Plaga in english


pronunciation: pleɪg part of speech: noun
In gestures

plaga = pest ; plague ; blight ; infestation ; pestilence ; endemic disease ; endemic illness ; scourge. 

Example: For example, a rabbit is always a mammal of a particular species and sometimes a pest, a pet, or the basis of a stew.Example: Parish registers, wills and inventories will be analysed to discover as much information as possible on the migration of population, the effect of the plague, and the incidence of illegitimacy.Example: In Ohio State we've been trying to develop for the last fifteen years a grape that will still survive the grape blight that wiped out the vineyards in southern Ohio in the 1920s.Example: Accounts were given of various recent major and smaller disasters such as extreme weather conditions, power failures, explosions, civil disruption, mould, infestations and spontaneous combustion = Accounts were given of various recent major and smaller disasters such as extreme weather conditions, power failures, explosions, civil disruption, mould, infestations and spontaneous combustion.Example: Much of what lies before our eyes today like a tongue of fire -- animal pestilences and the poisoning of our foodstuffs -- was already announced many years ago.Example: Tuberculosis, the paradigmatic endemic disease of the nineteenth century, was a social disease and a social problem.Example: Some other sources highlight the implementation of measures to control the development of endemic illnesses, particular to the 19th century, namely, dysentery, diphtheria, smallpox, tuberculosis, leprosy, & yellow fever, among others.Example: Chastity belts were once the scourge of women -- locked into mechanical devices to allow their husbands or fathers to feel secure of their virtue.


» control de plagaspest control .

Example: The article 'Nuke 'em! Library pest control' describes tests carried out to determine the effectiveness of microwaves (in the form of a domestic microwave oven) as a means of destroying insect pests in books and other library materials.

» diez plagas, lasten plagues, the [Evento descrito en la Biblia] .

Example: A brief selection of possible scientific explanations for a number of biblical miracles -- Noah's flood, the parting of the Red Sea, the burning bush, the ten plagues, manna from heaven, and the raising of Lazarus -- is provided.

» plaga de hongosfungal infestation .

Example: This paper discusses the means suggested by conservators and microbiologists to cope with the problem of fungal infestation in libraries and archives.

plagar = litter ; plague ; besiege ; infest. 

Example: There are plenty of omission failures of this sort, and they litter most of the Hennepin County Library Cataloging Bulletins.Example: Title indexes have always been plagued by the absence of terminology control.Example: Concurrently, libraries are besieged with greater demands from the academic community for access to and instruction in electronic information resources such as the Internet.Example: The wizard then cursed the underground shrine, infesting it with swarms of nasty vermin.


» el camino hacia + Nombre + está plagado de + Nombrethe road (to/towards) + Nombre + is paved with + Nombre .

Example: The road towards the electronic library is paved with challenges.

» estar plagado debe rife withbe plagued with .

Example: Educational terminology is rife with concepts that are best described with pre-coordinated terms.

Example: Contemporary library and information science discourse is plagued with tunnel vision and blind spots that seriously affect the profession's efforts to plan the library's future = La biblioteca contemporánea y el discurso de las ciencias de la información están plagados de visiones subjetivas y de puntos débiles que seriamente afectan a los esfuerzos de la profesión para planificar el futuro de la biblioteca.

» plagar de erroreslitter with + failurelitter with + error .

Example: Only as his experience grew did this young man see that what he did was littered as much, if not more, with failure as it was crowned with success of a lasting kind.

Example: Many errors in Watt's 'Bibliotheca Britannica' are repeated by Allibone -- and 'Bibliotheca Britannica' was littered with error!.

» plagar de problemasbedevil  .

Example: The article has the title 'Piracy, crooked printers, inflation bedevil Russian publishing'.

Plaga synonyms

blight in spanish: plaga, pronunciation: blaɪt part of speech: noun hassle in spanish: molestia, pronunciation: hæsəl part of speech: noun beset in spanish: acosar, pronunciation: bɪset part of speech: verb provoke in spanish: provocar, pronunciation: prəvoʊk part of speech: verb harass in spanish: acosar, pronunciation: hɜræs part of speech: verb harry in spanish: acosar, pronunciation: heri part of speech: verb pestilence in spanish: pestilencia, pronunciation: pestələns part of speech: noun molest in spanish: molestar, pronunciation: məlest part of speech: verb chevy in spanish: caza, pronunciation: tʃevi part of speech: verb chivvy in spanish: acosar, pronunciation: tʃɪvi part of speech: verb chivy in spanish: Chivy, pronunciation: tʃɪvi part of speech: verb chevvy in spanish: Chevy, pronunciation: tʃevi part of speech: verb
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