-dimensional in spanish: bidimensional, pronunciation: tudɪmenʃənəl part of speech: adjective unfolded in spanish: desplegado, pronunciation: ənfoʊldəd part of speech: adjective flat tire in spanish: Neumático desinflado, pronunciation: flættaɪɜr part of speech: noun savorless in spanish: soso, pronunciation: səvɔrləs part of speech: adjective flavourless in spanish: soso, pronunciation: fləvɜrləs part of speech: adjective unshaded in spanish: sin sombra, pronunciation: ənʃeɪdɪd part of speech: adjective noneffervescent in spanish: no efervescente, pronunciation: nɑnɪfɜrvesənt part of speech: adjective unerect in spanish: desvincular, pronunciation: ʌnɜrekt part of speech: adjective unraised in spanish: sin educar, pronunciation: ənreɪzd part of speech: adjective unstimulating in spanish: no estimulante, pronunciation: ənstɪmjəleɪtɪŋ part of speech: adjective unpleated in spanish: sin plegar, pronunciation: ənplitəd part of speech: adjective
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