Plan in english


pronunciation: plæn part of speech: noun
In gestures

plan1 = agenda ; arrangement ; framework ; plan ; scheme. 

Example: The session on library and information services to people with disabilities addressed on agenda developed out of the feedback from various regional groups.Example: This arrangement is faster than waiting until documents are ordered.Example: The intention is to establish a general framework, and then to give exceptions or further explanation and examples for each area in turn.Example: Plans were made to issue a concise version of AACR1, but these plans never came to fruition.Example: There are forty-six centres in twenty-five countries participating in the scheme.


» aguarle los planesput + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheelscupper + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plans .

Example: Again, she too could be just as corrupt as the others, but I have a sneaky feeling that she cheesed someone off, and they decided to put a spoke in her wheel.

Example: She decided to take an early maternity leave to begin writing her novel but, on the night of her leaving party, her waters broke, scuppering her plans.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» amañar un planconcoct + a plan .

Example: A tourist concocted a novel plan to get back home from his holiday in Malta after he ran out of money -- but it backfired.

» arruinar los planes de Alguienspike + Posesivo + guns .

Example: As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.

» arruinar + Posesivo + planesshut + the door on .

Example: After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.

» chafarle los planesruin + Posesivo + plans .

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» chafar los planesupset + the applecart .

Example: It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.

» chafar + Posesivo + planesupset + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plansspoil + Posesivo + plansshut + the door on .

Example: The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.

Example: She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.

Example: She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.

Example: After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.

» concebir un plandevise + a plancraft + a planhatch + a plan .

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

Example: It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.

» con planes ocultosagenda-laden .

Example: While some sites are strictly parody intended or product-promoting, some intentionally lure the unsuspecting into information provided by hate groups or other agenda-laden organisations.

» dar al traste con los planesupset + the applecart .

Example: It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.

» dar al traste con + Posesivo + planesupset + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plansspoil + Posesivo + plansshut + the door on .

Example: The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.

Example: She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.

Example: She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.

Example: After a quick turn of events, Michigan defense shut the door on Ohio State in the final seconds.

» de acuerdo con + Posesivo + plan(es)according to + Posesivo + plan(s) .

Example: And, he plans to get rid of the Senate, all but a few, who will remain, according to his plans.

» de plan abiertoopen-planopen-planned .

Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.

Example: In an open-planned building designed flexibly to cater for adaptations, the librarian is not inhibited for making changes or instituting experiments.

» desarrollar un plan de trabajodevelop + an agenda .

Example: We are terrific at convening meetings, outlining problems, developing agendas and saying, 'Here's what needs to be done'.

» desarrollo del plan de estudioscurriculum development .

Example: Recent developments in education: including community education; localisation; and curriculum development, are reported.

» desbaratar los planesupset + the applecart .

Example: It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.

» desbaratar + Posesivo + planesupset + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plansspoil + Posesivo + plans .

Example: The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.

Example: She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.

Example: She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.

» diseñar un plandraw up + a plan .

Example: A manager will establish aims and objectives for the library service, and will draw up plans for their implementation.

» diseño de planes de estudioscurriculum design .

Example: The 3 steps of curriculum design are planning, implementation and evaluation.

» echar por tierra los planes de Alguienspike + Posesivo + guns .

Example: As Richman goes to tedious lengths to build a damning portrait of the obnoxious reporter, Chas delves into Laurenge's past, trying to find some way of spiking his guns.

» echar + Posesivo + planes a perderupset + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plansspoil + Posesivo + plans .

Example: The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.

Example: She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.

Example: She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.

» edificio construido según un plan cúbicodeep building .

Example: The diagram above compares deep and linear buildings to demonstrate the difference in travel distance.

» elaborar un planformulate + a plandraw up + a planthink out + a planthink out + a plandevise + a planwork out + a plancraft + a planhatch + a plan .

Example: This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.

Example: A manager will establish aims and objectives for the library service, and will draw up plans for their implementation.

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.

Example: At this the Queen wept and wailed; but being a clever woman she thought out a plan whereby to save her son.

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

Example: Now you have the opportunity to work out a plan to pay off your debt to the lender within the next three to five years.

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

Example: It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.

» elaborar un plan de trabajodevelop + an agenda .

Example: We are terrific at convening meetings, outlining problems, developing agendas and saying, 'Here's what needs to be done'.

» encontrar un plancome up with + a plan .

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

» estropearle los planesput + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheelscupper + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plans .

Example: Again, she too could be just as corrupt as the others, but I have a sneaky feeling that she cheesed someone off, and they decided to put a spoke in her wheel.

Example: She decided to take an early maternity leave to begin writing her novel but, on the night of her leaving party, her waters broke, scuppering her plans.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» estropear los planesupset + the applecartrain on + Posesivo + parade .

Example: It looks like the Board didn't want to upset the applecart and took the easy way out.

Example: She was looking forward to going camping but her mum rained on her parade when she told her she couldn't go = A ella le hacía ilusión ir de camping, pero su madre le aguó la fiesta cuando le dijo que no podía ir.

» estropear + Posesivo + planesupset + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plansspoil + Posesivo + plans .

Example: The trouble for all the imperialist scoundrels is that working people keep upsetting their plans.

Example: She has filed a lawsuit against the actor and his business manager for allegedly ruining her plans to sell her house.

Example: She agreed but threatened that the deal was off as long as there was still a witness who could spoil her plans.

» fastidiarle los planesput + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheelscupper + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plans .

Example: Again, she too could be just as corrupt as the others, but I have a sneaky feeling that she cheesed someone off, and they decided to put a spoke in her wheel.

Example: She decided to take an early maternity leave to begin writing her novel but, on the night of her leaving party, her waters broke, scuppering her plans.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» formular un planformulate + a plan .

Example: This article focusses attention on formulating plans and policy for building up a manpower force for modernising library and information systems India within the next 5 years.

» fraguar un planhatch + a plandevise + a plancraft + a planconcoct + a plan .

Example: It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

Example: A tourist concocted a novel plan to get back home from his holiday in Malta after he ran out of money -- but it backfired.

» hacer planesmake + plans .

Example: Subject access plays an important part when plans are made for an on-line public access catalogue (OPAC).

» hacer planes (de)plan .

Example: An expansion of this edition which will serve school librarians throughout the English-speaking world is planned.

» hacer un plandraw up + a planfigure out + a plan .

Example: A manager will establish aims and objectives for the library service, and will draw up plans for their implementation.

Example: Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.

» hacer un plan de emergenciaproduce + a contingency plan .

Example: This author asserts that a contingency plan should be produced in the library to meet disasters.

» idear un plandevise + a planwork out + a plancraft + a planhatch + a plan .

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

Example: Now you have the opportunity to work out a plan to pay off your debt to the lender within the next three to five years.

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

Example: It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.

» joderle los planesput + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheelscupper + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plans .

Example: Again, she too could be just as corrupt as the others, but I have a sneaky feeling that she cheesed someone off, and they decided to put a spoke in her wheel.

Example: She decided to take an early maternity leave to begin writing her novel but, on the night of her leaving party, her waters broke, scuppering her plans.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» jorobarle los planesput + a spoke in + Posesivo + wheelscupper + Posesivo + plansruin + Posesivo + plans .

Example: Again, she too could be just as corrupt as the others, but I have a sneaky feeling that she cheesed someone off, and they decided to put a spoke in her wheel.

Example: She decided to take an early maternity leave to begin writing her novel but, on the night of her leaving party, her waters broke, scuppering her plans.

Example: She is very angry that a civil lawsuit filed against her has ruined her plans of leaving in August, when her probation ends.

» maquinar un planconcoct + a plan .

Example: A tourist concocted a novel plan to get back home from his holiday in Malta after he ran out of money -- but it backfired.

» ocrurrírsele un plancome up with + a plan .

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

» organizar un planput + a plan in place .

Example: One key to success is a principal who knows what is needed and can put a plan in place.

» persona que elabora el plan de estudiossyllabus maker .

Example: Clearly this must become part of the education of librarians, and that puts the onus on the teaching agencies and the syllabus makers.

» plan abiertoopenness  ; open plan .

Example: The open-plan flexible library can be enonomical since overseeing is facilitated by the openness rather than be dividing the building into rooms or halls, thereby requiring less staff.

Example: Universities seem to have ignored some of the new approaches adopted by the modern corporate world where the emphasis is on downsizing, flexibility, open plan, hot desking and plug and go = Las universidades parecen haber ignorado algunos de los nuevos métodos adoptados por el mundo empresarial moderno donde se hace hincapié en la reducción de plantilla, la flexibilidad, el diseño abierto, el uso compartido de mesas de trabajo y el 'plug and play'.

» plan a largo plazolong-term plan .

Example: Despite the present financial straits of developing countries, she argues in favour of long-term plan for the acquisition of relevant rare book material.

» plan alternativocontingency plan .

Example: This author asserts that a contingency plan should be produced in the library to meet disasters.

» plan blancowhite bread .

Example: The author, a dietitian, distinguishes fact from fiction with statements regarding a variety of foods -- potatoes, honey, carrots, lemon and grapefruit juices, white bread, garlic, red meat and oranges.

» plan de actuaciónaction planbusiness planplan of actionaction statementroad map [roadmap]plan for actionresponse plan [Referido especialmente ante un siniestro]ground plan .

Example: This article outlines the background to an EC library action plan over 5 years supported by some 5 million Ecu.

Example: Orchestrated technological implementation must be a part of every library's business plan.

Example: Libraries in the UK have welcomed the plan of action for Libraries in the European Community.

Example: The revised mission lends substance and form to the process that follows: the development of goals, objectives, and action statements.

Example: The Computing Information Directory (CID) has been a road map to the computing literature since 1981.

Example: Even in casual discussions between the director and department heads ideas may come up which are suddenly translated into plans for action or procedural changes.

Example: This article describes a disaster exercise drill involving a broken ceiling and mud and water damage to books, designed to test response plans to salvage operations.

Example: This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.

» plan de adquisición de material a vistaapproval plan .

Example: Examines the advantages and disadvantages of approval plans suggesting that each library must carefully weigh them in order to determine its own best course of action.

» plan de adquisicionesacquisitions plan [Sistema que utiliza una biblioteca para comprar libros de un proveedor, como, por ejemplo, a vista] .

Example: The article 'Looks like the ball is in our court -- library support services from vendors' describes how vendors have responded to cuts in library staff by offering more services, such as book processing, cataloguing, and acquisitions plans.

» plan de choqueshock tacticsemergency planaction planplan of action .

Example: Shock tactics are sometimes necessary in order to expose injustice and kick-start the process of reform.

Example: Above all there should be an emergency plan, in writing, and known to all staff.

Example: This article outlines the background to an EC library action plan over 5 years supported by some 5 million Ecu.

Example: Libraries in the UK have welcomed the plan of action for Libraries in the European Community.

» plan de cómo disponer de (algo)disposition instruction .

Example: The National Archives must cooperate with agencies involved in federal geoscience to communicate clear records disposition instructions to present-day federal geoscientists.

» plan de cómo disponer de Algodisposition instruction .

Example: The National Archives must cooperate with agencies involved in federal geoscience to communicate clear records disposition instructions to present-day federal geoscientists.

» plan de comprapurchase plan .

Example: This guide to punch press selection examines the advantages/disadvantages of available machine designs and stresses how workpiece size and shape is critical to every purchase plan.

» plan de conservaciónconservation plan .

Example: Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.

» plan de contingenciacontingency plan .

Example: This author asserts that a contingency plan should be produced in the library to meet disasters.

» plan de disposicióndisposition plan .

Example: Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.

» plan de emergenciadisaster planemergency plandisaster recovery planbackup plansafety netdisaster recovery .

Example: This article describes how the library developed a strategic disaster plan, staff training and implementation, and the role of debriefing following incidents.

Example: Above all there should be an emergency plan, in writing, and known to all staff.

Example: The author suggests a plan for developing and implementing a disaster recovery plan for business information systems.

Example: It was then found that the backup plan could not be implemented without costly and lengthy modification of the wiring system in the building.

Example: Some people may require 'safety nets' or private and public forms of social insurance that contribute to subsistence in times of need.

Example: There is however a growing awareness among companies of the need for business protection ie disaster recovery, contingency planning, database recovery and access control.

» plan de estudioscurriculum [curricula, -pl.]syllabus [syllabi/syllabuses, -pl.]school curriculumstudy plan .

Example: For example, language and literature go hand-in-hand in the school curriculum but Dewey separates the two.

Example: Examine a few syllabuses for basic courses in geography.

Example: For example, language and literature go hand-in-hand in the school curriculum but Dewey separates the two.

Example: Professional and other institutions have been asked for their opinions on the study plan for these courses.

» plan de expurgoweeding policyweeding project .

Example: The library could develop a weeding policy that will enable it to remove from the shelves those materials that have remained unused or little used for 25 years or more.

Example: This article presents the results of a stock weeding project at Newcastle University Library in 1973.

» Plan de Información y BibliotecasLibrary and Information Plan (LIP) .

Example: Library and Information Plans (LIP) are 5-year management plans for information provision in a circumscribed region.

» plan de jubilaciónpension planretirement plansuperannuation schemesuperannuation fundpension fund .

Example: The personnel policy should make provision for pension plans, income continuation insurance, workers's compensation coverage, vacation and other leaves.

Example: As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.

Example: When Labor returned to power in 1983, it still favoured a national superannuation scheme.

Example: Employees who are considering changing superannuation funds should be aware that some funds may charge a transaction fee.

Example: Pension funds control relatively large amounts of capital and represent the largest institutional investors in many nations.

» plan de mejoraimprovement plan .

Example: The improvement plan was written in 1993 and will continue until 1998.

» plan de ordenación urbanatown planningurban planningurban design .

Example: Thus entries about, say, town planning are not filed under the term 'town planning', but under the notation for this subject, 711.4.

Example: Largely due to the absence of urban planning strategies population growth tends to result in large conurbations and urban sprawl.

Example: Their aim is to create public awareness about the importance of urban design and its impact on the quality of life, environment, and economi investment.

» plan de pago a plazosinstalment plan .

Example: She plans to make good on her debt and said 'I've set up an installment plan to fully pay off my debt'.

» plan de pensionespension planretirement planpension schemesuperannuation schemesuperannuation fundpension fund .

Example: The personnel policy should make provision for pension plans, income continuation insurance, workers's compensation coverage, vacation and other leaves.

Example: As many teachers near their retirement years, they discover that their retirement plans are insufficient.

Example: From next year, it will start to become compulsory for all UK firms to have a pension scheme.

Example: When Labor returned to power in 1983, it still favoured a national superannuation scheme.

Example: Employees who are considering changing superannuation funds should be aware that some funds may charge a transaction fee.

Example: Pension funds control relatively large amounts of capital and represent the largest institutional investors in many nations.

» plan de recuperación tras una catástrofedisaster recoverydisaster recovery plan .

Example: There is however a growing awareness among companies of the need for business protection ie disaster recovery, contingency planning, database recovery and access control.

Example: The author suggests a plan for developing and implementing a disaster recovery plan for business information systems.

» plan de retenciónretention plan .

Example: Archives need to establish retention, conservation and disposition plans for recorded information.

» plan de seguridadbackup plan .

Example: It was then found that the backup plan could not be implemented without costly and lengthy modification of the wiring system in the building.

» plan de segurosinsurance plan .

Example: They offer a wide range of affordable insurance plans to cover your whole life and your changing needs, including your car, home and family.

» plan de sucesiónsuccession plan [Aplicado generalmente al mundo empresarial y referido al relevo del personal] .

Example: A good succession plan enables a smooth transition with less likelihood of disruption to operations.

» plan de trabajoresearch agendawork planworking planwork schedule .

Example: He proposes a research agenda that could strengthen archival appraisal and the profession's ability to document society.

Example: The scope of the collections of the eight participating libraries is discussed and a three-phase work plan outlined.

Example: The tasks undertaken by working parties include the coordination of working plans of individual library networks and the preparation of long term development plans.

Example: A part-time work schedule is one way for a working mother to manage the demands of career and family.

» plan de tratamientotreatment plan .

Example: That means every patient benefits from their own team of cancer specialists who work together to develop a customized treatment plan.

» plan dietéticodiet plan .

Example: The ab muscles are what really identify someone who is serious about their fitness and diet plan.

» planes de estudiossyllabi [Plural de syllabus] .

Example: The overriding goal of the project is to develop software that will aid university instructors in maximizing the instructional value of WWW-based course materials such as syllabi, class notes, etc..

» planes + fracasarplan + fall through .

Example: Her plans for the night fell through, none of her friends were around, and her husband was out with the guys.

» planes futurosfuture plans [Usado en plural generalmente] .

Example: The author describes the development, current state and future plans of the British Library Document Supply Centre.

» planes ocultoshidden agendaulterior motives .

Example: This paper looks at the hidden agendas and values that conflict with the concept of cheap, easy-to-get, comprehensive, accurate information.

Example: From the very beginning I have been hard on him because I didn't trust him -- sometimes biting his head off and others accusing him of having ulterior motives.

» plan estratégicostrategic planground plan .

Example: The article 'Creating an e-mail brainstorm' describes the attempts to involve all library staff at an academic library in the USA in providing ideas for a new strategic plan.

Example: This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.

» plan fundamentalground plan .

Example: This is the ground plan: give the Democrats another four years of Obama failure and the Democrat Party is cast into the wilderness for a generation.

» plan grandiosogrand design .

Example: The grand design is visible in the sweep of development from baked clay tablets to computerized typesetting.

» plan maestromaster plan .

Example: He challenged the government to demonstrate its commitment to preserving traditional custom and culture by establishing a master plan.

» plan magistralgrand design .

Example: The grand design is visible in the sweep of development from baked clay tablets to computerized typesetting.

» plan para después de la jubilaciónretirement plan [Actividades a realizar tras la jubilación] .

Example: His numerous retirement plans include using, not administering, libraries.

» plan presupuestariobudget plan .

Example: The Louisiana Legislature is edging closer toward a full meltdown that would derail not only its tax policy but also the state budget plan for next year.

» plan + prosperarplan + come through .

Example: And those rays could soon power thousands of homes if plans for a large solar power station come through.

» plan + tener éxitoplan + come through .

Example: And those rays could soon power thousands of homes if plans for a large solar power station come through.

» plan urbanísticozoning .

Example: Local communities were not prepared for the legal battles needed to protect their local zoning and land use decisions.

» proponer un plancome up with + a plan .

Example: In other words, they want us to start from scratch and come up with a plan for a full-service center, which might then be used as a model for the other regional centers.

» reforma del plan de estudioscurriculum development .

Example: Recent developments in education: including community education; localisation; and curriculum development, are reported.

» tener planes ocultospush + a hidden agenda .

Example: This week the frontline blogosphere has been picking holes in Government policy and wondering whether Ministers are reckless or are pushing a hidden agenda.

» tener un planfigure out + a plan .

Example: Tiff smiled a little superciliously intimating that he had a plan all figured out already.

» tramar un planhatch + a plandevise + a plancraft + a planconcoct + a plan .

Example: It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

Example: A tourist concocted a novel plan to get back home from his holiday in Malta after he ran out of money -- but it backfired.

» urdir un plandevise + a plancraft + a planhatch + a planconcoct + a plan .

Example: As soon as the giant moved out of earshot, they gathered desperately to devise a plan.

Example: But now, it seems the 15 months spent crafting a plan to lessen pilots' flying hours, thus reducing the dangers of pilot fatigue, are about to become a reality.

Example: It is the story of two henpecked husbands who hatch a plan to kill each other's wives.

Example: A tourist concocted a novel plan to get back home from his holiday in Malta after he ran out of money -- but it backfired.

plan2 = fling. 

Example: But the man who became famous for his flings believes celibacy is a revolutionary act to strengthen his spiritual journey.

Plan synonyms

design in spanish: diseño, pronunciation: dɪzaɪn part of speech: noun program in spanish: programa, pronunciation: proʊgræm part of speech: noun project in spanish: proyecto, pronunciation: prɑdʒekt part of speech: noun programme in spanish: programa, pronunciation: proʊgræm part of speech: noun contrive in spanish: idear, pronunciation: kəntraɪv part of speech: verb architectural plan in spanish: plan arquitectónico, pronunciation: ɑrkətektʃɜrəlplæn part of speech: noun be after in spanish: estar despues, pronunciation: biæftɜr part of speech: verb
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